Tag: Protection

Seek God, Not The Wall

In the book of Ezra, the Israelites returned from exile with a daunting task ahead of them—rebuilding the temple and eventually the protective wall around Jerusalem. Here we see that the construction of the temple is allowed and completed, but the wall around the city is delayed. Why was the temple prioritized over the wall, even though the wall provided safety and security?

The temple represented God’s presence among His people. It was the heart of their worship, their relationship with Him, and their identity as His chosen people. Before anything else, their spiritual foundation needed to be restored. The wall, while important, symbolized physical protection, something secondary to their need to reconnect with God. By allowing the temple to be built first, God was teaching them—and us—a vital truth: put Him first, and everything else will follow.

Jesus echoes this principle in Matthew 6:33: “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” When our priority is God—His presence, His will, His purposes—He takes care of everything else. If the thing you want isn’t God, but something else like success, security, or even a breakthrough in a tough situation, you’re likely focusing on the wrong thing. Instead of chasing after those desires, we are called to chase after God. He is the one who sees our needs, and when our hearts are aligned with Him, He will ensure that we receive what we need.

The Israelites may have wanted the wall for protection, but what they truly needed first was God’s presence. Once the temple was built, once their hearts were restored to Him, the wall came later. And it wasn’t just a wall of stone; it represented God’s surrounding protection for His people.

This principle applies to us today. If the thing you’re seeking isn’t God Himself, pause and refocus your pursuit. Make Him your priority, and trust that He will take care of the rest in His perfect timing. If we make God our ultimate desire, He will add everything else we need—provision, protection, and even the desires of our heart that align with His will.

When God Stops Protecting

When we read about the judgment on Assyria and Babylon, it might seem perplexing. How can God punish them for carrying out actions that fulfilled His will? But the answer is deceptively simple: God did not force these nations to act. Instead, He removed His protection from Israel, allowing them to experience the consequences of their own choices.

Israel’s rebellion against God led to a withdrawal of His protective hand, leaving them vulnerable to the sinful ambitions of surrounding nations. Babylon and Assyria, driven by their own greed and desire for power, seized the opportunity to conquer and oppress. These nations were never acting righteously; they were merely acting according to their own sinful desires. And yet, their actions were part of God’s greater plan to discipline Israel.

God’s judgment on Babylon and Assyria reminds us that while He may use the actions of others to accomplish His purposes, it doesn’t excuse their wrongdoing. Israel needed to experience the consequences of their rebellion to understand the severity of their actions and to turn back to God. But that doesn’t absolve the nations of their guilt.

In our own lives, there are times when God may allow us to face the consequences of our choices. It’s not that He wills us to suffer, but that He wants us to see the impact of living outside His protection and guidance. Yet, even in the midst of discipline, God’s love and desire for our restoration remain constant.

Knowledge is Power

We’ve all heard this adage somewhere… the first time I heard it was on the title screen of Mortal Kombat 3 for my Super Nintendo. But regardless of the source, if it’s true, it’s true. And this sentiment is echoed loudly in Proverbs 2. The NLT titles this chapter “The Benefits of Wisdom”. Here is a list:

  • Understand what it means to fear the Lord
  • Gain knowledge of God
  • Common sense
  • A shield
  • Guarded paths
  • Protection
  • Understanding of justice
  • Finding right paths
  • Watching over you
  • Keeping you safe
  • Salvation of evil people
  • Salvation from “twisted words”
  • Salvation from sexual immorality

As we look at this list, think about the things that we are told wisdom grants us. The list is not purely spiritual, but also incredibly practical. Because wisdom is not just some philosophical thought, but — as I wrote back in January:

What is wisdom? Ancients understood wisdom to be a comprehensive understanding of not just the whats, but also the whys and hows. What is this thing? How does it work? Why does it work that way? 

Wisdom gives us this understanding about ourselves. Our universe. And our God. Do you not want to be protected from the snare of evil people? And I don’t mean moustache-twirling monocle-clad villains, but people who are deceived by Satan and unwittingly pursuing a path that leads to destruction. Do you want to be trapped in sexual immorality and constantly weighed down by how poorly you feel about yourself? Do you want to know which directions to pursue and leave unexplored in life? Which will lead to heartache and disappointment, and which will lead to life and opportunity? We read 4 times about shields, protection, safety, and oversight? Doesn’t that sound awesome? Someone looking out for our best interests and protecting us from the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune?

Pursue wisdom, friends. Because Wisdom is a practical protection from the attacked of Satan in this world. And we all need that!