Tag: John 2 Devotional

God of the Gaps

In John 2, we find the account of Jesus’ first miracle: turning water into wine at a wedding feast. It’s a familiar story, but there’s a powerful lesson tucked into the dialogue between Jesus and His mother, Mary. When the wine ran out, a potentially embarrassing situation for the hosts, Mary simply brought the need to Jesus: “They have no more wine” (John 2:3).

At first, Jesus’ response might seem like a refusal: “My hour has not yet come” (John 2:4). But Mary doesn’t push or try to argue. Instead, she turns to the servants and says, “Do whatever He tells you” (John 2:5). In that moment, Mary demonstrates a profound kind of faith: the kind that brings a need to God and leaves the solution in His hands. She didn’t know exactly what Jesus would do, but she trusted that He would act in the best way.

There’s a powerful lesson here for us today. How often do we face situations where we don’t know what to do or how things will work out? Maybe it’s a financial strain, a family conflict, or a decision that leaves us feeling lost. We can feel like we’ve run out of resources or options, just like the wedding hosts had run out of wine. But this story reminds us that we don’t need to have all the answers. Our job is simply to bring our needs to Jesus and trust Him to fill the gaps in ways we may not expect.

Jesus didn’t just fix the problem; He transformed it. The water He turned into wine wasn’t just any wine — it was the best wine of the feast, far exceeding what anyone had provided. When we trust God to handle the things we can’t, He often works in ways that surpass what we could have imagined.

Sometimes, like Mary, our faith doesn’t need to be flashy or dramatic. It can be as simple as bringing our concerns to God and then stepping back, knowing He will work in His timing and in His way. We don’t need to try to control the outcome, but we can trust that He is faithful to respond.

So, when we face situations where we feel uncertain or overwhelmed, may we follow Mary’s example: bring the need to Jesus, then trust Him to do what only He can do.