Tag: Purity

How Do You See?

“To the pure, all things are pure. But to those who are corrupt and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but both their minds and consciences are corrupted.” (Titus 1:15, NET)

We often think that the world around us determines how we see things. If life is good, we feel good. If life is bad, we feel bad. But Paul reminds Titus of a deeper truth—everything we experience is filtered through the lens of our own hearts and worldview. What we see and how we interpret it reflects who we are.

To the pure, Paul says, all things are pure. This isn’t naivety; it’s the result of a heart transformed by Christ. A pure heart views the world through the lens of grace, love, and trust in God. It seeks the good. It extends charity. It assumes the best intentions and sees opportunities for redemption, even in brokenness.

But to the corrupt, nothing is pure. Why? Because a corrupt heart projects its own intentions outward. Someone who lives in dishonesty assumes others are lying too. A bitter person sees only offense. A lustful heart objectifies. An unbelieving mind interprets everything as meaningless. In other words, our perception of the world becomes a mirror reflecting what’s already in us.

Jesus said something similar: “For the mouth speaks from what fills the heart” (Matthew 12:34). What’s in us comes out—not just in our words, but in how we see and interact with everything. If we’re holding onto sin, anger, or doubt, we’ll project that onto people, situations, and even God. But if we’re holding fast to Christ, we’ll see the world differently.

This truth calls us to examine our hearts. If cynicism, suspicion, or negativity seem to dominate your thoughts, ask: What am I filtering life through? Is my heart shaped by the purity of God’s truth, or am I projecting my brokenness onto the world?

The beauty of the Gospel is that Christ doesn’t leave us trapped in corruption. He transforms our hearts, renews our minds, and purifies our conscience. When we walk in that transformation, we begin to see life for what it really is: a place where God is working, redeeming, and calling us to reflect His goodness.

Today, consider your lens. Are you interpreting life through the purity of Christ, or through the corruption of your own brokenness? Surrender your heart to Him and let Him renew how you see—because the condition of your heart determines the clarity of your vision.

Accidental Righteousness? I Don’t Think So

In Haggai 2, the prophet speaks to the remnant of Israel after their return from exile, addressing their efforts to rebuild the temple. In verses 10–19, God uses a powerful illustration to make a point about purity and defilement. He asks the priests whether holiness can be transferred through mere contact, and the answer is no. But when He asks if defilement can spread through touch, the answer is yes. The message is clear: sin easily defiles, but righteousness doesn’t simply “rub off” on others.

This context is vital to understanding the heart of Haggai’s message. The people had returned from exile and were working on restoring the temple, but their hearts were still not fully aligned with God. Despite their physical efforts, their spiritual state mattered most. The external work they were doing wouldn’t make them righteous before God if their hearts remained impure. Sin, like a disease, contaminates easily, and their efforts—while good—couldn’t cleanse them of their sinful tendencies.

For us today, the application is profound. Sin spreads easily in our lives. It creeps in through the smallest cracks—our thoughts, attitudes, habits, and relationships. It doesn’t take much for our hearts to be tainted by pride, anger, jealousy, or selfishness. Righteousness, however, is not something that happens accidentally or passively. It requires intentional pursuit and devotion to God. Just as the Israelites couldn’t rely on the temple to make them holy, we can’t assume that simply attending church or reading the Bible without engagement will make us righteous.

We are fertile ground for sin, and it is our default state unless we actively seek God and allow His Spirit to transform us. The world around us often promotes values and behaviors that can easily defile our hearts and minds, and if we aren’t careful, those influences can take root. But righteousness requires effort. It demands that we choose, day by day, to walk in obedience to Christ, to reject sin, and to cultivate the fruits of the Spirit in our lives.

God’s grace is what enables us to pursue righteousness, but it doesn’t remove the need for effort. We must be intentional in our pursuit of holiness, knowing that it is by God’s power, not our own, that we grow in righteousness. Like the Israelites rebuilding the temple, we need to focus not only on the external aspects of our faith but also on the condition of our hearts. We must be vigilant, always seeking to uproot sin and replace it with the righteousness that comes through Christ.