Posts Tagged: Love


The Picture of Love

Hook [Introduce yourself and hand out Bibles] You might not know it to look at me, but I am a nerd. I used to write code for a living. I have a wall full of Marvel and DC comic books. I have created my own board games AND attended a board game convention… three times....  Read More →


Building on Faith

“For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith excellence, to excellence, knowledge; to knowledge, self-control; to self-control, perseverance; to perseverance, godliness; to godliness, brotherly affection; to brotherly affection, unselfish love.” — 2 Peter 1:5-7 (NET) Faith is the cornerstone of the Christian life. It’s where our journey begins—a trust in Jesus...  Read More →

The Greatest Gift

In 1 Corinthians 12–13, Paul speaks to the beauty and diversity of spiritual gifts but shifts focus to what truly matters. While gifts like prophecy, teaching, and leadership are important for building up the church, Paul reminds us they are temporary. In chapter 13, he highlights the things that last forever: faith, hope, and love,...  Read More →

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Zeal Gone Awry

The trial of Jesus before the Sanhedrin is one of the most tragic displays of religious zeal gone wrong. Convinced of their duty to protect God’s honor, the religious leaders allowed their passions and mob mentality to override justice, mercy, and reason. What should have been a trial became a forum for slander, manipulation, and...  Read More →

Forgiven Little, Loving Less: Why You Might Be Missing the Full Picture

In Luke 7:36-50, we find the story of a sinful woman who interrupts a dinner at the house of a Pharisee named Simon. She falls at the feet of Jesus, weeping, and pours expensive perfume on His feet, wiping them with her hair. Simon is shocked that Jesus would allow this woman, known for her...  Read More →

Beware the Holy Huddle

In Jeremiah 15, we see a profound tension between God’s judgment and His love. At the end of the chapter, God speaks of separating the precious from the vile, calling Jeremiah to be His mouthpiece. This passage highlights an important truth: it’s not enough to merely separate ourselves from sinful people and their actions. While...  Read More →

What Is Love? (Baby, Don’t Hurt Me)

I’ll be the first to admit that poetry really doesn’t do it for me. Psalms are rarely where I turn outside of my reading plan, and Song of Songs is similar. It’s just not how I’m made. I love the narrative of Job and the practicality of the Proverbs, but the rest of the “Wisdom...  Read More →

Cut The Baby In Half!

(An excursus on selfishness) This is a very famous and very crazy story. Two prostitutes who are also roommates (it would make sense for the prostitutes to room together, I wouldn’t be surprised if there were more than just the two) give birth around the same time. One woman’s baby dies during the night, so...  Read More →

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A Pleasing Aroma

Just a quick thought today. If you have been reading along you’ll have noticed that the phrase “a pleasing aroma to God” has appeared a great many times in Genesis, Exodus, and especially Leviticus. Depending on what translation you use this phrase pops up some 43 times in the Old Testament. But what does it...  Read More →

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Adding Value to Your Life and the Lives of Others

Abraham is worried about who his son, Isaac, will choose to marry. And so he sends out his oldest servant to find his a wife — not among the Canaanites in the foreign land they inhabited, but from among his own people, Israel. The servant arrives and sets 3 criteria when he prays to find a...  Read More →