
Weak Leadership

INTRO Today I want to share a few quick, but important thoughts about the commissioning of Moses in the book of Exodus. Please turn to Exodus 3 in your Bibles. We will be reading selected portions from chapters 3 & 4. OBJECTION #1 | EXODUS 3:9–12 NKJV 9 Now therefore,…

So Sue Me

HOOK Good morning, everyone! Hope your Sunday is excellent. Pastor Joel sends his love from a Calvary Chapel in Mexico that he is visiting with this morning. We have lots to get through today, so we’re going to get right into it. If you need a Bible to follow along…

Weak Leadership

Intro Today I want to share a few quick, but important thoughts about the commissioning of Moses in the book of Exodus. Please turn to Exodus 3 in your Bibles. We will be reading selected portions from chapters 3 & 4. Objection #1 | Exodus 3:9–12 NKJV 9 Now therefore,…

You’re Bad at Being God

1 Corinthians 4:1-13 Manuscript: HOOK What is your favourite season? [Hand out Bibles] Spring? Summer? Fall? Winter? I’m a bit of a special case. I have two favourite seasons. Christmas and Baseball. And with Christmas now behind us, and pitchers and catchers reporting to Spring Training in just over…

Perishable, Imperishable, and Destructive

HOOK High School english class. (Hand out Bibles) Just the thought of it conjures up images of Ben Stein from The Wonder Years or Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. But despite my general lack of interest in learning the nuances of the language I spoke every day, I still discovered some…

The Mystery of Prayer

Intro Does everyone know what a Rube Goldberg Machine is? Many of you probably do, and I thought I would try to explain it, but I think — to be truly appreciated — these must been seen. So if you’ll kindly indulge me, I would like to show you a brief…

The Miracle of Destruction

Intro Good morning! Welcome to Mountain Spring Calvary Chapel. My name is Conrad and I am one of the pastors here. And I am excited for the message God has for us this morning, one which I have entitled “The Miracle of Destruction”... ooh! Provocative! Before we get too far into our…

Reclaiming the Wilderness

Note: This is a repeat of an earlier sermon. Prologue Good morning, my name is Conrad and I’m one of the pastors here at Surrey CLA. How many people in the room this morning are familiar with the idea of “wandering in the wilderness”? Typically when we talk about wandering…

Hold On Loosely

Intro Kids wanting a gift MORE THAN ANYTHING, but then they never use it again Let’s dive into part 29 of our Mark series Doctor Who skit CONRAD: And today I’m excited to do my final sermon with Surrey CLA and dive into part 29 of our Mark series. DOCTOR:…

The Christian Mirage

Intro Fried Chicken Cash He looked good on the outside, but was actually lacking. Prayer The Third Passion Prediction Mark 10:32–34 (NET) — 32 They were on the way, going up to Jerusalem. Jesus was going ahead of them, and they were amazed, but those who followed were afraid. He…

My Idea Is Bad… But I’m Going With It

Intro TV people vs movie people TV A&B plot structure Simpsons: 22 Short Films About Springfield; separate but connected Today’s passage 3 vignettes; Episodes from the Life of Jesus Scripture 1 - The Prediction Mark 9:30–32 — 30 They went out from there and passed through Galilee. But Jesus did…

Rebuking Jesus

Intro Setup MADtv clip. Passage 27 Then Jesus and his disciples went to the villages of Caesarea Philippi. On the way he asked his disciples, “Who do people say that I am?” 28 They said, “John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and still others, one of the prophets.” 29 He…