The Love You Seek

Today's Reading: Ezekiel 14-16


In Ezekiel 16, God compares Jerusalem to an unfaithful bride who, instead of being grateful for His love and provision, turns to other lovers—false gods and worldly alliances. The tragic truth is that she receives the kind of love she seeks: a love that uses her, takes everything from her, and ultimately abandons her.

This principle is timeless. The love you seek will determine the kind of love you receive.

If you seek the love of the Lord, you will find grace, mercy, and protection. God’s love is sacrificial and unconditional. It’s a love that gives even when it’s not deserved and protects even when we’ve made mistakes. For example, the prodigal son in Luke 15 experiences this love firsthand. After squandering his inheritance and ending up destitute, he returns home expecting wrath but instead receives a father’s warm embrace and full restoration. The son sought the world’s pleasures but ultimately realized that true love and security were found only in his father’s house.

On the other hand, if you seek the love of the world, you will receive a love that is transactional and conditional. The world’s love is based on what you can provide—whether it’s success, beauty, power, or something else. Once you no longer fulfill those conditions, you’re discarded. Consider the story of Hollywood stars who, after reaching the peak of their fame, are quickly forgotten when they are no longer “marketable.” Their lives often reflect this sad reality: once adored, they find themselves alone and broken when the spotlight fades.

This is also true in personal relationships. People who build their identity around pleasing others or maintaining a certain image often find themselves empty and alone when they can no longer meet those expectations. The love they sought was never truly love; it was a facade that crumbled when reality set in.

The love of God offers a stark contrast. It’s a love that doesn’t waver based on our performance or circumstances. When we seek Him, we find a love that is steadfast and unchanging, a love that will never use or discard us but instead will always welcome us back with open arms.

In the end, the love you seek will determine the course of your life. Will you choose the fleeting and conditional love of the world, or will you seek the eternal and unconditional love of the Lord? The choice is yours, and it will shape everything that follows.