It’s often pointed out that the Old Testament seems to turn a blind eye to polygamy, even appearing to endorse it in some cases. While this is essentially true outside of the first chapters of Genesis, what we do see consistently throughout the Old Testament is unflinching examination of the consequences of plural marriage. Such... Read More →
It’s often pointed out that the Old Testament seems to turn a blind eye to polygamy, even appearing to endorse it in some cases. While this is essentially true outside of the first chapters of Genesis, what we do see consistently throughout the Old Testament is unflinching examination of the consequences of plural marriage. Such... Read More →
There is a LOT to discuss in today’s passage and really, this episode could be a mini sermon series unto itself. But I won’t be talking about David’s “affair” with Bathsheba (I use the word “affair” extremely loosely because let’s face it, she was nobody, she wasn’t going to say ‘no’ to the king. This... Read More →
David has what might today be described as a “peace treaty” with the Ammonites and their king Nahash, and when Nahash died, David sent some ambassadors to the new king of the Ammonites; his son Hanun. But Hanun listening to the nattering of his commanders who managed to convince him that David was not seeking... Read More →
You were my strength when I was weakYou were my voice when I couldn’t speakYou were my eyes when I couldn’t seeYou saw the best there was in meLifted me up when I couldn’t reachYou gave me faith ’cause you believedI’m everything I amBecause you loved me Celine Dion, Because You Loved Me The lyrics... Read More →
This story is a famous one, which produced the Matt Redman-penned worship chorus “Undignified”. The Ark of the Covenant is finally returning to Jerusalem and there is a grand celebration. I imagine it like the arrival of Prince Ali into Agrabah in Disney’s “Aladdin”. And there is David dancing and singing and praising the God... Read More →
While David is separated from Michal (who helped saved his life in his flight from Saul) he married two other women. And here again we are told that he gathered “more” wives and concubines. Most of David’s life and actions… 99% (probably MORE than that if we’re going by word count) is upright, virtuous, and... Read More →
This account strike anyone else as weird? David was thirsty and said, “How I wish someone would give me some water to drink from the cistern in Bethlehem near the gate!” So the three elite warriors broke through the Philistine forces and drew some water from the cistern in Bethlehem near the gate. They carried... Read More →
There was too much in today’s passage to choose a single item, so here are some quick-hit thoughts on a couple different parts of what we read. Providence: David and his troops set out with the Philistines on their campaign into Israel, but several of the Philistine leaders do not trust David and send him... Read More →
Saul decides to forego God’s path and forges his own way. Yet, somehow, he seems surprised that when he seeks God’s guidance He is silent… so he consults a medium… effectively! (But that’s a whole thing for some other time) I think this is a temptation common to many of us. We want God, but... Read More →
Samuel anointed David as the new king over God’s people. Now David is hiding in a cave with his merry band of 400 rejects while the current monarch and his bloodthirsty hangers-on plot to assassinate him. And from that circumstance David pens this: 9 I will praise you, Lord, among the nations; I will sing of you... Read More →
Saul’s son Jonathan decides to “go rogue” and take on the Philistines by himself with his armour-bearer and is extremely successful. This is often credited as a great act of faith and trust in the Lord. But is it? Earlier in the story we read that Saul becomes impatient waiting for the man who is... Read More →