It’s a bold statement when Jesus says, “The Lord needs it.” Just before His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, He asks His disciples to bring Him a colt. No lengthy explanations, no assurances for the colt’s owner — simply, “The Lord needs it.” To the owner, this colt may have been valuable or essential for work,... Read More →
In Matthew 15:1-20 and Mark 7:1-23, Jesus confronts the religious leaders of His day about a dangerous tendency: the elevation of tradition over God’s Word. The Pharisees, known for their outward righteousness and strict adherence to religious customs, were scandalized by Jesus’ disciples eating without performing the ceremonial washing of hands. This wasn’t about hygiene;... Read More →
Reading through Mark 3, Luke 6, and Matthew 5, we come across a powerful teaching that echoes across all three Gospels: the importance of reconciliation with others before offering anything to God. In Matthew 5:23-24, Jesus says, “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister... Read More →
In John 4, Jesus has an unexpected conversation with a Samaritan woman. As they talk, the topic of worship comes up. The woman points out that Jews worship in Jerusalem, while her people, the Samaritans, worship on Mount Gerizim. She’s focused on the location — the outward, physical expression of worship. But Jesus turns her... Read More →
In Malachi 1, the people of Israel express their frustration and weariness with serving the Lord, implying that it’s too hard to follow His commands. They turned their noses up at the sacrifices they were asked to make, offering blemished animals and half-hearted service. What was intended to be an act of devotion had become... Read More →
Sometimes, as we go through Scripture, we encounter sections that can feel difficult to draw insights from. Lists of names, genealogies, and city assignments might seem irrelevant to us today, but every part of Scripture is inspired by God and holds a purpose. Even if it doesn’t seem obvious at first, if we are willing... Read More →
In Ezekiel 40, we encounter a remarkable vision that paints a vivid picture of hope and restoration. Set during a time of exile for the Israelites, this passage offers a glimpse of a future temple that symbolizes God’s enduring presence among His people. While the detailed measurements and structures may seem overwhelming at first glance,... Read More →
Worship is more than singing songs or performing rituals; it is the expression of our reverence, love, and obedience to God. True worship is rooted in the recognition of God’s holiness, majesty, and authority. It involves aligning our hearts and actions with God’s will, living in a way that honors Him. In Ezekiel 8, we... Read More →
Just a quick thought today. Several times throughout the Psalms we are told to sing to the Lord. Not the more broad “worship”, but specifically singing. Why? Let’s pop that question in our pockets for a sentence or two while I describe my ideal Sunday service for you all. I would like to see an... Read More →
Just a quick thought today. If you have been reading along you’ll have noticed that the phrase “a pleasing aroma to God” has appeared a great many times in Genesis, Exodus, and especially Leviticus. Depending on what translation you use this phrase pops up some 43 times in the Old Testament. But what does it... Read More →