Christian leadership is fundamentally different from worldly leadership, where authority is often equated with power and influence. Jesus, however, flips this script, embodying and teaching a leadership style built on responsibility and service rather than control. In Mark 10, after James and John ask for places of honor, Jesus clarifies that greatness in His kingdom... Read More →
I’ve always been struck by the profound responsibility that comes with leadership, particularly in the church. Reading through Jeremiah 22-23, I couldn’t help but feel the weight of God’s words directed at the leaders of Israel. As a leader, these passages serve as a sobering reminder that shepherding God’s people is not about serving ourselves... Read More →
Esau goes out hunting and come home famished. He asks his brother for some stew and Jacob – as brothers do – needed something in return. Jacob asked for Esau’s birthright and Esau, evidently a drama queen, says he’s going to literally die if he doesn’t eat. So he trades his birthright for some stew.... Read More →
God has given us the earth and its inhabitants to steward and the universe as a witness of the power and majesty to which we are accountable. No amount of lying, denying, and/or blame-shifting will bring relief when we are required to give an account of how we did. Let’s take our responsibilities seriously and... Read More →