In John 13, Jesus took a basin and towel to wash the disciples’ feet, a humbling act of service that challenged their understanding of cleanliness and purity. When Peter hesitated, Jesus gently reminded him that, while he was already “clean,” his feet still needed washing. Jesus wasn’t just talking about physical cleanliness—He was highlighting a... Read More →
In today’s reading, the Israelites return from exile with a clear mission: to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. This was more than just a construction project; it was about restoring their spiritual connection with God. Yet, in the midst of their work, they faced a dilemma. When neighboring groups offered to help, the Israelites made... Read More →
In Ezekiel 40, we encounter a remarkable vision that paints a vivid picture of hope and restoration. Set during a time of exile for the Israelites, this passage offers a glimpse of a future temple that symbolizes God’s enduring presence among His people. While the detailed measurements and structures may seem overwhelming at first glance,... Read More →
In Ezekiel 37, the prophet is taken to a valley filled with dry bones—symbolic of the hopeless state of Israel in exile. Humanly speaking, these bones are beyond hope, but God commands Ezekiel to prophesy over them, and they come to life, forming a vast army. This powerful vision serves as a reminder that God... Read More →
In Ezekiel 34, we find a powerful portrayal of God as the Good Shepherd who pursues His lost sheep with relentless love and compassion. The shepherds of Israel had failed miserably, prioritizing their own gain over the well-being of their flock. Yet, even in the face of such leadership failure, God Himself steps in, promising... Read More →
When I read today’s passage, one thought struck me above the others: Israel, now “desolate,” would finally have its “Sabbath Rest.” This isn’t just about a nation lying in ruins—it’s about the spiritual renewal that only comes after the flames of destruction have swept through. Imagine a forest. For centuries, forest fires were a natural... Read More →
The leadership styles and legacies of Hezekiah, his son Manasseh, and his grandson Josiah, as recorded in 2 Kings 22 and 2 Chronicles 33, offer profound insights into the importance of godly leadership. The contrast between these three kings highlights the truth of the adage, “as the leadership goes, so goes the nation.” Hezekiah is... Read More →