Tag: Proverbs

Wisdom vs Foolishness

Today’s reading has this sort of smackdown between these two personified attributes of wisdom and folly. Both sit on the rooftops, calling out to passers by. So then, while God does not withhold His wisdom, but offers it freely to those who will take it (seemingly as a part of common grace), Satan offers folly just as well. And unlike wisdom — which leads to life through discipline and hard work — folly offers fleeting good times that ultimately lead to death.

And building off of yesterday’s post, we see that those who do not take the correction of a brother or sister in the faith are not merely fools, but WICKED! Not knowing that scorning Godly wisdom is to scorn the one who offers it, and that ultimately the refuser will be the one to suffer dire consequences LATER, if they refuse the difficult rebuke NOW. Because foolishness is brash, abrasive, does what it wants, and looks only at itself. This is so much of what our culture desires. Me. Me. Me. Me. Me.

But wisdom, knowledge, good judgement, discernment, and common sense are OPPOSITE pride, arrogance, corruption, and perverse speech. We cannot participate in both at the same time. It’s one or the other. Choose your fighter.

Choose wisely.

Methinks He Doth Protest Too Much

As I’ve written about before, we tend to believe that people think about things and will react to think in the same manner that we do — this is the false consensus effect. And it’s funny to me when we watch Solomon warn so effusively about the “immoral woman” (ignoring for a moment that if you’re partaking of the activities on offer that would make you an “immoral man”) over and over and over again, yet his only recourse seemed to be ignoring the spirit of the law to fulfill the letter of it by marrying every woman he lusted after. It’s not sin if you’re married!

In the same way, if you see someone (or ARE someone) who is laser-focused on one issue and hammer it repeatedly, it is most likely because they (or you) HAVE fallen in this area or are at least deeply tempted. But this is still an opportunity! If this is happening to someone else, go to them like a brother or sister and ask how things are in that area, and if they need any prayer. And if it’s you, stop trying to put on a show and go talk to someone who can help you deal with your struggle. Don’t do it alone and don’t let your sisters and brother do it alone either.

We need to stop pretending and be honest and raw enough to admit when we have a problem and seek the help we need, or take the correction we are offered!

Knowledge is Power

We’ve all heard this adage somewhere… the first time I heard it was on the title screen of Mortal Kombat 3 for my Super Nintendo. But regardless of the source, if it’s true, it’s true. And this sentiment is echoed loudly in Proverbs 2. The NLT titles this chapter “The Benefits of Wisdom”. Here is a list:

  • Understand what it means to fear the Lord
  • Gain knowledge of God
  • Common sense
  • A shield
  • Guarded paths
  • Protection
  • Understanding of justice
  • Finding right paths
  • Watching over you
  • Keeping you safe
  • Salvation of evil people
  • Salvation from “twisted words”
  • Salvation from sexual immorality

As we look at this list, think about the things that we are told wisdom grants us. The list is not purely spiritual, but also incredibly practical. Because wisdom is not just some philosophical thought, but — as I wrote back in January:

What is wisdom? Ancients understood wisdom to be a comprehensive understanding of not just the whats, but also the whys and hows. What is this thing? How does it work? Why does it work that way? 

Wisdom gives us this understanding about ourselves. Our universe. And our God. Do you not want to be protected from the snare of evil people? And I don’t mean moustache-twirling monocle-clad villains, but people who are deceived by Satan and unwittingly pursuing a path that leads to destruction. Do you want to be trapped in sexual immorality and constantly weighed down by how poorly you feel about yourself? Do you want to know which directions to pursue and leave unexplored in life? Which will lead to heartache and disappointment, and which will lead to life and opportunity? We read 4 times about shields, protection, safety, and oversight? Doesn’t that sound awesome? Someone looking out for our best interests and protecting us from the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune?

Pursue wisdom, friends. Because Wisdom is a practical protection from the attacked of Satan in this world. And we all need that!

What is Casting Lots Anyway?

Just a brief explainer for today.

We see casting lots pop up 25 times in the Bible. The first is God giving directions to Aaron in Leviticus 16:7-9, the final one is the nomination of Mathias in Acts 1:26, and the most secular is the dividing of Jesus’ clothes in Matthew 27:35, Mark 15:24-25, Luke 23:34, and John 19:23-24. I always sort of pictured is as drawing straws, but it was literally rolling dice, and that’s how the NET Bible translates it.

If this seems random to you, I can certainly understand why, but Solomon assures us:

The dice are thrown into the lap, but their every decision is from the Lord. 

Proverbs 16:33, NET

1 Chronicles 23-25 | 123/365