Posts Tagged: Reconciliation


Batman, Barbie, and Jesus

Hook Good morning all, my name is Conrad and I am one of the pastors here. If you need a Bible to follow along in our Bible study this morning, put your hands in the air and one of our ushers will make sure you get one. I have long said that my two favourite...  Read More →


Status Update

The book of Philemon is more than just a short letter—it’s a window into the radical redefinition of relationships that the Gospel brings. Onesimus, once a slave and a fugitive, is now described as a “beloved brother” in Christ. Imagine how shocking this must have been in a world that defined people by their status,...  Read More →

Worship Without Walls: Making Peace with Others

Reading through Mark 3, Luke 6, and Matthew 5, we come across a powerful teaching that echoes across all three Gospels: the importance of reconciliation with others before offering anything to God. In Matthew 5:23-24, Jesus says, “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister...  Read More →

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Necessary But Not Sufficient

Numbers 5:6 says “… if and of the people — men or women — betray the Lord by doing wrong to another person, they are guilty.” Oftentimes we separate sin out into sin against God and sin against people. But we forget that people are image-bearers of God. He made them. And so when we sin...  Read More →

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A Pleasing Aroma

Just a quick thought today. If you have been reading along you’ll have noticed that the phrase “a pleasing aroma to God” has appeared a great many times in Genesis, Exodus, and especially Leviticus. Depending on what translation you use this phrase pops up some 43 times in the Old Testament. But what does it...  Read More →