Tag: Perseverance

Losing My Religion

Revelation 3:1-6 delivers a stark warning to the church in Sardis. Though they had a reputation for being alive, they were spiritually dead. Jesus exhorts them to wake up, strengthen what remains, and repent—or risk losing what little they have left. This passage, among others, raises an age-old question: Can salvation be lost? Christians have debated this for centuries, and while it isn’t an essential issue of faith, understanding it can shape how we live as followers of Christ.

The two most common views on this issue are Eternal Security and Conditional Security.

Eternal Security teaches that once someone is truly saved, their salvation is secure forever. Proponents point to John 10:28-29 (“no one will snatch them out of my hand”) and Romans 8:38-39 (“nothing can separate us from the love of God”) as proof that God’s promises cannot be thwarted. The strength of this view lies in its confidence in God’s faithfulness. However, it struggles to reconcile the many warnings in Scripture about falling away (James 1:13-15, Hebrews 6:4-6, Revelation 3:5). Critics argue it can lead to complacency, downplaying human responsibility in maintaining faith.

Conditional Security, on the other hand, emphasizes the believer’s responsibility to continue in faith. This view teaches that salvation can be lost if the believer does not work to maintain good standing in their relationship with Christ. This view cites passages like Hebrews 10:26-27 and 2 Peter 2:20-22. Its strength lies in its recognition of free will and the relational nature of salvation. However, it can create anxiety for believers, leaving them unsure of their standing with God and overly focused on their performance rather than His grace.

Where do I land? Somewhere in between. I believe salvation cannot be stolen or accidentally lost, as Eternal Security affirms, but I also see the clear biblical teaching that believers can willfully reject God. I have labelled my view Covenantal Security.

Covenantal Security holds that salvation is relational and covenantal, much like a marriage. God is absolutely faithful and keeps His promises, but He chooses not to override our will. If we choose to break the covenant, He honours that choice. Ephesians 1:13 describes believers as being “sealed with the promised Holy Spirit.” This seal is not like a bank vault that locks down its contents, but rather like the seal on an envelope, signalling that the contents are under the ownership and protection of the seal-er, Christ in this case. Yet such a seal, by nature, can indeed be broken—but not by accident, and not by external forces. Only the one sealed can choose to break it, and only then through deliberate rejection. This view balances the assurance of Eternal Security with the accountability of Conditional Security. It also explains why Scripture warns us so seriously about falling away while also offering immense assurance to those who abide in Christ (John 15:4-6).

Both Eternal Security and Conditional Security, while helpful frameworks, fall short of fully integrating the breadth of biblical teaching. Eternal Security rightly emphasizes God’s sovereignty but tends to neglect the relational, covenantal nature of salvation. Conditional Security captures the importance of human responsibility but can err toward insecurity and legalism. Covenantal Security bridges this divide, affirming God’s faithfulness and our free will without falling into extremes.

Ultimately, the message to Sardis reminds us that salvation is not static. It is not a one-time transaction but an ongoing relationship. Jesus calls the church to wake up and repent, showing that even those who are on the brink of losing everything can return to Him. This isn’t about living in fear but about taking seriously the incredible gift we’ve been given. Love requires both assurance and responsibility, and salvation is the ultimate expression of love.

Whatever view you hold—Eternal Security, Conditional Security, perhaps I have won you to Covenantal Security, or maybe you land somewhere in between these options—let’s agree on this: salvation is God’s work, and He invites us to participate in it. Let’s encourage each other to remain steadfast, abiding in the love and grace of the One who is faithful to the end.

Joy in Every CircumstanceBased on Acts 28:16-31

Paul’s time under house arrest in Rome paints a vivid picture of joy in the midst of adversity. Bound to a soldier, living on his own resources, and awaiting a trial that could end in his execution, Paul’s circumstances were far from ideal. Yet, rather than despairing, Paul seized the opportunity to preach the Gospel, teach visitors, and encourage believers through his letters.

Paul’s joy wasn’t dependent on his freedom or comfort. It flowed from his deep understanding of God’s sovereignty. When he first faced imprisonment, Jesus Himself assured Paul that he would testify in Rome (Acts 23:11). Now in Rome, Paul trusted that he was exactly where God wanted him to be.

This kind of joy is rooted in the conviction that God is working through every situation, even the ones that seem like setbacks. Paul’s house arrest allowed him to witness to Roman guards, welcome all who came to him, and write letters that continue to shape the Church today. His chains became tools for the Gospel.

We often struggle to see how our difficult circumstances fit into God’s plan. It’s easy to focus on what we lack or the obstacles in our path. But Paul’s example reminds us that God can use any situation for His purposes. The places where we feel stuck or constrained might be the very places God wants to work through us most powerfully.

What would it look like to trust that God has you where He needs you, right now? To find joy in knowing that even your struggles can serve His purposes? Perhaps it’s a challenging workplace, a difficult relationship, or a season of waiting. Wherever you are, God can use you to do what He has for you, just as He did with Paul.

Paul’s joy wasn’t denial of his hardships—it was a confident assurance that God’s plan was unfolding, even in his imprisonment. That same assurance is available to us. Let’s ask for the grace to see our circumstances through God’s eyes and the courage to serve Him faithfully, wherever we find ourselves.

Are You Worthy of Suffering?

In Acts 5, we see an astonishing response from the apostles. After being arrested and ordered not to speak in the name of Jesus, they remain steadfast, and the authorities have them flogged to intimidate and discourage them. But instead of leaving in pain and discouragement, they leave rejoicing, “because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name” (Acts 5:41). The apostles’ attitude is counterintuitive and deeply inspiring, revealing how they embraced suffering as a sign of faithfulness to Jesus. This response invites us to consider the transformative power of viewing hardship through a Kingdom lens.

When we see suffering for the sake of Christ as a privilege, it shifts our focus. First, it strengthens our resolve. The apostles understood that suffering was part of following Jesus — who Himself was mocked, beaten, and crucified. By identifying with Him in their hardship, they were bolstered rather than broken. This outlook not only encouraged them but reinforced the very core of their message: that Jesus is worth everything, even suffering.

Second, their response affected their persecutors. Joy in suffering defies human logic, especially for those expecting fear and submission. The apostles’ reaction must have confounded the authorities, showing that their faith could not be crushed by physical threats. This boldness makes the Gospel even more compelling, illustrating that God’s love gives a strength that can’t be explained away or easily suppressed.

Finally, this courage impacts those who are watching. Others in the early church would have witnessed the apostles’ joy amid suffering, likely feeling both inspired and emboldened to live with similar dedication. Today, our response to trials can serve as a powerful testimony, inviting others to see that Christ’s worth far surpasses any hardship.

Embracing suffering for Christ reveals the strength of our commitment and provides a powerful witness to others. When we respond with joy, we join the apostles in demonstrating that true life is found in following Jesus, whatever the cost.

Never Stop Never Stopping

The title of today’s devotional is borrowed from the comedy film Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping by Andy Samberg—a film about an artist who refuses to quit despite repeated failures. And while it’s an over-the-top satire, that relentless spirit of pressing forward mirrors something crucial about the life of faith. For believers, the call to stay the course in God’s work isn’t a joke, it’s a mandate.

In Luke 13, Jesus tells the parable of the fig tree, where the gardener pleads for more time to tend the tree before cutting it down, asking for one last effort to see if it will bear fruit. It’s a picture of divine patience and hope for redemption, not giving up too soon on what still has potential.

This is the kind of perseverance Jesus calls us to. When He commissions us to work for His kingdom, to “harvest” by making disciples, there’s an urgency to the task. But there’s also an enduring patience, a refusal to give up. Seeds are planted, sometimes taking seasons or years to show signs of life. The harvest may seem delayed or even doubtful at times. But our task is not to predict the yield; it’s to faithfully tend the soil, plant the seeds, and trust God to bring the increase.

Jesus’ teaching reminds us that it’s not about the speed of results, but about the faithfulness of our labor. It’s easy to grow weary and think, “Nothing is happening here—time to move on.” But God doesn’t waste the seeds He plants, nor does He call us to walk away from them prematurely. Our role is to persist, to work while it’s still light out, to continue planting, praying, and sharing. As long as there’s time, there’s potential.

Of course, this doesn’t mean we’ll see every seed bear fruit in our lifetime. Sometimes the harvest is for someone else to reap. Other times, the waiting itself is the point—teaching us trust and perseverance. In the end, the harvest is up to God. Our job is to “never stop never stopping,” faithfully laboring in the fields of His Kingdom.

There’s no room for giving up when eternity is at stake. The best way to ensure more seeds can be planted and nurtured is by making room in the harvest. We must work with urgency but also with patient faith. In the end, it’s God’s field, God’s seed, and God’s harvest.

As we work, we’re reminded: there’s only so much time before night falls, but as long as it’s day, we must stay the course. We may not see the results we hoped for right away, but rest assured—the seeds of the Kingdom are never wasted. So never stop. And never stop never stopping.

Perseverance of the Saints: A Redefinition

There are few questions in the Christian life more significant than that of salvation: How secure is it? Is salvation something that can be lost, or is it a permanent state once we come to faith? This question touches on core aspects of how we understand God’s love, our responsibility, and the very nature of grace. The Bible seems to offer both the assurance of salvation and the call to persevere — two realities that we must hold in tension.

1. Security in Christ: A Precious Assurance

Throughout the New Testament, we find comforting passages that speak of the security we have in Christ. Verses like John 10:28-29, where Jesus declares that no one will snatch His sheep from His hand, or Romans 8:38-39, which assures us that nothing can separate us from the love of God, offer believers a profound sense of peace. These Scriptures reveal God’s sovereign protection over those who belong to Him. Just as a shepherd guards his sheep from predators, God watches over His flock with unfailing care.

Yet, in these same texts, the language emphasizes God’s protection against external forces. There is no mention of what happens if a person chooses to walk away. As comforting as these verses are, they do not paint the entire picture of salvation security. Scripture never suggests that God overrides our will or that we lose our agency once we are saved.

2. The Call to Persevere: Warnings Against Falling Away

In contrast to the promises of security, other Scriptures issue strong warnings to believers about the dangers of falling away from faith. Hebrews 6:4-6 speaks of those who “have tasted the heavenly gift” and “shared in the Holy Spirit,” yet later “fall away.” The passage implies that a genuine experience of God can be abandoned, resulting in the tragic loss of salvation.

Similarly, Colossians 1:22-23 reminds us that Christ’s reconciliation is for those who “continue in the faith, stable and steadfast.” This conditional statement implies that perseverance is required for salvation to be ultimately secured. In Matthew 24:13, Jesus Himself says that “the one who endures to the end will be saved,” pointing again to the importance of ongoing faithfulness.

3. Balancing Grace and Responsibility

How, then, do we reconcile these two threads — the assurance of salvation and the warnings about falling away? The Bible teaches both. God’s grace is powerful, and His protection is complete. Yet, the same Bible calls us to take responsibility for our ongoing faith and walk with Him.

This tension can be best understood through the lens of covenant relationship. God’s grace initiates and sustains our relationship with Him, but like any relationship, it requires response and faithfulness. God will never abandon His covenant with us, but Scripture warns that it is possible for us to abandon the covenant ourselves through disobedience, willful sin, or neglect.

To clarify, this does not mean that every momentary struggle or doubt puts our salvation at risk. God’s grace is far greater than our weaknesses. The Bible affirms that believers will struggle and stumble, but this is vastly different from a willful, persistent turning away from Christ. The Perseverance of the Saints, as many theologians describe it, suggests that true believers will continue in their faith precisely because God is at work within them.

4. What Does This Mean for Us Today?

The practical implications are profound. If you have trusted in Christ for your salvation, you can have confidence that God holds you in His hands. You are secure, not because of your own efforts, but because of His grace and power. No external force can snatch you away from Him.

At the same time, the Bible calls you to remain faithful. Salvation is not a ticket to complacency but an invitation into a living, active relationship with the God of the universe. Faith is dynamic, not static. It grows through obedience, prayer, fellowship, and immersion in God’s Word.

Take comfort in knowing that God is at work within you, both to will and to act according to His purpose (Philippians 2:13). Yet, also take seriously the call to persevere, to “work out your salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians 2:12), trusting that God will supply the strength you need.

5. Conclusion: A Promise and a Warning

The good news of the Gospel is that salvation is a gift of grace, received through faith, and held secure in Christ. However, the Bible is equally clear that perseverance is required. The evidence of true faith is a life of ongoing trust and obedience. Those who truly belong to Christ will demonstrate this by continuing in their faith — not because of their own strength, but because God empowers them to do so.

In a world full of distractions and temptations, may we heed the call to remain faithful, knowing that our salvation is secure in Him — but also recognizing that our faith is meant to be lived out daily in dependence on His grace.

Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt: Keeping Our Eyes on the Prize

Nehemiah faced multiple forms of opposition as he sought to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Sanballat, Tobiah, and others continually tried to disrupt the work through various tactics: intimidation, discouragement, and disinformation. Each of these methods is a classic tactic used to sow fear and confusion, causing people to doubt their mission. But Nehemiah’s focus and reliance on God serve as a powerful example for us today.

First, there was the scare tactic. Sanballat and Tobiah mocked the efforts of the builders. They laughed at them, claiming the wall would crumble if even a fox walked on it (Neh. 4:3). The aim was to undermine their confidence and make them second-guess the importance of their work. It’s not too different from the whispers we might hear today: “What difference will it make?” “Are you sure this is even worth it?” “Maybe you should just stop before you embarrass yourself.” These subtle doubts can erode our resolve if we give them space in our minds.

Second, they tried to incite fear with the threat of violence. Sanballat and Tobiah spread rumors about an imminent attack (Neh. 4:11). In response, half the workers stood guard while the other half built the wall, each holding a weapon at their side (Neh. 4:17-18). The key here is how Nehemiah addressed the threat — he neither ignored it nor let it paralyze the work. He took practical precautions, but the work continued. Sometimes in life, we face real threats — whether it’s fear of failure, personal attacks, or genuine danger. In such moments, wisdom calls for both vigilance and persistence. But we cannot allow fear to derail us from our God-given purpose.

The enemy didn’t stop there. They then resorted to lies and manipulation. Sanballat sent letters accusing Nehemiah of rebelling against the king, a serious claim that could have cost him his life (Neh. 6:5-9). Nehemiah saw through the lies and refused to be intimidated. He didn’t waste time trying to defend himself or prove his innocence — he trusted that God would vindicate him. In our own lives, we can face misinformation and rumors, especially in today’s age of social media. It’s easy to feel like we need to respond to every accusation or defend ourselves against every misunderstanding. But sometimes, the best response is to keep moving forward and trust that the truth will eventually come to light.

Finally, Nehemiah faced attempts at compromise. Sanballat and Tobiah invited him to a meeting, which was a veiled attempt to ambush him (Neh. 6:2-3). Nehemiah saw through their plan and refused, saying, “I am doing a great work and I cannot come down.” He didn’t let himself get distracted. Today, distractions can come in many forms — whether it’s the temptation to engage in fruitless arguments, to take on tasks that aren’t ours, or to settle for less than what God has called us to. Once we have our orders from the King, we must stay the course without compromise or delay.

Nehemiah shows us that opposition, whether through fear, intimidation, lies, or distraction, is inevitable. Yet, his example reminds us that we don’t have to give in. Just as Nehemiah had orders from the king of Persia and stayed focused, we have orders from the King of Kings, Jesus Christ. When we are sure of what God has called us to, we must stay focused on the mission, trusting that He will provide the strength, wisdom, and protection we need to overcome every obstacle.

Unstoppable: Turning Opposition into Victory

In Ezra 5-6, we witness an incredible story of persistence, faith, and divine intervention. The Israelites, in the midst of rebuilding the temple, are confronted by local authorities who question their right to continue the work. These officials demand proof of authorization, but instead of ceasing their efforts, the Israelites keep building. They work through the uncertainty, trusting that God would provide a way forward.

When the local authorities send a letter to King Darius to confirm the Israelites’ claims, they likely expected the work to be shut down. But instead of halting the project, God turns the situation completely around. Not only does King Darius affirm that the Israelites have the right to continue, but he also commands that their opponents provide financial and material support to ensure the temple is completed. The very people who sought to stop the work were now required to assist it.

This powerful account shows us that when God commissions something, no opposition can stop it. The Israelites faced a daunting challenge—one that could have easily discouraged them or caused them to give up. But they didn’t stop. They continued building while awaiting the king’s response. And because of their faith and persistence, God intervened in a way they couldn’t have imagined, using their enemies to accomplish His purposes.

This story is a reminder to us that when God calls us to a task, He will provide the means to see it through. Even when we face opposition, whether from people, circumstances, or spiritual forces, God is both our protector and provider. He makes a way where there seems to be none and can turn the very obstacles we face into tools for His glory.

For us today, this means that no matter how overwhelming or difficult the task at hand may seem, if it’s God’s will, it cannot fail. There may be times when we face opposition or feel like giving up, but just like the Israelites, we can continue pressing forward in faith. God’s plans will always prevail. The resources, strength, and support we need will come, often from unexpected places. Even those who seek to stop us may end up contributing to the success of God’s work.

So, keep trusting in God’s provision. Just as He did for the Israelites, He will make a way for you, even when opposition rises. He will equip you to fulfill the calling He’s placed on your life, and nothing can stand in the way of His purposes. In moments of uncertainty or challenge, remember that God’s plan is unstoppable, and He is faithful to provide everything you need to succeed.

For Now Isn’t Forever

In our journey through life, we often find ourselves adjusting to our circumstances, whether they be moments of joy or seasons of hardship. This adjustment, while necessary, can sometimes deceive us into believing that our current situation is permanent. Psychologists refer to this tendency as the “status quo bias,” where we assume that the way things are now is how they will continue to be, leading us to resist change or fail to anticipate it.

I experienced this personally when my mother-in-law suffered a brain aneurysm. The aneurysm left her unable to recover, and though her body continued to function, the prognosis was bleak. For five days, our family sat with her in the hospital, watching and waiting. It was shocking how quickly the surreal became routine. The beeping machines, the sterile smell of the hospital, the cost of parking—they all became a new normal. When she finally passed on that fifth day, it felt as though she had died again, as we were jolted out of a reality we had inadvertently settled into.

The story of King Zedekiah demonstrates a similar situation. Zedekiah was granted a temporary reprieve when the Babylonian forces withdrew from Jerusalem to face another threat. Instead of seeking God or using this time to prepare, Zedekiah seemed to assume that this new reality would persist. He mistook the pause in pressure as a lasting peace. But as we read in Jeremiah 37, that peace was fleeting. The Babylonians returned, and Jerusalem’s fate was sealed.

Like Zedekiah, we can easily become complacent, mistaking temporary relief as a permanent state. But as Christians, we are called to live with a different mindset. We are reminded in Scripture to always be vigilant, to be in a constant state of readiness for whatever God may call us to next. We are not to settle into our current circumstances, assuming they will last forever, but rather to trust that God is at work in every season, preparing us for His next move.

Our lives are full of transitions, and while it’s natural to adapt to our surroundings, we must not let our temporary circumstances define our expectations for the future. Whether in times of peace or in the midst of trials, we should continually seek God, asking Him what He desires to teach us and how He wants us to prepare for what lies ahead.

Let us remember that for now isn’t forever. Our trust should not be in the permanence of our circumstances, but in the eternal God who guides us through them. We must remain ready, always seeking, always listening, and always prepared to follow where He leads.

God’s Not Done With You Yet

Even in the darkest moments, when it feels like everything is lost or you’ve strayed too far from God, He still has a plan for you. This truth is powerfully illustrated in the lives of the exiles in Daniel 1 and the prophecy given in Jeremiah 19-20.

In Daniel 1, we see young men from Judah—Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah—taken into Babylonian captivity. Despite Judah’s failures and the exile that resulted, God wasn’t done with these men. In fact, they were chosen for a special purpose: to stand as a testimony to God’s power and faithfulness in a foreign land. They remained committed to God, refusing to defile themselves with the king’s food, and God blessed their faithfulness, giving them wisdom and understanding beyond all others. Their story is a reminder that no matter how far we fall, God can still use us for His glory.

Similarly, in Jeremiah 19-20, the prophet Jeremiah faces immense opposition and personal suffering for delivering God’s message. Yet, God wasn’t done with him either. Even when Jeremiah was persecuted, thrown into stocks, and ridiculed, God continued to sustain him and speak through him. This persistence highlights God’s unwavering commitment to His people and His plan, even when they feel overwhelmed or defeated.

These stories remind us that God is never “done” with us, no matter our past mistakes or current struggles. He continues to love us, guide us, and use us for His purposes. We might face hardships, make mistakes, or feel like we’re not good enough, but God sees beyond our failures. He sees the potential for redemption, growth, and fulfillment of His divine plan in our lives.

When you feel like you’ve messed up too badly or that your circumstances are too bleak, remember that God is still at work. He is patient, loving, and always ready to bring you back into His fold. Trust in His plan, and know that He is not finished with you yet.