Tag: Sin

Necessary But Not Sufficient

Numbers 5:6 says “… if and of the people — men or women — betray the Lord by doing wrong to another person, they are guilty.”

Oftentimes we separate sin out into sin against God and sin against people. But we forget that people are image-bearers of God. He made them. And so when we sin against other people, we betray God. And by betraying God we are guilty of sin. Sin against God AND people! In a way sinning against a fellow image-bearer is actually worse, since it is offending TWO parties.

And unlike sins against God alone which require a sacrifice to cover the iniquity, sins against another person required more. The people had to give back what had been taken/cheated/etc (or its equivalent value) and add 20% on top. PLUS they had to get right with God.

What I’m saying is this: we’re going to mess up and hurt each other. But we need to go above-and-beyond to make it right. “I’m sorry” is necessary but not sufficient. We need to repair, replace, or recover. And then, once we have made it right with our brother or sister, then we can come before God to ask for forgiveness. It’s hard to grant forgiveness to someone who has not made a serious attempt to rectify the wrong.

You’ve gotta make it right before you can make it right.

Feb 28 | Num 4-5 | 059/365

Making It Right

There is much todo about sin throughout the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy). And much of it is sin against God. The things we do that are an affront to Him and His law. But God isn’t simply worried about how we treat Him, but also how we treat each other.

In Leviticus 6 God gives Moses specific instruction regarding the mistreatment of each other. The Lord specifically cites cheating, security deposits, stealing, fraud, lost property, and lying under oath. Then He hits Moses with that catchall of “or any other such sin”. God was deeply concerned that we deal fairly with each other.

But what’s interesting is not that God says these things are sins, but rather what He says we are expected to do about it. The pattern so far has been sin:offering, sin:offering, sin:offering. So naturally that’s what we expect to see here, but it is not. Because there is a crucial difference. We are not committing a sin against God that ONLY requires an offering, we are committing a sin against a fellow image-bearer of God, a member of our community of faith. We cannot simply give an offering to God and dust our hands of the situation.

God says explicitly that we have to make it right first. Give back what you stole, took, found, or obtained. AND THEN add 20% on top. It is not enough that we seek to get right with God while there is still a matter outstanding with our sisters and brothers. We are called to go over and above to make it right, and only THEN do we go to God for the final forgiveness.

This is an act of contrition, repentance, and reconciliation. How can we stand before God and claim to be sorry while the person we wronged is left hurting? It isn’t possible. We need to make it right before we can make it right.

Leviticus 4-6 | 048/365

Who’s Leading Who?

We are all the hero of our own stories. But sin is eager to counsel us — and we are eager to listen, because the counsel of sin so often aligns with our existing desires. But God knew how hard-headed our free will would make us and so he made a way out; a way not obvious to everyone; a way that strikes most — nearly all in the case of Noah — as foolishness. Let me encourage you today in the strongest possible terms to listen to (in every sense of the word) the Lord’s leading.

Genesis 4-6 | 002/365