“But set Christ apart as Lord in your hearts and always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks about the hope you possess” (1 Peter 3:15, NET). When Peter penned this command, he wasn’t writing to people living in comfort or ease. He addressed believers facing persecution, whose hope stood out precisely... Read More →
In Acts 26, Paul finds himself standing before King Agrippa, defending himself against accusations that could lead to his death. But what stands out isn’t Paul’s self-preservation; it’s his selflessness. Given the chance to plead his case, Paul doesn’t focus on his own innocence. Instead, he seizes the opportunity to preach the Gospel. He recounts... Read More →
The Apostle Paul’s encounter with the thinkers at Mars Hill is one of the New Testament’s most striking examples of how to engage a diverse audience with the Gospel. As Paul stood before the Areopagus, he didn’t begin with condemnation or alienating truths. Instead, he sought common ground. Pointing out their altar inscribed “To an... Read More →