Blasphemy & Death

To this point no punishment has yet been handed down for blasphemy despite it’s prohibition (Ex20:7;22:28. It would stand to reason, then, that it is likely to this point that no one HAS blasphemed the Lord.

Along comes this half-Egyptian/half-Hebrew fellow. Who does not simply blaspheme, but blasphemes AND curses! We’ll get to what those mean in a moment, but first it’s noteworthy that this man — whose father is never identified — gets into a fight with an Israelite man. We are never really told why this happens, but from the details we DO have, I think we can make some educated guesses.

Now we know that the man’s mother was from the tribe of Dan. And I suppose it’s likely that this man who chose to come with the Israelites wanted to settle with the tribe of Dan. But it’s also likely that the Danites were not open to this fellow’s inclusion. Remember that lineage came from the father. And this man’s lineage was not Israelite, but rather Egyptian. So it’s entirely possible that the man was not welcomed into the tribe of Dan as he had hoped. This probably was not a new development, but perhaps one that had not been resolved to this point and finally came to blows.

And during the fight, the fateful words spill out. Remember that words uttered in the heat of a moment are not lies, but concealed truths of the heart. And the truth was that this man blasphemed and cursed God.

The word blaspheme means to pierce, puncture, or strike through. And the word curse means to make light of or trifle with. This man had no respect or reverence for God and dissension in this nascent, previously lawless group now known as Israelites could not be tolerated. I know this seems barbaric by today’s standards, but the world was a different place four thousand years ago. Heck, the world was a different place TWO HUNDRED years ago. In 19th century England you could be hanged for stealing as little as a shekel (~$30 today)!

Today’s takeaway is this: the truth will find you out. Take heart in or heed of that as you will.

Feb 24 | Lev 23:1-25:23 | 055/365