1 Chronicles

In Defence of Michal

This story is a famous one, which produced the Matt Redman-penned worship chorus “Undignified”. The Ark of the Covenant is finally returning to Jerusalem and there is a grand celebration. I imagine it like the arrival of Prince Ali into Agrabah in Disney’s “Aladdin”. And there is David dancing and singing and praising the God who had anointed, protected, delivered, and sustained him through countless battles and difficult decisions. Meanwhile, his first wife — Michael — is scowling from her second-floor window, then she comes down to meet David. He is wearing an exuberant grin while she accuses him of being undignified and unbecoming of a king. The last we are told of Michael comes in 2 Samuel 6:23 where she remains childless until her death.

Over the years I have continually heard how terrible Michael is here. The angry, bitter, queen of sourpuss castle. Yet, every time I read this story it breaks my heart. Here is a woman who has been little more than a political pawn her entire life. First Saul uses the promise of her hand in marriage to lure David into a situation where he will hopefully be killed (but David kills 200 Philistines), then she betrays her father to successfully help David escape… yet he never returns for her. Instead he marries two other women. So she re-marries. Then some time later David decides he wants her back, and so she is torn from the arms of her current husband in a dramatic scene that would tug the heartstrings of even the most calloused individual. This excellent article by the Gospel Coalition summarizes Michael’s life thusly:

Used. Abandoned. A victim of infidelities. Rejected. Scorned. Kidnapped. This just about sums up Michal’s life.

Lynne Moses, https://africa.thegospelcoalition.org/article/coping-with-a-husbands-betrayal-a-lesson-from-michal/

Michal did not see God’s victories. She didn’t see God’s provision. She saw a man who already had two other wives, forcefully bring her back into his home, then add many more wives again. She knew little of God and of grace and David failed her. That’s right. David failed her. This confrontation was an opportunity to see how hurt she was. How far from God. How he had not taken care of her needs (never mind paying ANY attention to Deuteronomy 17:17). David didn’t need to apologize for dancing, but he DID need to apologize for being a poor husband to his wife.

I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: David is regarded as great by history BECAUSE God used Him. Sometimes we think David was a great man. False. David was a man who was deeply flawed (as each of us are), but who sought the Lord. David did a poor job of shoring up his weak side, and we will continue to see how this becomes his downfall, and indeed even the downfall of his son.

Just because David did many good things doesn’t mean we need to give him a pass for the bad things he did. There were warning signs along the way to Bathsheba, and he ignored them. He blew through the stop sign then found himself in a wreck. It’s hardly surprising. Perhaps if he had taken batter care of his first wife, he could have finished his race with a better win-loss record.

He need to live in a way that communicates the Gospel with those we love. I would be heartbroken as a pastor if my wife and kids felt like I cared more about the church than I did about them. If they were bitter at God not because of HIS actions, but because of MINE. Let’s make sure we take care of those in our own households, too.

2 Samuel 6:12-23; 1 Chronicles 15-16 | 113/365

What’s Your Vector of Attack?

While David is separated from Michal (who helped saved his life in his flight from Saul) he married two other women. And here again we are told that he gathered “more” wives and concubines. Most of David’s life and actions… 99% (probably MORE than that if we’re going by word count) is upright, virtuous, and worthy of emulation. The way he desires unity, honours the Lord, and seeks His counsel in every leadership decision is commendable. But here we have him amassing wives, in fairly straightforward contravention of Deuteronomy 17:17’s command for kings not to take many wives.

If you know the story of David, you know that this chink in his armour — this Achilles’ heel — will lead to the biggest and most egregious series of sins and terrible decisions that will leave an indelible scar on his story for the rest of time.

I remember years ago hearing famous evangelist Greg Laurie talk about the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life (1 John 2:16) and cleverly referring to them as Gold, Glory, and Girls/Guys. Every sin boils down to one of these three. And one of them is your weakness. One of them is your vector of attack. And when Satan comes for you, he isn’t going to go after your strong side. He’s going after your weak side! Shore up the area where you are most vulnerable. Take every thought captive (1 Corinthians 10:5) and force it into submission to Christ. Like anything else, you need to train the part of you that is weak to become strong. Find an accountability partner, talk openly about those things which represent your vector of attack. Allow the sunlight to prevent the mold of sin from forming in your life.

I guess what I’m saying is: don’t struggle alone and hope it goes away. Take practical steps to defend the weakest part of you against attacks and temptations from Satan.

2 Samuel 5:1-6:11; 1 Chronicles 3:4, 11:1-9, 12:23-40, 13:1-14, 14:1-2, 8-17 | 112/365

David Pours One Out

This account strike anyone else as weird?

David was thirsty and said, “How I wish someone would give me some water to drink from the cistern in Bethlehem near the gate!” So the three elite warriors broke through the Philistine forces and drew some water from the cistern in Bethlehem near the gate. They carried it back to David, but he refused to drink it. He poured it out as a drink offering to the Lord and said, “O Lord, I will not do this! It is equivalent to the blood of the men who risked their lives by going.” So he refused to drink it. Such were the exploits of the three elite warriors. 

2 Samuel 23:15–17, NET

Why would David pour out his desired drink offering — one for which his greatest warriors, The Three, risked their lives? It doesn’t make any sense! I looked for guidance from serval online resources, but struggled to find any explanation that rang true. Lots of talk about the comparison to blood and how the Law would not allow Israelites to drink the blood. Another suggestion was that the water was “too good for [David]”. This still didn’t really seem to fit for me. Then I stumbled upon another brother who had the same problem, the late Jay Guin. He pointed me to a commentary by one Hamilton Smith which reads:

Many would have been ready to risk their lives in carrying out some service for the benefit of the kingdom; but these mighty men were ready to face death in order to do something that was wholly for the gratification of the desire of David. They broke through the host of the Philistines, drew water from the well, and brought it to David. This act of devotion delighted the heart of David, and he sees in it a sacrifice of which the Lord alone is worthy. Hence, refusing to drink the water, he pours it out before the Lord.

Edification Vol. 6, 1932, page 169.

It seems entirely plausible to me that David felt these men risking their lives for a whim of his was not appropriate. Their lives could only be laid down in service of the LORD, not of David’s wants and desires (seems David would soften his position on that later) and so he took the plunder acquired by these great warriors and poured it out to the Lord. Thus giving their battle, victory, and possible sacrifice back to Him — the ONLY one who was worthy of such risk and effort.

Let’s make sure that we, likewise, use our most valuable resources on the most valuable things: Jesus and His Gospel.

2 Samuel 2:1-3:5, 23:8-39; 1 Chronicles 11:10-47 | 110/365

Providence, Self-Restraint, & Contradictions

There was too much in today’s passage to choose a single item, so here are some quick-hit thoughts on a couple different parts of what we read.

Providence: David and his troops set out with the Philistines on their campaign into Israel, but several of the Philistine leaders do not trust David and send him home. During that campaign Saul and his son (David’s beloved friend, Jonathan) are killed. Note how God used the Philistines to help David maintain his position of innocence in the death of the king to whose throne he stands next in line? God’s providence is incredible. This is why we should praise God for closed doors… and He isn’t done!

Self-Restraint: Because David could not go on the Philistine campaign, he was forced to return home… where he found Ziklag had been raided by the Amalekites (he wouldn’t have known this until it was far too late if he HAD successfully accompanied the Philistines)! Then, with all his 600 men ready to revolt David pauses to consult the Lord. “God, should we go after these raiders?” WHAT? Gut-check time: would you do this? If your family had been abducted would you ask God how to proceed, or would you go full Liam Neeson? I’m forced to admit that I likely would not take the time to consult God here. This is an area of growth for me, at least. Possibly for you as well?

Contradictions: In 1 Samuel and 1 Chronicles we are told that Saul fell on his sword and died after being wounded by a Philistine arrow. But an Amalekite found David and told quite a different story about killing the wounded king would clearly would not survive. What are we to make of this? The Bible is clearly in historical error… better burn it and turn from our faith… right? This is one of those “contradictions” that never made any sense to me. There are two primary theories for how to reconcile these accounts. The one that was proposed by my Bible College Prof was that this Amalekite stumbled upon Saul and his armour bearer on their swords, but not quite dead and finished them off. This is plausible and you can believe this if you find it compelling. I think it needlessly complicates things. This Amalekite lived in Israel as a foreigner and knew that David was heir to the throne of Saul. So, seeing his dead body, took the crowd and armband to David and took credit for the final blow I an attempt to curry favour with David. It… uh… didn’t work.

Have a fantastic day trusting in God’s faithful guidance!

1 Samuel 30-31; 1 Chronicles 9:40-44, 10:1-14, 12:20-22; 2 Samuel 1, 4:4 | 109/365

God On My Terms

Saul decides to forego God’s path and forges his own way. Yet, somehow, he seems surprised that when he seeks God’s guidance He is silent… so he consults a medium… effectively! (But that’s a whole thing for some other time)

I think this is a temptation common to many of us. We want God, but only if He will do what WE want and how WE want. We treat God less like the almighty author of life and more like a faithful manservant. Let’s make sure we check ourselves and make sure that we understand who God is and who we are; what His place is and what our place is. Otherwise we might become like Saul.

1 Samuel 26-29; 1 Chronicles 12:2-7,19; Psalm 56 | 108/365

Step Into Your Destiny

Samuel anointed David as the new king over God’s people. Now David is hiding in a cave with his merry band of 400 rejects while the current monarch and his bloodthirsty hangers-on plot to assassinate him. And from that circumstance David pens this:

I will praise you, Lord, among the nations;
    I will sing of you among the peoples.
10 For great is your love, reaching to the heavens;
    your faithfulness reaches to the skies.

Psalm 57:9-10

Things are looking about as bleak as they can and yet David declares God’s faithfulness. I pray that I can have the faith to trust in God’s promises when they are looking unlikely, I would advise you to do the same. Don’t be afraid if you don’t understand how the road you’re on will lead to the place God has called you. Indeed, sometimes it is a long and winding road.

He is faithful. Let’s act like we believe that.

1 Samuel 22:1-23:12; Psalm 52, 57, 142; 1 Chronicles 12:8-18 | 106/365

The Beginning of the End

Saul’s son Jonathan decides to “go rogue” and take on the Philistines by himself with his armour-bearer and is extremely successful. This is often credited as a great act of faith and trust in the Lord. But is it?

Earlier in the story we read that Saul becomes impatient waiting for the man who is designated by the Lord to provide sacrifices and decides to offer the sacrifices himself. When that man — Samuel — arrives he tells Saul that he has done a bad thing and shown his contempt for the Lord, and so his reign as king is over. A new man after God’s heart will become king.

Of course this doesn’t happen right away, at this point it’s more prophecy than proclamation.

But! later we see this episode with Jonathan and his armour-bearer. Jonathan declares that if the Philistines do X then God IS NOT in the plan, but if the Philistines do Y then God IS in the plan! What struck me about this was the lack of any kind of prayer. There is no record that Jonathan ever consulted God on this in any way. Yet the results make it clear that God showed up.

Is that how this works? We don’t need to submit our plans to God? We just need to have faith and dare Him to show up? I don’t think so… but then how do we square this circle?

My theory: God is showing Saul that His blessing is on Israel as a nation rather than Saul as its king. We often see God do amazing things in spite of ourselves. I think this is no different. I don’t know that God was thrilled to have Jonathan dictate to Him what He was going to do, but I think God used this as an opportunity to show Saul, who had been sitting, waiting, doing nothing that His anointing was on the people. This was God signalling the beginning of the end.

I guess what I’m saying is this: don’t start thinking of yourself as a giant of the faith because God seemed to bless what you did. Remember that every good gift comes from Him and that sometimes we succeed in spite of ourselves. Let’s do everything we can to stay humble. God can use anyone he wants to achieve his purposes. Even a donkey! And I don’t know about you, but I would way rather be Moses than Pharaoh.

1 Chronicles 9:35-39; 1 Samuel 13:1-14:52 | 102/365

The Prayer of Jabez Revisited

If you like genealogies you will LOVE today’s reading. But there is some more interesting tidbits sprinkled in here as well. Like the conclusion to the story of Ruth & Boaz as well as Elkanah’s just… really terrible attempt at consoling his wife. But what struck me most today was the prayer of Jabez. He disappeared from the Biblical account as quickly as he entered it, but his prayer was included by the author for a reason. What can we learn from this prayer.

Jabez called out to the God of Israel, “If only you would greatly bless me and expand my territory. May your hand be with me! Keep me from harm so I might not endure pain.” God answered his prayer.

Jabez prays four things. 1) That God would greatly bless him. 2) That God would expand his territory 3) That God would be with him 4) The God would keep him from harm. Let’s take a quick look at each of these.

  1. That God would greatly bless him — We get nervous about asking for God’s blessing because of name-it-and-claim-it preachers and theology, but there’s nothing wrong with asking for God’s blessing! We see a great many Biblical figures do so. We just need to remember not to put a fence around what God’s blessing “should” be. We should consider ourselves blessed when we can use whatever we may have been given to bless others.
  2. That God would expand his territory — We are told that if we are faithful with little, we will be trusted with more. If you have been using what you have been blessed with for the glory of God, you should not be surprised that God is “expanding your territory” and trusting you with more.
  3. That God would be with him — As the Lord has been teaching me this year: I am very capable of doing a great number of things on my own. But this means that I often tell God to “sit this one out” because I don’t NEED Him. This is — and has been — an error on my part. We should have a standing invitation to God. We should ask Him to be a part of everything we are doing.
  4. That God would keep him from harm — I think this would be our desire, but one we ought to hold loosely. We should remember that it is a privilege to suffer for the sake of the Gospel. Jesus did. Paul did. Peter did. I would not mind being mentioned alongside these fellow.

Let’s try to employ these principles as we pray, seek the Lord, and try to live lives worthy of the One who saved us.

Ruth 4:13-22, 1 Chronicles 2:9-55; 4:1-23, 1 Samuel 1:1-8 | 098/365

(Un)Fulfilled Promises?

Today’s reflection delves into a notable aspect of biblical interpretation: apparent contradictions. While some may relish pointing out such instances to discredit the Bible, it’s crucial to engage earnestly with these passages to grasp their deeper meaning.

Let’s examine Joshua 21:43-45, where it’s proclaimed that the Lord fulfilled His promises to Israel, giving them the land and defeating their enemies. However, earlier passages seem to present a different picture. For example, Joshua 13 outlines areas still unconquered, indicating an incomplete fulfillment of promises. Joshua 15:63, Joshua 16:10, and Joshua 17:12-13 further detail instances where enemies remained unconquered or subjugated.

How do we reconcile these apparent discrepancies? One key lies in understanding the Hebrew concept of completed (perfect) and ongoing (imperfect) actions. While the text presents events in past tense, indicating completion, it signifies ongoing fulfillment rather than a one-time occurrence.

Additionally, we must consider the conditional nature of Israel’s possession of the land. Their continued possession was contingent upon faithful obedience to God’s commands, as outlined in Deuteronomy 29-30. Thus, the presence of unconquered enemies reflects Israel’s failure to fully uphold their end of the covenant.

However, amidst Israel’s shortcomings, we find reassurance in the Abrahamic Covenant, an unconditional promise of land boundaries that will ultimately be fulfilled in the eschaton.

In essence, while the Bible may present apparent contradictions, a deeper examination reveals a consistent narrative of God’s faithfulness and humanity’s failure. Rather than dismissing these passages, we’re challenged to engage critically, recognizing the complexities of biblical interpretation.

As we reflect on this, let’s reaffirm our commitment to faithful obedience, understanding that God remains steadfast in His promises, despite our shortcomings.

Joshua 19:49-21:45; 1 Chronicles 6:54-81 | 088/365

Exercising Control In Order To Yield It

All to Jesus I surrender,
All to Him I freely give;
I will ever love and trust Him,
In His presence daily live.

I surrender all, I surrender all;
All to Thee, my blessed Savior,
I surrender all.

All To Jesus I Surrender // Judson W. Van DeVenter (1896)

This old hymn exemplifies what I want to focus on in today’s passage. The story of Achan. Israel is given the city of Jericho and Achan decides to keep for himself some of the things to be set aside for consecration to the Lord. Dude literally steals from God.


From God.

But what is interesting is that this one guy — out of a nation of more than 1 million members — decides to go rogue and cuts off the blessing of the Lord for everyone! The Apostle Paul gives this analogy in his first letter to the Corinthians:

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.

1 Corinthians 9:24-27

One rogue member of our body NOT under submission can jeopardize everything. Your hands, eyes, mouth, heart, mind? Is everything ‘disciplined’? Satan only needs a foothold, he is patient and willing to play the long game. He’s not likely to jump out and challenge you to abandon God, but rather take our uncontrolled mouth and use it as a vector for attack that will rob us of the blessing of God. And slowly, insidiously, he will rob us of our imperishable reward. And just like Achar, that one area that went unchecked will disqualify us from receiving the prize that had been waiting for us.

Don’t let any part of you be an Achar, bring every part of you under control. So that you can indeed surrender all to our blessed Saviour.

Joshua 7-9; 1 Chronicles 2:7 | 083/365