Tag: Isaiah 32

Are Your Plans Aligned with God’s Will?

As I read Isaiah 30:1-5 this morning, I was struck by the gravity of making plans without consulting God. The passage vividly describes such actions as sinful and rebellious. In these verses, the Israelites sought alliances with Egypt instead of seeking God’s guidance. This decision, made without divine consultation, led to their downfall.

The concept here is clear: when we exclude God from our decision-making process, we are essentially fighting against His will. This rebellion is not merely a mistake but a sin that compounds other sins, leading us further away from His path.

To fully grasp the weight of this message, it helps to understand the historical context. The Israelites, facing the threat of Assyrian invasion, sought the powerful nation of Egypt for protection. This seemed a logical and strategic move from a worldly perspective. However, it was a direct contradiction of God’s command to rely solely on Him for deliverance and guidance.

How often do we find ourselves making plans and forming alliances based on our understanding and wisdom without first seeking God’s counsel? Whether it’s career decisions, relationships, or daily choices, the temptation to lean on our own understanding is strong. Yet, Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

When we take matters into our own hands, we not only risk failure but also miss the opportunity to experience God’s best for us. His plans are always superior to ours, filled with purpose and aligned with His perfect will. By seeking His guidance, we align ourselves with His divine plan, ensuring that our steps are ordered and blessed.

Take a moment today to reflect on areas of your life where you might be making decisions without consulting God. Are you relying on your own understanding, or are you seeking His wisdom and guidance? Commit to bringing every plan before Him in prayer, asking for His direction and trusting in His perfect will.