In today’s readings from Lamentations 5, Obadiah 1, and Jeremiah 40-41, we’re reminded that even the most faithful servants of God, like Jeremiah, experience deep grief and sorrow. Jeremiah, who had prophesied the eventual restoration and glory of Jerusalem, was still profoundly affected by the immediate devastation and loss that he witnessed. This leads us... Read More →
Today, I found myself reflecting on Lamentations 2-4. These chapters are heavy with sorrow, painting a vivid picture of Israel’s suffering. Yet, amid the devastation, one idea struck me: tragedy has a way of bringing into sudden and sharp focus what is truly valuable. It’s ironic, isn’t it? In our darkest moments, when everything seems... Read More →
When I read today’s passage, one thought struck me above the others: Israel, now “desolate,” would finally have its “Sabbath Rest.” This isn’t just about a nation lying in ruins—it’s about the spiritual renewal that only comes after the flames of destruction have swept through. Imagine a forest. For centuries, forest fires were a natural... Read More →