Ever notice how, for some people, there’s never “enough” evidence for God? You could show them miracles, point to transformed lives, or share fulfilled prophecies—but they still hesitate. In Luke 16, Jesus confronts this mindset in the story of the rich man and Lazarus. We meet a man who waited too long. From his place... Read More →
As I read Isaiah 30:1-5 this morning, I was struck by the gravity of making plans without consulting God. The passage vividly describes such actions as sinful and rebellious. In these verses, the Israelites sought alliances with Egypt instead of seeking God’s guidance. This decision, made without divine consultation, led to their downfall. The concept... Read More →
How many of us have uttered this sentence, or held this thought? If ever you feel like you’re too messed up to be used by God, read the Bible. See how He uses deeply flawed people to accomplish His purposes all the time. Just in today’s passage; Jacob is cheated by Laban, so he rigs... Read More →