Posts Tagged: Luke


The Need is the Call

In Mark 6:30-44, Jesus seeks to withdraw with His disciples to a quiet place for rest after their ministry efforts. However, the crowds follow them, and instead of prioritizing the disciples’ need for rest, Jesus is moved with compassion for the people, describing them as “sheep without a shepherd.” He then goes on to feed...  Read More →

The Awe of God

In Matthew 13:53-58, Mark 6:1-13, and Luke 9:1-6, Jesus returns to Nazareth, His hometown, where His ability to perform miracles is limited by the people’s lack of faith. They had grown up with Him and, in their familiarity, couldn’t see beyond the carpenter’s son to recognize the Messiah standing before them. Familiarity had dulled their...  Read More →

What Happens When Signs Overshadow the Savior?

In the Gospels, we often see Jesus performing miracles, but what’s strange is that after He heals, delivers, or raises the dead, He frequently instructs those involved to tell no one about it. This pattern, known as the Messianic Secret, raises a compelling question: why would Jesus not want people to spread the news about these...  Read More →

Looking Isn’t Seeing, and Hearing Isn’t Listening

The disciples’ experience on the stormy sea teaches us a profound truth: we can look right at something and not truly see it. In Matthew 13, Jesus tells parables, and while the crowds hear Him, few really listen. Similarly, on the boat in Luke 8, the disciples see Jesus perform miracles but don’t fully understand what they’re witnessing....  Read More →

What is the Unforgivable Sin?

When Jesus warned about the unforgivable sin, it raised a question that has troubled many believers: What exactly is this sin that cannot be forgiven? As we look deeper into His words from Mark 3:28-30 and Matthew 12:31-32, we see that He refers to “blasphemy against the Holy Spirit” as something from which there is...  Read More →

Forgiven Little, Loving Less: Why You Might Be Missing the Full Picture

In Luke 7:36-50, we find the story of a sinful woman who interrupts a dinner at the house of a Pharisee named Simon. She falls at the feet of Jesus, weeping, and pours expensive perfume on His feet, wiping them with her hair. Simon is shocked that Jesus would allow this woman, known for her...  Read More →

Crushing Anxiety: Jesus’ Challenge to a Control-Obsessed Culture

Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 6:34 to “not worry about tomorrow” may seem nearly impossible to apply in today’s fast-paced, future-oriented culture. The demands of work, family, finances, and even church life often leave us anxious about what lies ahead. But this command speaks just as powerfully now as it did to His original audience. In...  Read More →

Worship Without Walls: Making Peace with Others

Reading through Mark 3, Luke 6, and Matthew 5, we come across a powerful teaching that echoes across all three Gospels: the importance of reconciliation with others before offering anything to God. In Matthew 5:23-24, Jesus says, “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister...  Read More →

Escaping Christian Celebrity Culture: A Lesson from Jesus

In today’s Christian world, there’s a growing trend that mirrors the celebrity culture we see in entertainment—prominent pastors, authors, and Christian leaders who garner massive followings and media attention. But when we examine the life of Jesus, we find a stark contrast. In Luke 5, Mark 2, and Matthew 9, we see that Jesus often...  Read More →

When Jesus Calls

In the Gospels, we see a remarkable moment when Jesus calls His first disciples. While they were going about their everyday lives—fishing by the shore, mending their nets—Jesus walks up and simply says, “Follow me.” And just like that, they drop everything and follow Him. What’s most surprising is the immediacy of their response. They...  Read More →

What Does It Mean to Worship “In the Spirit”?

In John 4, Jesus has an unexpected conversation with a Samaritan woman. As they talk, the topic of worship comes up. The woman points out that Jews worship in Jerusalem, while her people, the Samaritans, worship on Mount Gerizim. She’s focused on the location — the outward, physical expression of worship. But Jesus turns her...  Read More →

God of the Gaps

In John 2, we find the account of Jesus’ first miracle: turning water into wine at a wedding feast. It’s a familiar story, but there’s a powerful lesson tucked into the dialogue between Jesus and His mother, Mary. When the wine ran out, a potentially embarrassing situation for the hosts, Mary simply brought the need...  Read More →