Tag: 1 Chronicles

Depth in the Details

Sometimes, as we go through Scripture, we encounter sections that can feel difficult to draw insights from. Lists of names, genealogies, and city assignments might seem irrelevant to us today, but every part of Scripture is inspired by God and holds a purpose. Even if it doesn’t seem obvious at first, if we are willing to look deeper, there is always something to learn and apply. Today’s reading from Nehemiah 11-12 and 1 Chronicles 9 is a great example. Let’s dig into what we can uncover when we approach these passages with a mind and heart open to God’s teaching.

1. Faithfulness in Everyday Callings The people mentioned in Nehemiah 11-12 and 1 Chronicles 9 weren’t all prophets, kings, or warriors. Many were priests, gatekeepers, or simply inhabitants of the city. Yet, God saw fit to include their names and roles in Scripture. This reminds us that God values faithfulness in all areas of life, even in roles that may seem ordinary. Whether we serve in front of large crowds or work behind the scenes, our contributions matter to God. Every role plays a part in His bigger plan, and faithfulness in our calling brings glory to Him.

2. God’s Care for Community In these chapters, we see an emphasis on the importance of community. Nehemiah is careful to note who lives in Jerusalem and who is assigned to surrounding towns. This reminds us that God has always valued people living in community, caring for one another, and working together. For us today, the principle remains the same: God calls us to live in fellowship with other believers, supporting each other and serving together. The Christian life is not meant to be lived in isolation but in community, where we can grow together and glorify God in unity.

3. Worship as a Priority A significant portion of Nehemiah 12 focuses on the priests and Levites, who led the people in worship and service at the temple. This serves as a reminder of the centrality of worship in our lives. Worship is not just something we do on Sundays; it is a lifestyle of devotion to God. Whether we are at home, work, or church, worship should be at the heart of all we do. God deserves our praise and honor, and we are called to live our lives as an offering of worship to Him.

4. The Importance of Generational Faithfulness Genealogies and lists of family members in 1 Chronicles 9 show how generations of families remained faithful in their service to God. This speaks to the importance of passing down faith through the generations. It’s a call for us today to invest in the spiritual growth of our children and to create a legacy of faith that endures. Whether as parents, mentors, or leaders in the church, we play a role in helping others grow in their relationship with God, ensuring the faith is passed down to the next generation.

5. God’s Faithfulness to His Promises Finally, these chapters remind us of God’s faithfulness. The people returning to Jerusalem and rebuilding their community were a fulfillment of God’s promises to bring His people back after exile. God never forgets His promises, and He is always faithful to His word. Even when life takes unexpected turns, we can trust that God is working all things according to His plan and that He will fulfill His promises to us as well.

As we close, it’s important to remember that while some passages of Scripture may seem harder to engage with, there is always something to learn. The Bible is rich with wisdom, and when we dig deeper, we find that God uses every word to reveal Himself and teach us more about who He is and who we are called to be. So, when you come across those challenging sections, don’t skim past them—look closer, because there’s always treasure to be found.

Not All Help Is Good Help: How to Protect Your Purpose

In today’s reading, the Israelites return from exile with a clear mission: to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. This was more than just a construction project; it was about restoring their spiritual connection with God. Yet, in the midst of their work, they faced a dilemma. When neighboring groups offered to help, the Israelites made a bold choice to turn them away, recognizing that their intentions weren’t aligned with God’s purpose. This decision might seem harsh, but it reveals something crucial for us today—the importance of discernment.

Rebuilding anything in our lives, whether it’s our faith, relationships, or even a community, requires wisdom in choosing who we allow to influence us. Not everyone who offers help is on the same page spiritually, and partnering with the wrong people can undermine the very thing God has called us to do. The Israelites understood this, knowing that accepting help from those whose motives were not pure would compromise the integrity of their mission. They weren’t acting out of pride or exclusivity but out of a deep desire to remain faithful to what God had asked of them.

This lesson is just as relevant for us. We often face situations where we need to rebuild—whether it’s in our personal walk with God, in mending a broken relationship, or in pursuing a new direction in life. But not every offer of support is helpful. Discernment is crucial in deciding who to partner with, and this discernment comes through prayer and seeking God’s guidance. As we seek His wisdom, we begin to see people’s true intentions more clearly.

Jesus tells us that we will recognize people by their fruits. When someone offers to help, we need to ask ourselves: What kind of fruit is evident in their life? Are they walking with God, or could their influence lead us astray? This doesn’t mean we shut people out based on a surface-level judgment, but rather that we carefully examine whether their involvement will help us stay true to God’s calling. The Israelites knew that compromising by partnering with the wrong people would dilute their worship and weaken their resolve. Similarly, we must be vigilant in guarding against compromise, even when it seems subtle.

As we navigate our own rebuilding efforts, we must remain aware that God calls us to stay faithful to His mission. When we surround ourselves with those who encourage us in our faith and challenge us to grow closer to God, we are better equipped to complete the work He’s given us. Discernment isn’t always easy, but it’s essential. Just as the Israelites protected their mission by saying no to the wrong kind of help, we, too, must be willing to make tough decisions for the sake of our spiritual health.

Rebuilding with God’s guidance means knowing when to accept help and when to turn it down. By seeking His wisdom, examining the lives of those around us, and being cautious of potential compromise, we can move forward confidently, trusting that God will lead us in the right direction. Let’s remember that God calls us to pursue His purpose with integrity, surrounding ourselves with those who share our commitment to His ways.

God’s Blueprint for Restoration: What Ezekiel 40 Teaches Us Today

In Ezekiel 40, we encounter a remarkable vision that paints a vivid picture of hope and restoration. Set during a time of exile for the Israelites, this passage offers a glimpse of a future temple that symbolizes God’s enduring presence among His people. While the detailed measurements and structures may seem overwhelming at first glance, there’s a crucial takeaway that resonates deeply with our lives today: God is committed to restoration, and He has a plan for us.

Imagine Ezekiel standing on a high mountain, surveying a magnificent temple designed by God Himself. This temple is more than just a building; it represents a fresh start for a people who have faced immense loss and disappointment. The specifics of the temple, from its dimensions to its gates, reveal God’s intention for a place where His presence can dwell among His people again. It’s a powerful reminder that no matter how far we feel from God or how broken our lives may seem, He desires to bring us back to a place of relationship with Him.

One interesting aspect of this vision is the way it emphasizes order and structure. God didn’t leave the design of the temple to chance; He provided meticulous details to ensure it reflected His holiness and glory. This careful planning invites us to consider how we approach our own lives and relationships. Are we allowing God to bring order and structure to our spiritual journeys?

In our fast-paced, chaotic world, it’s easy to feel disoriented and disconnected. Yet, Ezekiel’s vision encourages us to seek God’s presence and allow Him to guide us toward restoration. Just as the temple was a central place of worship for the Israelites, we too need spaces—both physical and spiritual—where we can encounter God. This could be a quiet corner in our homes, a favorite spot in nature, or even within our church community.

Moreover, the temple represents a fresh start and a call to renewal. Just as the Israelites were offered a chance to return to worship after exile, we are also invited to embrace the new beginnings God offers us. Whether it’s letting go of past mistakes, healing from hurt, or rebuilding relationships, God wants us to know that restoration is always possible.

As we reflect on Ezekiel 40, let’s remember that God is always at work to restore and renew us. He has a blueprint for our lives, and His plans are filled with hope. So, let’s take the time to seek Him, invite His presence into our lives, and trust in His promise of restoration, knowing that no matter where we’ve been, we can always find our way back to Him.

Real History, Real People, Real Events: The Tangible Roots of the Christian Faith

The Bible is not just a collection of spiritual teachings but also a document deeply rooted in real history, involving real people and events. Today’s reading from 1 Chronicles 5:18–26; 6:3b–15, 49; 7:1–8:28 emphasizes the genealogies and tribal histories of Israel, highlighting the tangible reality of the biblical narrative. These genealogies are not mere lists; they connect us to the reality of God’s work throughout history, reminding us that the people of the Bible were real, living individuals who played pivotal roles in the unfolding story of redemption.

The historical context provided by these passages serves as a reminder that Christianity is not based on abstract ideas or mythical tales but on actual events that took place in time and space. The genealogies link the biblical narrative to specific tribes, families, and historical events, showing that the Bible’s claims are grounded in the real world. For those who may question the validity of Christianity, this historical rootedness offers a strong apologetic, demonstrating that the faith is not just a spiritual philosophy but a historically verifiable reality.

Understanding the Bible as a historical document also deepens our faith. It reassures us that the God who interacted with real people in the past is the same God who is active in our lives today. The reliability of the Bible’s historical accounts strengthens our confidence in its spiritual promises, encouraging us to trust in God’s faithfulness throughout history and into our own lives.

For modern believers, recognizing the Bible’s historical credibility is crucial. It challenges the notion that faith is irrational or detached from reality, showing that our beliefs are rooted in evidence and history. This understanding empowers us to live out our faith with confidence, knowing that we follow a God who has been faithful to His promises throughout history and continues to fulfill them in our lives today.

Son of Man — What Does THAT Mean?

During today’s reading, I again noticed Ezekiel being constantly referred to as the “son of man.” So I would like to briefly explore what this phrase means, where we see it in Scripture, and why it is significant.

In the case of Ezekiel, “son of man” is meant to underscore his human frailty and his role as a representative of the people. Over 90 times, God addresses Ezekiel with this title, reminding him of his position as a mortal messenger delivering divine words. Ezekiel’s use of “son of man” connects him to the people of Israel, highlighting that, like them, he is a mere human with a responsibility to share God’s message, particularly concerning personal responsibility for sin and repentance (Ezekiel 33:10-20).

The title “son of man” also appears in Daniel 7:13-14, where “one like a son of man” is depicted as a divine figure who comes with the clouds of heaven and is given authority, glory, and sovereign power. This vision is messianic, pointing to a figure who will rule over all nations, and it is this aspect of the title that Jesus refers to when He calls Himself the “Son of Man.” His audience would have understood the profound implications of this self-designation, recognizing it as a claim to divine authority and fulfillment of the messianic prophecy.

So what does recognizing Jesus as the “Son of Man” mean for us today? This title carries profound implications for our lives and calls us to action in several key ways:

First, it reminds us that Jesus identifies with us. As the “son of man” from Ezekiel, Jesus shared in our humanity. He experienced the trials, temptations, and sufferings that we face. This means that when we struggle, we can turn to Jesus, knowing that He understands our pain. This shared experience is not just a point of empathy but a call for us to lean on Him in our weakness. We are encouraged to follow His example, living a life of obedience and reliance on God even in the face of suffering.

Second, it emphasizes Jesus’ authority. As the “son of man” from Daniel, He is the one given all power and dominion. This recognition demands our submission to His lordship. Jesus is not just a compassionate friend but the sovereign ruler of all creation. Our response should be one of reverence, acknowledging His authority in every aspect of our lives. This calls us to obedience, aligning our wills with His and allowing His authority to guide our decisions, actions, and attitudes.

Third, it assures us of God’s faithfulness. The “Son of Man” in Daniel’s vision is a direct prophecy of Jesus, who came once as foretold and will return on the clouds in glory. This fulfillment of prophecy demonstrates God’s unwavering faithfulness to His promises. He is true to His word, having already accomplished what He promised and guaranteeing that He will fulfill the rest in due time. This gives us great hope, especially in challenging times, knowing that God’s plans are sure and trustworthy. For those who trust in Him, this is a source of deep comfort. However, it also serves as a sober warning to those who live in rebellion, as God’s justice will ultimately prevail. Our response should be one of faith, trusting in God’s promises, and living in a way that reflects our confidence in His faithfulness.

Finally, we are reminded of our personal responsibility. As emphasized in Ezekiel 33:10-20, we are accountable for our actions and decisions. Recognizing Jesus as the “Son of Man” calls us to examine our lives, repent where necessary, and live in a way that honors God. This responsibility is not burdensome but a response to the grace and truth that we have received in Christ. It challenges us to live out our faith actively, taking seriously the call to follow Jesus in every area of our lives.

In sum, acknowledging Jesus as the “Son of Man” is more than just an intellectual assent; it is a transformative recognition that should shape how we live, think, and relate to God and others.

Can God Still Work Through Me If I Suck?

I’ll just say it, I find David’s orders to his son to kill Joab and Shimei to be deeply troubling. If Joab had done something worthy of death, then David should have killed him. But David did not, likely because Joab provided an incredible amount of utility to him. Then There’s Shimei, who had cursed David, but then changed his tune and came around to serve David. Combine that with the fact that David promised Shimei that he would not kill him, and the command to Solomon to do so comes off even worse! And these are part of the keys to the kingdom that David gives to his son! It’s no wonder then that Solomon also kills his own brother for a presumed coup (that is, asking to marry a girl who had “helped keep David warm”) and then dismisses the high priest — Abiathar — who had supported Adonaijah’s presumed ascent to the throne. This all seems much more like revenge and consolidation of power than it does one Godly king passing the throne to another.

It’s not until AFTER this that Solomon asks God for wisdom to lead well. Solomon’s actions in his personal life would lead him away from God, and his son would ultimately divide the kingdom of Israel. Solomon is a case study in the utter folly of human wisdom. And while David gets a lot of credit for being super awesome, that’s not what I see. I see a man who was deeply flawed, a poor father, a poor husband, a middling king, and a great military leader. The only thing David really had going for him was that — despite is glaring flaws — his heart was genuine and earnest in it’s longing for God.

What made David great in history? That God used him. What made Solomon great in history? That God used him. And if God can use these two exceptionally flawed men, He can use you! No matter how bad you THINK you are, God can use you! Do you really believe that God is so weak that He can only use perfect vessels?! His power is made perfect in weakness!

Think about this: God worked through Pharaoh! God worked through Balaam. God worked through Balaam’s donkey! The Bible is rife with examples of even people who HATED God being used by Him to accomplish His purposes. Now, salvation is a separate issue. I think we would all rather be a flawed-but-saved David than a used-but-damned Pharaoh. But the point remains…

You’re never too flawed to be used by God!

They Can’t Argue Your Testimony

But set Christ apart as Lord in your hearts and always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks about the hope you possess.

1 Peter 3:15, NET

This verse is as terrifying to some as it is inspiring to others. Do I have to give a whole Gospel presentation? What if I don’t have all the answers? What if it’s awkward? What if I’m seen as ‘pushy’? What if I don’t have a fully fleshed-out systematic theology and they ask about divine aseity!??!

Let’s remember that 1 Peter is about unjust suffering. That even as we suffer, we should still display the hope of Christ. So much so, in fact, that people will take notice and ask us why were are so hopeful given the circumstances. So live in a way that invites people to ask you questions! Be joyful, exuberant, and hopeful.

Then follow David’s lead. He writes:

I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.

Psalm 9:1, NIV

The thankfulness leads to joy. That is actually scientifically true, as argued by Dan Baker in his book “What Happy People Know”. Baker notes that our brain physically cannot experience gratitude and anxiety simultaneously. So exercising gratitude (I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart) will lead to that contagious, curious joy that will make folks take notice. And when they ask, you can tell them what God has done in your life (I will tell of all your wonderful deeds)!

People can argue whether Jesus is God, whether He rose from the grave, whether He even lived, but they can’t argue with what He has done in your life! And when you tell them the answer for your hope, joy, and gratitude is Jesus, then they will want to know more about Him.

Yes, sharing the Gospel is awesome, but sharing what the Lord has done in your life demonstrates the fruit of the Gospel, and opens doors for church events, service invitations, and even leading someone to Jesus!

So be joyful! And be willing to tell people why you are that way! God bless, my friends.

Are Our Prayers Results-Oriented?

While going through today’s reading, one verse hit me in the face with the force of a heavyweight boxer. David is praying for his son, Solomon, who will become king. David says,

Give my son Solomon the wholehearted desire to obey all your commands, laws, and decrees, and to do everything necessary to build this Temple, for which I have made these preparations.

1 Chronicles 29:19, NLT

Wow! Really let this sink in. Maybe you are not guilty of this, but I know I am; when I pray to God I want to see a result. I want to see a particle thing happen. Then I can check it off in my prayer journal and be satisfied that God has answered this prayer in the affirmative and move on to the next one. But David’s prayer, so simple and moving is that Solomon would not MERELY obey and accomplish, but that he would have the WHOLEHEARTED DESIRE to do so.

Is that how we pray? Do we want God to do the work/empower us to do the work, or do we want God to help us DESIRE to do the work?

God help me DESIRE more of You. Help me WANT to do what is right. Incline my heart toward Your will and Your way. Help me to long for unity with You, help me to persevere toward that Goal all of the days of my life. Help me to hunger and thirst after your heart. Help me to feel incomplete without your direction. God have Your way in me. Help me to love myself less so that I can leave more room for Your love to share with those who do not yet know You. Break my heart for what breaks Yours. Everything I am for Your kingdom’s cause.

Thank you Jesus.

Sola Scriptura

This phrase was the rallying cry of the Protestant Reformation and comes from the Latin: sola meaning “alone” and the word scriptura meaning “writings” (the Scriptures, the Holy BIble). Sola scriptura declares that Scripture alone is authoritative in the life of the Christian as it pertains to matters of faith and truth. The Bible is complete, authoritative, and true.

Today I am applying it a little differently. Usually I would expound some kind of explainer or extrapolate some application from the day’s passage, but in this case, I think I will go with Scripture alone. And just allow the text to speak directly. Be encouraged, friends!

Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Don’t be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you for forsake you.

1 Chronicles 28:20b

What is Casting Lots Anyway?

Just a brief explainer for today.

We see casting lots pop up 25 times in the Bible. The first is God giving directions to Aaron in Leviticus 16:7-9, the final one is the nomination of Mathias in Acts 1:26, and the most secular is the dividing of Jesus’ clothes in Matthew 27:35, Mark 15:24-25, Luke 23:34, and John 19:23-24. I always sort of pictured is as drawing straws, but it was literally rolling dice, and that’s how the NET Bible translates it.

If this seems random to you, I can certainly understand why, but Solomon assures us:

The dice are thrown into the lap, but their every decision is from the Lord. 

Proverbs 16:33, NET

1 Chronicles 23-25 | 123/365