Tag: God’s Will

Why Isn’t God More Obvious?

It’s a question that people have asked for centuries: If God exists, why isn’t He more obvious? We long for unmistakable signs—something dramatic to shake us out of doubt or unbelief. But this very demand for a sign is addressed by Jesus Himself in both Mark 8:11-13 and Matthew 16:1-4. When the Pharisees approached Jesus, demanding a sign from heaven to prove who He was, His response was blunt: “No sign will be given to you except the sign of Jonah.” Essentially, Jesus was saying that if they couldn’t see what was already in front of them, no further proof would change their minds.

Why, then, does Jesus reject the Pharisees’ request for a sign, and what does that say about us today? First, we have to understand that the Pharisees weren’t looking for evidence out of an earnest desire to believe. They had already seen countless miracles—healings, exorcisms, and even resurrections—but refused to acknowledge the significance of what was happening. The request for a sign wasn’t about seeking truth; it was a way to test or trap Jesus, hoping to discredit Him. Their hearts were hardened, and even the clearest revelation wouldn’t have softened them.

Jesus’ response was not an unwillingness to demonstrate His power but rather a statement that God’s work cannot be reduced to spectacle. He had already shown them who He was through His life and ministry, and yet they remained blind. This is why the “sign of Jonah”—a reference to His future resurrection—was the ultimate sign they would receive. If they couldn’t see the truth in His words and works, not even the resurrection would open their eyes.

This speaks directly to the question of why God isn’t more obvious. In many ways, He is obvious. The beauty and order of creation, the intricacy of the human conscience, the life and death of Jesus, and the power of Scripture are all profound revelations of God. But like the Pharisees, many of us demand something more, not because we lack evidence, but because we struggle with the implications of surrendering to that evidence. The desire for a more “obvious” God often stems from a reluctance to submit to Him.

The issue, then, is not God’s hiddenness but our willingness to see Him. We may claim to seek clarity, but the deeper question is whether we truly want to find Him. As Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God” (Matthew 5:8).

In a world filled with distractions, it’s easy to look past the everyday ways that God reveals Himself. We may not get the signs we think we need, but we have something better: the life of Christ, the testimony of Scripture, and the witness of transformed lives.

So, why isn’t God more obvious? Perhaps the better question is: Are we willing to see Him as He has revealed Himself? If we continually ask for more signs without acting on what we’ve already been given, we’re not so different from the Pharisees. And just as Jesus called them to repentance, He calls us to trust what has already been shown—the cross, the resurrection, and His ongoing work in the world.

Useless Defiance

The story of King Josiah’s demise is a sobering reminder that human plans cannot override God’s will. Josiah was a devout king who led significant religious reforms in Judah, rediscovering the Book of the Law and purging idolatry. However, his downfall came when he chose to intercept Pharaoh Neco of Egypt without seeking God’s guidance. Despite Neco’s warning that he was on a mission from God, Josiah proceeded into battle and was fatally wounded (2 Chronicles 35:20-27; 2 Kings 23:29-30).

This incident underscores the importance of aligning our actions with God’s will. Proverbs 19:21 states, “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” Josiah’s tragic end illustrates the peril of disregarding divine warnings and relying on personal judgment instead.

The Bible repeatedly emphasizes the futility of resisting God’s plans. In 1 Samuel 15, King Saul’s partial obedience in dealing with the Amalekites led to his rejection by God. Similarly, Jonah’s attempt to flee from God’s command to go to Nineveh resulted in him being swallowed by a great fish, only to eventually fulfill his mission.

These examples remind us that true wisdom lies in seeking and adhering to God’s guidance. James 1:5 encourages us to seek God’s wisdom, assuring us that He gives generously to those who ask. Are there areas in your life where you are pressing forward with your plans without seeking God’s direction? Align your actions with God’s will and trust in His perfect plan.