In the book of Ezra, the Israelites returned from exile with a daunting task ahead of them—rebuilding the temple and eventually the protective wall around Jerusalem. Here we see that the construction of the temple is allowed and completed, but the wall around the city is delayed. Why was the temple prioritized over the wall,... Read More →
When we read about the judgment on Assyria and Babylon, it might seem perplexing. How can God punish them for carrying out actions that fulfilled His will? But the answer is deceptively simple: God did not force these nations to act. Instead, He removed His protection from Israel, allowing them to experience the consequences of... Read More →
We’ve all heard this adage somewhere… the first time I heard it was on the title screen of Mortal Kombat 3 for my Super Nintendo. But regardless of the source, if it’s true, it’s true. And this sentiment is echoed loudly in Proverbs 2. The NLT titles this chapter “The Benefits of Wisdom”. Here is... Read More →