Posts Tagged: Nehemiah 7


The Wound That Heals: Conviction vs Condemnation

In Nehemiah 7:4-8:12, we see a powerful moment where the people of Israel come together to hear the Word of God read aloud after years of exile. It’s not just about listening to the words; the people are actively seeking to understand them. Ezra, alongside the Levites, reads and explains the Law to the gathered...  Read More →

Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt: Keeping Our Eyes on the Prize

Nehemiah faced multiple forms of opposition as he sought to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Sanballat, Tobiah, and others continually tried to disrupt the work through various tactics: intimidation, discouragement, and disinformation. Each of these methods is a classic tactic used to sow fear and confusion, causing people to doubt their mission. But Nehemiah’s focus...  Read More →