Posts Tagged: Eternal Life


Three Witnesses to Life

“For there are three that testify, the Spirit and the water and the blood, and these three are in agreement.” — 1 John 5:7-8 (NET) God doesn’t leave us guessing about who He is or the life He offers. In His mercy, He gives us witnesses to testify to the truth of His eternal promise....  Read More →

A Greater Priesthood

In Hebrews 7, the author pauses to unpack the story of Melchizedek, a mysterious figure from Genesis. At first glance, Melchizedek’s brief appearance as “king of Salem” and “priest of God Most High” might seem like a random historical footnote, but there’s so much more going on. The writer of Hebrews uses Melchizedek to show...  Read More →

You’re Gonna Have To Serve Somebody

Romans 6:15–23 confronts us with a profound truth: we all serve something or someone. As Bob Dylan famously sang, “You’re gonna have to serve somebody.” The question is not whether you’ll be a servant but what kind of master you’ll serve. Paul lays it out plainly: we are either slaves to sin, which leads to...  Read More →

Death is Defeated

The resurrection chapter, 1 Corinthians 15, gives us one of the most vivid pictures of our future hope in Christ. Paul addresses the finality of death, not as something to fear, but as a defeated foe. “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” (1 Corinthians 15:55, NET). In Christ, death no longer...  Read More →