Tag: Sharing Faith

Hope That Demands an Explanation

“But set Christ apart as Lord in your hearts and always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks about the hope you possess” (1 Peter 3:15, NET).

When Peter penned this command, he wasn’t writing to people living in comfort or ease. He addressed believers facing persecution, whose hope stood out precisely because their circumstances seemed hopeless. It wasn’t a hope grounded in fleeting optimism or naivety but in the unshakable reality of Christ’s victory over sin and death.

The question for us today is this: Do we live with a hope that forces others to take notice? Hope isn’t something we merely claim to have; it’s something we exude. It colors how we handle disappointment, how we treat those who wrong us, and how we speak about the future. True hope isn’t quiet; it’s radiant. It shines so brightly that others can’t help but see it, even in the mundane or the messy.

This time of year is a unique opportunity to reflect that hope. In the holiday rush, when many are burdened by stress, loss, or unmet expectations, we can live as people who are at peace. When the world clamors for more—more gifts, more parties, more perfection—we can quietly demonstrate the contentment found in Christ. Our hope is not tied to circumstances but to the Savior who has come, who reigns, and who is coming again.

But living with noticeable hope requires intentionality. It begins with setting Christ apart as Lord in our hearts. This means surrendering our fears, anxieties, and ambitions to Him, trusting His sovereign goodness in every area of life. When we do this, our hope isn’t forced; it’s natural, a reflection of who He is and what He’s done.

Hope that stands out also requires us to be prepared. If someone asks why we live differently, are we ready to give an answer? Not with defensiveness or arrogance, but with gentleness and respect, pointing them to the source of our hope. Our witness is strengthened when our words and our actions align—when we live in a way that makes the Gospel both attractive and believable.

As we navigate this season, let’s ask ourselves: Does my hope in Christ demand an explanation? Am I prepared to share it when asked? May we live in such a way that our lives invite curiosity, and may we be ready to respond with the beautiful truth of the hope we have in Him.

From Chains to Courage: What Paul’s Boldness Means for You

In Acts 26, Paul finds himself standing before King Agrippa, defending himself against accusations that could lead to his death. But what stands out isn’t Paul’s self-preservation; it’s his selflessness. Given the chance to plead his case, Paul doesn’t focus on his own innocence. Instead, he seizes the opportunity to preach the Gospel. He recounts his miraculous encounter with Christ, his transformation, and his mission to share the message of salvation. At one point, Agrippa even remarks, “In such a short time are you persuading me to become a Christian?” (Acts 26:28, NET). Paul responds with love, expressing his hope that all listening might come to faith, whether quickly or over time.

Paul’s example is humbling. Even when his life hangs in the balance, he prioritizes the eternal well-being of those accusing him over his own safety. His boldness and compassion challenge us to reflect on what inhibits us from sharing the Gospel. For Paul, not even the threat of death stood in the way. For us, it can be something as small as the fear of an awkward conversation or the discomfort of stepping outside our routine.

What holds us back? Is it fear of rejection, a lack of confidence in our ability to explain the Gospel, or simply a sense that the timing isn’t right? Paul’s words remind us that the stakes are eternal. The same Spirit that emboldened him dwells within us, equipping us to share Christ’s love. The question is whether we’ll let worldly fears silence us or whether we’ll trust God to work through us, even in our weakness.

Consider this: If we truly love others, as Paul loved his accusers, can we stand idly by while they remain unaware of the hope and life found in Christ? The Gospel is worth the risk of discomfort. Paul’s example shows that love compels us to share it, no matter the cost.

As you reflect, ask yourself: What’s stopping me from sharing the Gospel? Is my love for others strong enough to overcome my hesitation? Let Paul’s boldness inspire you to take the next step—whether it’s initiating a conversation, inviting someone to church, or simply being a faithful witness in your daily life.

Common Ground

The Apostle Paul’s encounter with the thinkers at Mars Hill is one of the New Testament’s most striking examples of how to engage a diverse audience with the Gospel. As Paul stood before the Areopagus, he didn’t begin with condemnation or alienating truths. Instead, he sought common ground. Pointing out their altar inscribed “To an unknown god,” Paul started with something familiar to them—a gesture of respect for their religious curiosity—and built his case for the truth of the Gospel.

This approach reminds us of the wisdom in meeting people where they are. Paul didn’t dilute his message to win favor, nor did he shy away from proclaiming Christ. Rather, he crafted his words in a way that first invited his listeners to lean in. By acknowledging their cultural context, he effectively disarmed them and made them open to the truth. He even quoted their own poets to illustrate God’s closeness to humanity—a brilliant move that demonstrated his understanding of their world.

How often do we focus more on winning arguments than on winning hearts? The Gospel itself is unchanging, but the way we present it can adapt to the people we are speaking with. Paul’s approach challenges us to think creatively and compassionately. It’s not about manipulating conversations but about being wise in how we engage others. Are we actively looking for common ground in our discussions about faith? Are we listening and seeking to understand before we speak?

Ultimately, Paul’s message at Mars Hill was bold: the unknown god they worshiped was, in fact, the one true God, revealed in Jesus Christ. This moment wasn’t just a clever rhetorical victory; it was an act of love. Paul used his words to call people out of ignorance and into the light of truth.

Our own conversations about faith can reflect this same heart. Whether it’s a debate with a skeptic, a deep discussion with a seeker, or a passing moment with a stranger, we have the opportunity to mirror Paul’s method of Gospel-centered dialogue. It begins by seeing people not as opponents but as image-bearers of God, worthy of respect and capable of receiving His truth. When we start with what is shared and move toward the hope of Christ, we echo Paul’s boldness and his love.