Yes. Remember when we talked about Joshua saying God had fulfilled His promise, even though the totality of the land was not yet in possession of Israel? It was because God did His part, but the people had to do their part. That is confirmed here in Judges where God outright says as much. Something... Read More →
At the end of Joshua’s life, he recounts the story so far, spanning from God’s Covenant with Abraham to the arrival in Canaan. He outlines how God has been faithful and provided and delivered on His promises. And then he ends with an exhortation that I found deeply moving. In chapter 24 and verse 22... Read More →
Today’s reflection delves into a notable aspect of biblical interpretation: apparent contradictions. While some may relish pointing out such instances to discredit the Bible, it’s crucial to engage earnestly with these passages to grasp their deeper meaning. Let’s examine Joshua 21:43-45, where it’s proclaimed that the Lord fulfilled His promises to Israel, giving them the... Read More →
Once Israel moved into the Promised Land and “the land had rest from war” (your translation may vary), the Israelites set up the Tabernacle at Shiloh and worshipped the Lord there. But Joshua challenged some of the tribe who were have a touch of the ol’ failure to launch and said — basically — ‘hey fellas,... Read More →
Today’s passage has us reading about the land allotments for Judah, Ephriam, and Manasseh. While passage like this with an inventory of town names that mean little to those among us who have never been to Israel or studied ancient geography. But! There is a very interesting pattern that emerges in today’s chunk. Judah received... Read More →
When Moses sent in his 12 spies, only two of them came back with a good report. Caleb and Joshua. Joshua took the mantle of leadership from Moses while Caleb was passed over for that role. But when the time came to send in spies again, Caleb was called on once more. And once more... Read More →
One of the most contested passages in the entire canon of Scripture. It reads: Then Joshua speaks to YHWH in the day of YHWH’s giving up the Amorites before the sons of Israel, and he says before the eyes of Israel, “Sun—stand still in Gibeon; and moon—in the Valley of Ajalon”; and the sun stands still, and the moon has stood—until the nation takes vengeance [on] its enemies; is it not written on the Scroll of the Upright, “and the sun stands in the midst of the heavens, and has not hurried to go in—as a perfect day?” And there has not been like that day before it or after it, for YHWH’s listening to the voice of a man; for YHWH is fighting for Israel. Joshua 10:12-14, Literal Standard Version I chose the most literal English translations I could find to talk about this passage. Theories to explain this phenomenon abound but I will briefly touch on the five most common ones, why I think... Read More →
All to Jesus I surrender,All to Him I freely give;I will ever love and trust Him,In His presence daily live. I surrender all, I surrender all;All to Thee, my blessed Savior,I surrender all. All To Jesus I Surrender // Judson W. Van DeVenter (1896) This old hymn exemplifies what I want to focus on in... Read More →
This is the testimony of Rahab in Joshua 2:9-11: I know that the Lord has given you this land and that a great fearof you has fallen on us, so that all who live in this country are melting in fear because of you. We have heard how the Lord dried up the water of the Red Sea for you when... Read More →
I don’t want to get all “Joel Osteen” on everyone, but I think it’s worth comparing how Moses’ sending of the spies and Joshua’s sending of the spies came out quite differently and what conclusions we might draw. Back in Numbers 13 we read about the 12 spies who went into the Promised Land and... Read More →
12 scouts are sent into the promised land, all 12 agree that the land is incredible and rich in resources. But only one, Caleb of the tribe of Judah thinks they can actually take the land. When 10 of the other scouts start spreading a bad report about the trip and telling all the people... Read More →