Posts Tagged: Idolatry


Adorned with Decadent Blasphemy

Revelation 17 introduces us to a woman clothed in fine garments, adorned with gold, precious stones, and pearls, seated atop a scarlet beast. Her appearance is captivating, even alluring, but her opulence conceals her true nature. She is described as holding a golden cup filled with abominations and the impurities of her immorality. Beneath her...  Read More →

Ignoring God’s Warnings? Why Defiance Leads to Disaster

In Jeremiah 44:16-17, the people of Judah blatantly refuse to listen to the prophet’s warnings. They declare their intention to continue worshiping the “Queen of Heaven,” a pagan deity, despite knowing the consequences of their idolatry. This brazen attitude—choosing their own way over God’s commands—is strikingly similar to what we see in modern times. People...  Read More →

Perverting Worship

Worship is more than singing songs or performing rituals; it is the expression of our reverence, love, and obedience to God. True worship is rooted in the recognition of God’s holiness, majesty, and authority. It involves aligning our hearts and actions with God’s will, living in a way that honors Him. In Ezekiel 8, we...  Read More →


In today’s reading from 2 Kings 23:1-28 and 2 Chronicles 34:29-35:19, we see King Josiah’s zealous reforms in Judah. His commitment to God is evident as he destroys items associated with idol worship. Despite their material value, these objects were detestable to him because they were dedicated to other gods. Rather than repurpose or sell...  Read More →

We Become What We Worship

I was floored reading Psalm 135 this morning. Particularly verses 15-18. For the sake of completeness of understanding, here are those verses (in the New Living Translation): The idols of the nations are merely things of silver and gold, shaped by human hands. They have mouths but cannot speak, and eyes but cannot see. They...  Read More →