Posts Tagged: Jesus’ Teachings


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On Prayer: A Theological Treatise

Prayer is often seen as a lifeline, a means to reach out and align with God’s will. In John 17, we glimpse Jesus’ profound final prayer before His arrest, echoing themes that shape how we might deepen our own prayer lives. This passage brings forth reflections on God’s glory, unity among believers, and the ultimate...  Read More →

Nothing to Lose: Building a Life of Sacrificial Trust

When Jesus watched the widow place two small coins in the temple treasury, He remarked that her offering was worth more than all the others. The wealthy were giving large sums, but it came from their abundance—they had enough left over that they wouldn’t miss what they gave. But this widow gave everything she had....  Read More →

My Will Be Done, or Thy Will Be Done?

In John 12:37-50, we find Jesus quoting Isaiah 6:10, a passage where God says He will “blind their eyes and harden their hearts” so that they will not understand or turn to Him. On first glance, it sounds as though God is actively working to prevent people from believing. But as we dig deeper, a...  Read More →

Title: Power vs. Responsibility: Thoughts on Christian Leadership

Christian leadership is fundamentally different from worldly leadership, where authority is often equated with power and influence. Jesus, however, flips this script, embodying and teaching a leadership style built on responsibility and service rather than control. In Mark 10, after James and John ask for places of honor, Jesus clarifies that greatness in His kingdom...  Read More →

What Is Jesus Worth To You?

When Jesus told the rich man to sell all he had and give it to the poor, He wasn’t just making a statement about wealth; He was getting to the heart of what really matters to us. Jesus, in His unique way, challenged the rich man—and all of us—to think deeply about what we value...  Read More →


The tension between Jesus and the Pharisees is unmistakable in John 7–8. While the Pharisees were preoccupied with protecting their reputation and holding onto their authority, Jesus consistently pointed back to the Father’s glory, not His own. He challenges them — and us — with a radical reorientation: working for the Kingdom requires humility and...  Read More →

The Rock and the Stumbling Block: Lessons from Peter’s Journey

In Matthew 16:13-23, we see one of the most remarkable shifts in a disciple’s relationship with Jesus. It begins with Simon Peter’s stunning confession that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the living God. Jesus blesses Peter and renames him: “You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates...  Read More →

Crushing Anxiety: Jesus’ Challenge to a Control-Obsessed Culture

Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 6:34 to “not worry about tomorrow” may seem nearly impossible to apply in today’s fast-paced, future-oriented culture. The demands of work, family, finances, and even church life often leave us anxious about what lies ahead. But this command speaks just as powerfully now as it did to His original audience. In...  Read More →