Intro Second-screening during the video Anti-Social media Robs us of our humanity Millennials & Gen Z are the loneliest generations by survey. People who are always connected with hundreds of friends. Why? Because humans are a social animal. And we want to be a part of something bigger than ourselves.…
Intro Good morning, my name is Conrad, I’m one of the pastors here. And today, I’d like to talk about my Dad. We lost him to cancer 8 years ago this past October at the age of just 55. But in the brief time that he had on this terrestrial…
Prologue Good morning, my name is Conrad and I’m one of the pastors here at Surrey CLA. How many people in the room this morning are familiar with the idea of “wandering in the wilderness”? Typically when we talk about wandering in the wilderness, we are referring to something like…
Intro Halloween Safety is what makes fear fun -> in the pocket Scripture 13 So Boaz married Ruth and slept with her. The Lord enabled her to conceive and she gave birth to a son. The village women said to Naomi, “May the Lord be praised because he has not…
Intro [ MYTHBUSTERS - STILL ] [ MYTHBUSTERS - IDIOM HISTORY ] Passage Then Boaz said to the leaders and all the people, “You are witnesses today that I have acquired from Naomi all that belonged to Elimelech, Kilion, and Mahlon. 10 I have also acquired Ruth the Moabite, the…
The Intro [ Parent Saves Video ] It’s always fun to watch these videos, isn’t it? When I was looking these up, my kids gathered around to watch and we all ooh’d and ahh’d and laughed and gasped and good times were had by all. But that parental instinct is…
The Hook I’ve often talked about my love of baseball, and that has rubbed off on my boys. Teddy is just starting competitive baseball – where runs and outs are actually recorded – next spring. But Jonas started this past spring with Spring Ball, then immediately followed it up with…
The Hook High School english class. Just the thought of it conjures up images of Ben Stein from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, or The Wonder Years. But despite my general lack of interest in learning the nuances of the language I spoke every day, I still discovered some works that…
INTRO STORY You know, I was a youth pastor for many years, and had a number of wonderful, memorable students over that time. For a season during seminary I ran both the senior (grade 8–12) and junior (grade 5–8) youth ministries. I had no adult leaders during this time. So…
Intro Baseball & Christmas Seasons It’s a Wonderful Life George was so caught up in dispair that he couldn’t see the blessings. Recap Focus on Naomi Naomi was in a pit she couldn’t see her way out of. [[[ CLIP: REN & STIMPY ]]] 18 She carried it back into…
Intro Story Twilight Zone Clip - S01E12 - What You Need 3:30–4:45 [Welcome]. The Twilight Zone Previously on Ruth Ruth and Naomi have lost everything and leave Moab for Israel. 1:19 - “Excited by their arrival” Naomi was bitter, Ruth decided to glean Happened upon Boaz’s field Made the big,…
Intro Good morning! I’m so glad you’ve chosen to join us in worship of the living God this morning. And it is a beautiful morning, isn’t it? Right after Christmas, April is my favourite time of the year. No, not because of the spring in the air, but because it’s…