Tag: Prophecy

Keep the Word of Prophecy

“Look! I am coming soon! Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy expressed in this book.” – Revelation 22:7 (NET)

As we stand on the threshold of a new year, the words of Revelation 22:7 ring with urgency and hope. Jesus declares His return is imminent, and He pronounces a blessing for those who “keep” the prophecy of this book. But what does it mean to keep a prophecy, especially when Revelation’s imagery and meanings are often debated?

Keeping this prophecy begins not with perfect understanding, but with a faithful heart. It’s about living in anticipation of Christ’s return, allowing the truth of His ultimate victory to shape our daily decisions. Revelation calls us to trust God’s sovereignty, to reject the seductive pull of worldly values, and to endure in faith even when circumstances challenge us.

This passage reminds us that faithfulness is not contingent on our mastery of every detail. Instead, it’s found in walking in step with the Gospel, standing firm in hope, and pointing others toward Jesus. Revelation paints a picture of a world redeemed, of sin and death defeated, and of God dwelling eternally with His people. To keep this prophecy is to live as though that promise is already breaking into our lives.

As the new year dawns, it’s the perfect time to renew our commitment to this hope. Just as Revelation concludes with an urgent call to readiness, the turning of the calendar invites us to examine our hearts. Are we living in expectation of Jesus’ return? Are we prioritizing His kingdom over the fleeting pleasures of this world?

Keeping the prophecy means letting it guide our values and choices, even when life feels uncertain or the world’s messages grow louder. It’s an invitation to embrace the new year with a resolve to stand firm, to trust deeply, and to love boldly, knowing the King is coming.

Prophesying Daughters: What They Teach Us About Ministry

The brief mention of Philip’s four unmarried, prophesying daughters in Acts 21:9 might seem insignificant at first glance. Yet, every detail in Scripture has a purpose, and this passage is no exception. Luke includes it not as a throwaway comment but as a window into the life of the early Church and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit.

First, this verse highlights the continuation of prophecy as a key feature of the Spirit-filled community. Just as Joel’s prophecy declared that both sons and daughters would prophesy (Acts 2:17), here we see that reality embodied. The inclusion of Philip’s daughters demonstrates that God’s gifts are not restricted by gender, affirming the value and active participation of women in ministry. This is a reminder that God equips all His children to build up the Church.

Second, Philip’s daughters serve as a testament to the fruit of a godly legacy. Philip, known as an evangelist, not only carried the Gospel to unreached places but evidently nurtured a household where faith flourished. The mention of his daughters suggests that his influence as a father and leader extended to his family, raising them in the knowledge of God and empowering them to step into their spiritual giftings.

Their unmarried status may carry cultural weight, suggesting they lived lives wholly devoted to ministry. In a time when marriage was often viewed as a primary role for women, these daughters stand out as examples of how devotion to God transcends societal norms and expectations. Their lives challenge us to consider how we prioritize God’s calling over the pressures or traditions of the world around us.

Finally, this brief note creates a narrative thread within the story of Paul’s journey. The reference to prophecy in Philip’s home sets the stage for the prophecy of Agabus in the following verses, which foretells Paul’s imprisonment. It underscores the atmosphere of divine communication and reliance on God’s guidance within the early Church.

Far from a random detail, this verse encourages us to reflect on our own faith. Are we nurturing spiritual growth in those around us? Do we celebrate the gifts God has given to all believers, regardless of status or role? And are we open to living counter-culturally when God calls us to a unique path?

Even the smallest verses have the power to speak profoundly. When we pause to consider their purpose, we often discover layers of encouragement and challenge that deepen our walk with Christ.

Empowered to Speak: The Holy Spirit’s Work in Us

As we read through Luke 1:39-2:40 and Matthew 1:18-25, one pattern stands out: when the Holy Spirit filled people, they spoke prophetic words. Elizabeth, Zechariah, Simeon—all of them, when filled with the Spirit, declared truths about God’s promises and the Messiah. Even the angel’s words to Joseph can be seen as a Spirit-inspired message, guiding him to protect and nurture Jesus.

This pattern shows that when the Holy Spirit moves, He empowers His people to proclaim God’s truth boldly. What lessons can we draw from this today?

1. The Holy Spirit Still Moves

First, it’s clear that the Holy Spirit is active. Just as He filled these people at critical moments in salvation history, He continues to fill and empower believers today. We are called to recognize and welcome His presence in our lives. The Spirit is not just a distant force; He is personal and present, ready to guide, strengthen, and inspire us in our walk with Christ.

2. Prophetic Words are Spirit-Led

When the Spirit filled Elizabeth, Zechariah, and Simeon, they spoke truths about God’s promises. These were not random thoughts but divinely inspired words of prophecy. Today, while the specifics of prophecy may differ, the principle remains: the Holy Spirit empowers us to speak truth, often in ways that bring encouragement, correction, or guidance.

This doesn’t mean we all have the “gift of prophecy” in the same way, but it does mean that God’s Spirit can move through us to share His message with others, whether in words of wisdom, comfort, or exhortation.

3. Proclaiming God’s Faithfulness

Another lesson from these passages is how often the prophetic words pointed to God’s faithfulness to His promises. Simeon, for example, praised God for allowing him to see the fulfillment of the promise he had waited for: the Messiah. When the Spirit fills us today, He often leads us to declare God’s faithfulness, reminding ourselves and others that God’s promises still hold true.

Sometimes we face seasons where it’s hard to believe in God’s promises. Yet, just as Simeon waited with expectation, we can trust that God’s Spirit will sustain us in hope and prompt us to speak words of life when the time is right.

4. We Are Empowered to Speak Boldly

Elizabeth’s response when Mary came to visit was immediate and bold. She didn’t hold back; she declared Mary blessed among women and praised God for the child she carried. The Holy Spirit gives us courage to speak out in truth and love. Sometimes we hesitate to speak up, whether due to fear of rejection or doubt, but the Spirit empowers us to share what needs to be said, especially when it comes to pointing people to Jesus.

5. The Spirit’s Work is Always Christ-Centered

In each instance of prophecy in these passages, the message pointed to Jesus. The Holy Spirit’s primary mission is to reveal and glorify Christ (John 16:14), and this is true for us today. When we are filled with the Spirit, we should expect that our words and actions will reflect Jesus and His Kingdom. Whether in a conversation, a moment of prayer, or even through our lifestyle, the Spirit will move us to point others to Christ.

The Takeaway

What we see in Luke 1 and Matthew 1 is the Holy Spirit filling people not just for their benefit but for the sake of proclaiming God’s truth. Today, the same Spirit that moved in the lives of Elizabeth, Zechariah, and Simeon is available to us, empowering us to speak boldly, proclaim God’s faithfulness, and point others to Jesus.

As we allow the Holy Spirit to fill us, we should be ready to speak words of encouragement, truth, and hope to those around us. May we be open to His leading, and like these figures in the Gospels, may we have the courage to declare God’s greatness in every opportunity we are given.

Christ’s Return: The Prophetic Power of the Mount of Olives

In Zechariah 14:4, we read of an incredible moment in prophetic history: “On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem, and the Mount of Olives will be split in two from east to west, forming a great valley, with half of the mountain moving north and half moving south.” This image captures a future event that is both awe-inspiring and deeply significant for believers. It points to the Second Coming of Christ, when He will return to earth in power and glory.

The Mount of Olives is not just a location in the biblical narrative; it’s a place of immense prophetic importance. Located east of Jerusalem, it is where Jesus ascended into heaven (Acts 1:9-12) and where He will return. What’s remarkable about this prophecy is how Jesus’ arrival splits the mountain, opening up a new path for the final victory of God’s plan. This visual demonstrates Christ’s unstoppable power to overcome every obstacle and establish His reign.

Directly across from the Mount of Olives is the Eastern Gate of Jerusalem. This gate, currently sealed, is believed by many to be the very gate through which the Messiah will enter Jerusalem upon His return. For centuries, it has remained closed, and directly in front of it lies a cemetery, deliberately placed there to prevent the Messiah’s entry. According to Jewish tradition, a priest cannot walk through a graveyard, as that would render him ritually unclean. Those who placed the gravesite there did so with the intent of stopping the Messiah from passing through.

Yet the prophecy of Zechariah makes clear that no human efforts will stand in the way of God’s plan. When Christ returns, the Mount of Olives will split, creating a valley and bypassing the cemetery entirely. The sealed gate and gravesite—symbols of humanity’s attempts to hinder the Messiah—will be rendered irrelevant by the power of God. Jesus’ return will demonstrate that nothing can obstruct His will.

This prophecy also serves as a reminder that God’s plan will come to pass, no matter how impossible it may seem from our perspective. The same God who will split a mountain and walk through a sealed gate is the God who is at work in our lives right now. His purposes cannot be thwarted.

Second, it calls us to live with an eternal perspective. The future return of Christ is not a distant myth but a reality we can look forward to with hope. We live in anticipation of the day when every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. In the meantime, we can trust that the same power that will bring Jesus back to the Mount of Olives is at work in us today.

Finally, this prophecy challenges us to examine where we place our hope. Are we looking to the world for security, or are we trusting in the One who controls the future? As believers, we know the end of the story, and that should give us confidence to face whatever challenges come our way.

Accidental Righteousness? I Don’t Think So

In Haggai 2, the prophet speaks to the remnant of Israel after their return from exile, addressing their efforts to rebuild the temple. In verses 10–19, God uses a powerful illustration to make a point about purity and defilement. He asks the priests whether holiness can be transferred through mere contact, and the answer is no. But when He asks if defilement can spread through touch, the answer is yes. The message is clear: sin easily defiles, but righteousness doesn’t simply “rub off” on others.

This context is vital to understanding the heart of Haggai’s message. The people had returned from exile and were working on restoring the temple, but their hearts were still not fully aligned with God. Despite their physical efforts, their spiritual state mattered most. The external work they were doing wouldn’t make them righteous before God if their hearts remained impure. Sin, like a disease, contaminates easily, and their efforts—while good—couldn’t cleanse them of their sinful tendencies.

For us today, the application is profound. Sin spreads easily in our lives. It creeps in through the smallest cracks—our thoughts, attitudes, habits, and relationships. It doesn’t take much for our hearts to be tainted by pride, anger, jealousy, or selfishness. Righteousness, however, is not something that happens accidentally or passively. It requires intentional pursuit and devotion to God. Just as the Israelites couldn’t rely on the temple to make them holy, we can’t assume that simply attending church or reading the Bible without engagement will make us righteous.

We are fertile ground for sin, and it is our default state unless we actively seek God and allow His Spirit to transform us. The world around us often promotes values and behaviors that can easily defile our hearts and minds, and if we aren’t careful, those influences can take root. But righteousness requires effort. It demands that we choose, day by day, to walk in obedience to Christ, to reject sin, and to cultivate the fruits of the Spirit in our lives.

God’s grace is what enables us to pursue righteousness, but it doesn’t remove the need for effort. We must be intentional in our pursuit of holiness, knowing that it is by God’s power, not our own, that we grow in righteousness. Like the Israelites rebuilding the temple, we need to focus not only on the external aspects of our faith but also on the condition of our hearts. We must be vigilant, always seeking to uproot sin and replace it with the righteousness that comes through Christ.

Tell Me What I Want To Hear

In Jeremiah 26:11, we see the priests and prophets accusing Jeremiah of treason for delivering a prophecy of doom: “This man deserves the sentence of death because he has prophesied against this city, as you have heard with your own ears.” Jeremiah’s words were not what the people wanted to hear, and their reaction highlights a common human tendency: rejecting uncomfortable truths in favor of comforting lies. This is echoed in 2 Timothy 4:3-4, where Paul warns that a time will come when people “will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.”

The accusation of treason against Jeremiah underscores the resistance to prophetic truth that contradicts personal or national expectations. Jeremiah’s prophecy was not treasonous; it was a call to repentance, aiming to avert the disaster that awaited Judah if they continued in their sinful ways. Yet, the people preferred to silence the prophet rather than heed his warning, demonstrating the peril of valuing comfort over truth.

This scenario isn’t unique to ancient Judah. Today, we can be just as prone to seeking out voices that affirm our desires and beliefs, rather than those that challenge us with uncomfortable truths. Whether it’s in politics, religion, or personal relationships, the temptation to surround ourselves with yes-men—those who tell us what we want to hear rather than what we need to hear—is ever-present. This leads to a dangerous echo chamber, where truth becomes a casualty, and growth is stunted.

Paul’s warning to Timothy is a timeless caution against this tendency. True growth, both spiritually and personally, requires a willingness to face hard truths and to be corrected. When we reject sound doctrine in favor of teachings that merely scratch our itching ears, we stray from the path of righteousness and risk falling into deception.

In our lives, we must strive to value truth over comfort. This means being open to correction, seeking out voices that challenge us, and remaining vigilant against the tendency to embrace only those messages that affirm our desires.