In 1 Corinthians 12–13, Paul speaks to the beauty and diversity of spiritual gifts but shifts focus to what truly matters. While gifts like prophecy, teaching, and leadership are important for building up the church, Paul reminds us they are temporary. In chapter 13, he highlights the things that last forever: faith, hope, and love,... Read More →
Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 9:19–23 reflect his deep commitment to the Gospel and his flexibility in approach: “To the Jews I became like a Jew…to those under the law I became like one under the law…to those without the law I became like one without the law…to the weak I became weak” (NET). His... Read More →
The phrase “Judge not, lest ye be judged” has become a cultural catchphrase, often used to discourage any form of moral discernment. Yet in 1 Corinthians 5, Paul offers a strikingly different perspective, reminding us that judging is not only appropriate in some contexts—it’s necessary. Paul tells the Corinthian church to cast out a brother... Read More →
Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 3 are a profound reminder that the foundation of our lives and ministries must be Jesus Christ. Everything we build on that foundation will ultimately be tested by fire, revealing whether it was done for God’s glory or to gain the fleeting approval of others. It’s tempting to seek praise... Read More →
Idleness is more dangerous than it seems, and Paul doesn’t pull punches when addressing it in 2 Thessalonians 3:6–15. He warns believers to avoid those who refuse to work, not as a harsh punishment but as a wake-up call to bring them back to productive, Christ-honoring lives. These idle individuals weren’t just lounging—they were becoming... Read More →
The Apostle Paul’s encounter with the thinkers at Mars Hill is one of the New Testament’s most striking examples of how to engage a diverse audience with the Gospel. As Paul stood before the Areopagus, he didn’t begin with condemnation or alienating truths. Instead, he sought common ground. Pointing out their altar inscribed “To an... Read More →