Posts Tagged: Proverbs


Knowledge is Power

We’ve all heard this adage somewhere… the first time I heard it was on the title screen of Mortal Kombat 3 for my Super Nintendo. But regardless of the source, if it’s true, it’s true. And this sentiment is echoed loudly in Proverbs 2. The NLT titles this chapter “The Benefits of Wisdom”. Here is...  Read More →

What is Casting Lots Anyway?

Just a brief explainer for today. We see casting lots pop up 25 times in the Bible. The first is God giving directions to Aaron in Leviticus 16:7-9, the final one is the nomination of Mathias in Acts 1:26, and the most secular is the dividing of Jesus’ clothes in Matthew 27:35, Mark 15:24-25, Luke...  Read More →