[INTRO YOURSELF] [ANNOUNCEMENT: ONE SERVICE NEXT SUNDAY] [HAND OUT BIBLES] HOOK It might surprise you to learn that I was not a very good student in high school… that probably why I ended up in Bible College rather than a real school. Anyway, one class stood out above the others in my grade school career.... Read More →
“For all that is in the world—the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the arrogance produced by material possessions—is not from the Father, but is from the world.” — 1 John 2:16 (NET) Every sin we commit can be traced back to three core desires: the lust of the flesh,... Read More →
“To the pure, all things are pure. But to those who are corrupt and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but both their minds and consciences are corrupted.” (Titus 1:15, NET) We often think that the world around us determines how we see things. If life is good, we feel good. If life is bad, we feel... Read More →
The phrase “Judge not, lest ye be judged” has become a cultural catchphrase, often used to discourage any form of moral discernment. Yet in 1 Corinthians 5, Paul offers a strikingly different perspective, reminding us that judging is not only appropriate in some contexts—it’s necessary. Paul tells the Corinthian church to cast out a brother... Read More →
When Jesus warned about the unforgivable sin, it raised a question that has troubled many believers: What exactly is this sin that cannot be forgiven? As we look deeper into His words from Mark 3:28-30 and Matthew 12:31-32, we see that He refers to “blasphemy against the Holy Spirit” as something from which there is... Read More →
In Luke 7:36-50, we find the story of a sinful woman who interrupts a dinner at the house of a Pharisee named Simon. She falls at the feet of Jesus, weeping, and pours expensive perfume on His feet, wiping them with her hair. Simon is shocked that Jesus would allow this woman, known for her... Read More →
In Haggai 2, the prophet speaks to the remnant of Israel after their return from exile, addressing their efforts to rebuild the temple. In verses 10–19, God uses a powerful illustration to make a point about purity and defilement. He asks the priests whether holiness can be transferred through mere contact, and the answer is... Read More →
In Jeremiah 15, we see a profound tension between God’s judgment and His love. At the end of the chapter, God speaks of separating the precious from the vile, calling Jeremiah to be His mouthpiece. This passage highlights an important truth: it’s not enough to merely separate ourselves from sinful people and their actions. While... Read More →
For YEARS after I returned to the church around age 13 I was always perplexed by this idea of delighting in the law, yet we see it pop up in the Psalms on multiple occasions. So what’s the deal with that? Doesn’t the law limit our freedom? Doesn’t it put restrictions all around us? Tell... Read More →
Well, it’s finally happened. The sin of the northern kingdom of Israel has lead to their dispossession of the land and their captivity in Assyria. They were cheats, liars, murders, drunks, idolators, adulterers, and even child-sacrificers, yet not none of those are the reason their land is dispossessed. No, Israel lost their land because a... Read More →
When King Joash’s mentor (the priest Jehoiada) died, and new set of advisors quickly stepped in to fill the vacuum. And they led him away from the Lord. They led him so far from the Lord that when Jehoiada’s son Zechariah came to Joash to challenge him, Joash had him killed! Well, some time later... Read More →
David recognizes that — even as king — he rules and reigns under the King of Kings. Any of us who hold any position of authority should keep that in mind. All authority is the Lord’s and it’s only on loan to us. We need to be mindful how we use it. Thinking of your realms... Read More →