Posts Tagged: Humility


Paul’s Lost Letter: Sometimes We Need to Be Rebuked

Rebuke isn’t something we naturally seek out. It stings, wounds our pride, and can leave us feeling vulnerable. But in 2 Corinthians 7, Paul shows us that rebuke—when done with love and a heart for restoration—has the power to bring life-changing results. Paul refers to a letter he had written to the Corinthians, now lost...  Read More →

Your Best Life Now

The title may give you pause, especially if you’ve heard it used in ways that promise a prosperity-focused, trouble-free existence. Yet as we turn to 2 Corinthians 6:4-13, Paul offers us a very different vision of what “your best life now” truly looks like. It’s not about ease or worldly success but about enduring with...  Read More →

Be Fully Present

“Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.” (Romans 12:15, NET) Paul’s exhortation in this verse is simple yet profoundly challenging. It calls us to a kind of empathy that goes beyond surface-level acknowledgment into full participation in the lives of others. In a world that often values efficiency over connection and distraction...  Read More →

Are You Protecting God’s Glory or Your Own?

The dramatic scene in Acts 19:23–41 paints a vivid picture of how the Gospel disrupts the power structures of the world. Paul’s ministry in Ephesus was so impactful that it began to undermine the worship of Artemis, the city’s central deity. But the uproar in the Ephesian theatre wasn’t driven by deep devotion to Artemis....  Read More →

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Zeal Gone Awry

The trial of Jesus before the Sanhedrin is one of the most tragic displays of religious zeal gone wrong. Convinced of their duty to protect God’s honor, the religious leaders allowed their passions and mob mentality to override justice, mercy, and reason. What should have been a trial became a forum for slander, manipulation, and...  Read More →

Humble, Not Hero

In Luke 22, Peter boldly declares that he’s ready to go to prison and even die for Jesus. It’s a passionate commitment, one that shows his desire to be faithful no matter what. But Jesus, in His wisdom, responds with words that pierce through Peter’s confidence: “I tell you, Peter, before the rooster crows today,...  Read More →

Clean, But Not Clean Enough

In John 13, Jesus took a basin and towel to wash the disciples’ feet, a humbling act of service that challenged their understanding of cleanliness and purity. When Peter hesitated, Jesus gently reminded him that, while he was already “clean,” his feet still needed washing. Jesus wasn’t just talking about physical cleanliness—He was highlighting a...  Read More →

Title: Power vs. Responsibility: Thoughts on Christian Leadership

Christian leadership is fundamentally different from worldly leadership, where authority is often equated with power and influence. Jesus, however, flips this script, embodying and teaching a leadership style built on responsibility and service rather than control. In Mark 10, after James and John ask for places of honor, Jesus clarifies that greatness in His kingdom...  Read More →

Tainted Love

Jesus’ prayer for Lazarus, offered publicly just before He called Lazarus from the tomb, was intentional and direct. It wasn’t a show of personal piety but a clear call to witness God’s power so that “they may believe that you sent me” (John 11:42). Jesus demonstrated that public faith—done for the right reasons—can have a...  Read More →

Work the Hardest, Take the Least

In Luke 13:22-30 and 14:7-14, Jesus is both teaching and modeling a value that is deeply counter-cultural: the path to greatness in God’s kingdom is through humility, service, and selflessness. When the disciples are jockeying for position, and the crowd assumes that only the “qualified” will enter the kingdom, Jesus gives them a clear message—many...  Read More →


The tension between Jesus and the Pharisees is unmistakable in John 7–8. While the Pharisees were preoccupied with protecting their reputation and holding onto their authority, Jesus consistently pointed back to the Father’s glory, not His own. He challenges them — and us — with a radical reorientation: working for the Kingdom requires humility and...  Read More →

My Own Hero

In today’s reading of Jeremiah 8:4-11:23, we see a powerful depiction of human stubbornness and self-deception. God observes that when people fall, they don’t get up again; when they turn away, they don’t turn back. Instead, they persist in their own way, often thinking they are justified in their actions. This is a vivid portrayal...  Read More →