Tag: 1 John

What’s Your Vector of Attack?

While David is separated from Michal (who helped saved his life in his flight from Saul) he married two other women. And here again we are told that he gathered “more” wives and concubines. Most of David’s life and actions… 99% (probably MORE than that if we’re going by word count) is upright, virtuous, and worthy of emulation. The way he desires unity, honours the Lord, and seeks His counsel in every leadership decision is commendable. But here we have him amassing wives, in fairly straightforward contravention of Deuteronomy 17:17’s command for kings not to take many wives.

If you know the story of David, you know that this chink in his armour — this Achilles’ heel — will lead to the biggest and most egregious series of sins and terrible decisions that will leave an indelible scar on his story for the rest of time.

I remember years ago hearing famous evangelist Greg Laurie talk about the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life (1 John 2:16) and cleverly referring to them as Gold, Glory, and Girls/Guys. Every sin boils down to one of these three. And one of them is your weakness. One of them is your vector of attack. And when Satan comes for you, he isn’t going to go after your strong side. He’s going after your weak side! Shore up the area where you are most vulnerable. Take every thought captive (1 Corinthians 10:5) and force it into submission to Christ. Like anything else, you need to train the part of you that is weak to become strong. Find an accountability partner, talk openly about those things which represent your vector of attack. Allow the sunlight to prevent the mold of sin from forming in your life.

I guess what I’m saying is: don’t struggle alone and hope it goes away. Take practical steps to defend the weakest part of you against attacks and temptations from Satan.

2 Samuel 5:1-6:11; 1 Chronicles 3:4, 11:1-9, 12:23-40, 13:1-14, 14:1-2, 8-17 | 112/365