Posts Tagged: Gospel


Keep the Word of Prophecy

“Look! I am coming soon! Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy expressed in this book.” – Revelation 22:7 (NET) As we stand on the threshold of a new year, the words of Revelation 22:7 ring with urgency and hope. Jesus declares His return is imminent, and He pronounces a blessing...  Read More →

Adorned with Decadent Blasphemy

Revelation 17 introduces us to a woman clothed in fine garments, adorned with gold, precious stones, and pearls, seated atop a scarlet beast. Her appearance is captivating, even alluring, but her opulence conceals her true nature. She is described as holding a golden cup filled with abominations and the impurities of her immorality. Beneath her...  Read More →

The God Who Saves, Even in Judgment

As we read through Revelation, particularly chapters 7 to 10, we are swept into the grandeur of God’s final plans for humanity and creation. These chapters depict a world groaning under divine judgment—earthquakes, plagues, cosmic upheaval. Yet, woven into this vivid tapestry of destruction is an astonishing truth: even as God dismantles the earth, His...  Read More →

How Do You See?

“To the pure, all things are pure. But to those who are corrupt and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but both their minds and consciences are corrupted.” (Titus 1:15, NET) We often think that the world around us determines how we see things. If life is good, we feel good. If life is bad, we feel...  Read More →

Christian Shrewdness

The events of Acts 22-23 provide a compelling example of Paul’s remarkable shrewdness. After being arrested in Jerusalem, Paul navigates a labyrinth of danger and intrigue with wisdom and calculated action. Despite his willingness to suffer for Christ, Paul does not recklessly throw himself into harm’s way. Instead, he uses every legal, social, and strategic...  Read More →

Paul’s Lost Letter: Sometimes We Need to Be Rebuked

Rebuke isn’t something we naturally seek out. It stings, wounds our pride, and can leave us feeling vulnerable. But in 2 Corinthians 7, Paul shows us that rebuke—when done with love and a heart for restoration—has the power to bring life-changing results. Paul refers to a letter he had written to the Corinthians, now lost...  Read More →

Your Best Life Now

The title may give you pause, especially if you’ve heard it used in ways that promise a prosperity-focused, trouble-free existence. Yet as we turn to 2 Corinthians 6:4-13, Paul offers us a very different vision of what “your best life now” truly looks like. It’s not about ease or worldly success but about enduring with...  Read More →

Does Romans 9 Prove Calvinism?

Romans 9:11-24 is one of the most debated passages in Scripture, often pitting Calvinism’s emphasis on God’s sovereignty and predestination against Arminianism’s focus on free will and human responsibility. Yet, neither system fully reconciles the tension between divine providence and human freedom. A Molinist perspective offers a middle way, affirming both God’s exhaustive foreknowledge and...  Read More →

You’re Gonna Have To Serve Somebody

Romans 6:15–23 confronts us with a profound truth: we all serve something or someone. As Bob Dylan famously sang, “You’re gonna have to serve somebody.” The question is not whether you’ll be a servant but what kind of master you’ll serve. Paul lays it out plainly: we are either slaves to sin, which leads to...  Read More →

What is Faith?

Faith is at the heart of salvation, as Paul makes clear in Romans 2–4. Abraham was justified by faith, not by works, so that salvation would be a gift of grace and not something earned (Romans 4:2–3). The picture Paul paints is that of absolute dependence on God, where even the smallest notion of taking...  Read More →

Are You Protecting God’s Glory or Your Own?

The dramatic scene in Acts 19:23–41 paints a vivid picture of how the Gospel disrupts the power structures of the world. Paul’s ministry in Ephesus was so impactful that it began to undermine the worship of Artemis, the city’s central deity. But the uproar in the Ephesian theatre wasn’t driven by deep devotion to Artemis....  Read More →

Death is Defeated

The resurrection chapter, 1 Corinthians 15, gives us one of the most vivid pictures of our future hope in Christ. Paul addresses the finality of death, not as something to fear, but as a defeated foe. “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” (1 Corinthians 15:55, NET). In Christ, death no longer...  Read More →