Walled Cities & Self Control

Today's Reading: Proverbs 25:1-29:27


In the time of King Hezekiah’s rule all the big cities were walled. This helped with protection during a very command-and-conquest period in human civilization. Obviously these walls served a role that is difficult to overstate. This was THE primary method of defence. Just look at what happened to Jericho! How were the Israelites able to take it so easily? Because God brought the walls down. Given that this was the situation, it’s no wonder that the city walls were well maintained, often inspected, and a key part of the city’s infrastructure. It would be foolish, reckless, and even unthinkable to allow these walls to fall into disrepair. The future of both the city and her citizens was at risk of certain doom if those walls were less than perfect.

This brings us along to the portion of today’s reading that hit me hardest and that I want to share with you, Proverbs 25:28.

A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls.

Do you lack self-control in one or many areas of your life? Every facet of our lives needs to be brought into submission. Every thought, even. If you are dealing with self-control issues in shopping, eating, time management, family, friends, work, etc, etc, etc then you are letting the walls of your city break down. You are leaving yourself open to continued attack from the Enemy. That area where your self-control is lacking is the EXACT place Satan will attack. It is your weakness!

So how do I shore up my self control? Great question! Here are a couple of practical tools to help you.

Maximize Self-Control

Preserve your self-control effectively by avoiding temptations. This strategy ensures you don’t deplete your reserves prematurely. When faced with cravings for food, drink, spending, or other undesired behaviors, try diverting your attention with positive activities. Go for a walk, chat with a friend, tackle household chores, or engage in any task that shifts your focus away from temptation.

Strategic Planning

Anticipate situations that could challenge your resolve. Prepare in advance for how you’ll resist temptations to maintain your willpower, even after experiencing initial depletion. For instance, if you struggle with afternoon sugar cravings, fortify yourself with a satisfying lunch rich in fiber, protein, and whole grains to stave off hunger.

Regular Exercise of Control

Like a muscle, your self-control strengthens with consistent exercise. Engage regularly in activities demanding self-discipline to enhance your willpower over time. One time I put a chocolate bar in my fridge three months before a big youth retreat. Every time I had a craving for it, I would pray for my students instead. When we got home from that retreat and I finally got to eat it, it was SO satisfying! Simple games such as “red light, green light” or “freeze dance” can instill self-control habits in children from an early age.

Focused Goal Setting

Concentrate on achieving one goal at a time instead of spreading your efforts across multiple objectives. This focused approach prevents depletion of self-control in one area from affecting others. Once behaviours become habitual, they require less effort to maintain, freeing up energy to pursue additional goals.


God wants to help you! Pray about those things that trouble you.