Sometimes — as I have discussed before — we ask the question, why do good things happen to bad people? Here David addresses that. I can’t help but wonder if this was written shortly after David was being persecuted by Saul, who remained king of Israel while David hid in caves and was exiled from... Read More →
David’s simple psalm carries a straightforward message. That the one who is not held accountable for his misdeeds is blessed. But when we try to hide our sins away, God allows their consequences to do us harm. It is only once we confess that we are freed from the (spiritual) consequences of sin. So don’t... Read More →
Every time I read Psalm 22 it blows my mind. This is the one that was quoted by Jesus on the cross, “my God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Read it again and think about this: Jesus could have said *ANYTHING* as He was dying on that cross, but He chose to quote... Read More →
I love this triumphant line from David: Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. Psalm 20:7, NIV Israel fought many foes under David and won because the Lord was with them, which was the point of what Moses recorded: The king, moreover, must not acquire great... Read More →
But set Christ apart as Lord in your hearts and always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks about the hope you possess. 1 Peter 3:15, NET This verse is as terrifying to some as it is inspiring to others. Do I have to give a whole Gospel presentation? What if I... Read More →
Today’s reading featured two copies of a song David wrote. Despite all that’s gone on in David’s life to this point, he still lifts the name of God and recognizes all that the Lord has done for him and to deliver him. I made a non-exhaustive list who David says God is, and what David... Read More →
Absalom is dead and his coup with him. David returns to Jerusalem, his victory undercut by the death of his son. God’s promise that David’s sin would lead to his family living (and dying) by the sword is coming to pass. And during his return to Jerusalem several men from all the tribes of Israel... Read More →
David had two opportunities to kill Saul, but refused to attack the Lord’s anointed. David’s position was that God would deal with Saul in His timing, and David didn’t need to insert himself into God’s will. And all this after being told by Samuel that he was God’s anointed and ALREADY the new king of... Read More →
There is a LOT to discuss in today’s passage and really, this episode could be a mini sermon series unto itself. But I won’t be talking about David’s “affair” with Bathsheba (I use the word “affair” extremely loosely because let’s face it, she was nobody, she wasn’t going to say ‘no’ to the king. This... Read More →
Saul decides to forego God’s path and forges his own way. Yet, somehow, he seems surprised that when he seeks God’s guidance He is silent… so he consults a medium… effectively! (But that’s a whole thing for some other time) I think this is a temptation common to many of us. We want God, but... Read More →
David has an opportunity to kill his relentless pursuer; Saul. Egged on by his own troops, David creeps toward Saul with his sword drawn, but at the last moment, rethinks it. And after rethinking it, David decides the life — or the throne — of what he terms “God’s anointed one”. Saul is an objectively terrible... Read More →
Samuel anointed David as the new king over God’s people. Now David is hiding in a cave with his merry band of 400 rejects while the current monarch and his bloodthirsty hangers-on plot to assassinate him. And from that circumstance David pens this: 9 I will praise you, Lord, among the nations; I will sing of you... Read More →