Tag: Modern Idolatry

Ignoring God’s Warnings? Why Defiance Leads to Disaster

In Jeremiah 44:16-17, the people of Judah blatantly refuse to listen to the prophet’s warnings. They declare their intention to continue worshiping the “Queen of Heaven,” a pagan deity, despite knowing the consequences of their idolatry. This brazen attitude—choosing their own way over God’s commands—is strikingly similar to what we see in modern times. People often reject God’s Word, preferring to follow their desires or the cultural norms that make them feel more comfortable.

Similarly, in Ezekiel 33:21-33, we see another tragic example of misplaced trust. After hearing of Jerusalem’s fall, the people still do not repent. Instead, they continue to seek security in all the wrong places, including aligning themselves with enemies of God. The idea of trying to hide from God’s judgment in the arms of His enemies is tragically laughable, yet it reflects a deep spiritual blindness.

Fast forward to today, and the same attitudes persist. How often do people refuse to accept Biblical truths, choosing instead to live according to their own desires or societal trends? This is evident in countless ways—whether it’s justifying sin, ignoring God’s commands, or reshaping Christianity to fit modern sensibilities. The refusal to listen to God’s Word is as dangerous now as it was then, leading to spiritual ruin.

Moreover, just as the people of Judah sought refuge in the arms of God’s enemies, many today seek comfort or security in places that are directly opposed to God’s will. It might be in harmful relationships, unethical practices, or ideologies that stand in stark contrast to Biblical principles. This attempt to find safety or fulfillment outside of God’s will is as futile and destructive now as it was for the Israelites.

The lessons from Jeremiah and Ezekiel are clear: Rejecting God’s Word and seeking refuge in the wrong places lead only to disaster. The folly of trying to hide from God in the arms of His enemies is a timeless warning. As believers, we must remain steadfast in our commitment to God, listening to His Word and finding our security in Him alone.

God Speaks on Deconstruction

In today’s world, deconstruction has become a common response to the discomfort many feel when confronted with aspects of the Christian faith that challenge modern sensibilities. Often, people begin to question, and eventually reject, core doctrines or moral teachings because they believe God’s ways don’t align with what they perceive to be loving, just, or fair. This mindset assumes that God is somehow flawed, outdated, or wrong—leading people to attempt to remake Him in their own image, according to their own standards.

But this approach is nothing new. In Ezekiel 18:25-29, God directly addresses the Israelites’ complaints that His ways were not just. The people argued that their understanding of justice was superior to God’s, but the Lord responded with a sobering truth: it is not God who is unjust, but humanity that fails to understand His perfect ways.

Ezekiel 18:25-29 (NLT):

“Yet you say, ‘The Lord isn’t doing what’s right!’ Listen to me, O people of Israel. Am I the one not doing what’s right, or is it you? … And yet the people of Israel keep saying, ‘The Lord isn’t doing what’s right!’ O people of Israel, it is you who are not doing what’s right, not I.”

Deconstruction promises a “better” version of God—one who aligns more closely with our own ideals, a deity built in our image rather than the other way around. However, this pursuit is nothing more than a false promise. Instead of leading to greater freedom or understanding, it ultimately leads to confusion and spiritual disillusionment. The tragic irony is that, in attempting to make God more palatable to our modern tastes, we strip away the very essence of who He is—His holiness, justice, and truth.

When we find ourselves at odds with God’s commands or character, the problem isn’t with God; it’s with our limited understanding. The call for every believer is not to reshape the faith to fit our preferences but to submit ourselves to God’s perfect will, trusting that His ways, though often mysterious, are always right.

Deconstruction may offer the allure of a more accommodating faith, but it is a hollow promise. A God remade in our image is powerless to save, transform, or offer the eternal life we seek. Instead, we must cling to the true God, whose ways are higher than our ways and whose thoughts are higher than our thoughts (Isaiah 55:9). Only in Him do we find the fullness of life, grace, and truth.


In today’s reading from 2 Kings 23:1-28 and 2 Chronicles 34:29-35:19, we see King Josiah’s zealous reforms in Judah. His commitment to God is evident as he destroys items associated with idol worship. Despite their material value, these objects were detestable to him because they were dedicated to other gods. Rather than repurpose or sell these valuable artifacts, Josiah chose to obliterate them completely. This action teaches us about prioritizing spiritual integrity over material wealth.

Josiah’s actions underscore the importance of aligning our values with God’s will. The cultural and historical context of these artifacts didn’t justify their continued existence in Josiah’s eyes. He recognized that their presence, no matter how valuable in human terms, was a direct affront to God. This radical approach calls us to evaluate our lives and identify anything that could be a stumbling block to our faith. It could be habits, relationships, or pursuits that detract from our devotion to God.

Josiah’s decision to destroy the idols rather than repurpose them shows his commitment to spiritual purity. This principle applies to our own lives. If something, no matter how valuable, leads us away from God, it is better to remove it completely. By doing so, we create space for God’s presence and blessings to flourish, just as Josiah’s reforms led to a renewed covenant with the Lord and a period of spiritual revival in Judah.

Reflection Questions:

  1. What valuable things in your life might be leading you away from your commitment to God?
  2. How can you prioritize spiritual integrity over material wealth?
  3. Are there habits or relationships that you need to reconsider in light of your faith?