Signs of the Times

Today's Reading: Mark 13:1-31; Matthew 24:1-35; Luke 21:5-33


In the Olivet Discourse, Jesus presents a sweeping vision of future events, but His primary focus is not the “when” of His return. Instead, He emphasizes how we should live as we wait. With each reference to “wars and rumors of wars” and natural upheavals, Jesus reminds His followers that these are “birth pains”—a hint of what’s to come, not an invitation to speculation or fear.

Jesus’ call is clear: live prepared and purposeful lives, grounded in faith and action, rather than chasing easy answers or living in anxiety. In Matthew 24:42, He warns, “Therefore, keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.” This watchfulness isn’t about decoding every event; rather, it’s about daily faithfulness to the work He has given us—the Great Commission.

Living with “signs of the times” in mind doesn’t mean abandoning our daily work or waiting passively. Jesus calls us to earnestness and perseverance, fully committed to the tasks at hand: sharing the gospel, serving our neighbors, and loving each other sacrificially. Each of these actions builds His Kingdom here on earth, a Kingdom that He promises will withstand any upheaval.

But faithful living also requires discernment. It’s tempting to become preoccupied with “answers” about the end times. Jesus knew this tendency, which is why He warned us against false messiahs and “false prophets” who “will deceive many” (Matthew 24:11). While we are to be wise and watchful, we shouldn’t let sensational claims distract us from Jesus’ clear command to “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19).

If we believe Jesus will return—and He will—then our lives should reflect that hope. It’s a hope that compels us to action, to plant seeds of faith in others, and to nurture our relationship with God. We persevere not because we know the date of His return but because we trust His promise and see the urgency of the gospel.

So how do we wait well? We live ready, open to His call at any moment. We pursue His mission wholeheartedly, not distracted by every new “sign” but anchored in the lasting promise that He is coming. Each day, we choose to love, serve, and share the gospel with those around us, reflecting Jesus’ love in all we do. When we live with this kind of readiness, we not only await the return of our King, but we bring His Kingdom to life in the here and now.