Ephesians 4:29 offers us a vital reminder: “You must let no unwholesome word come out of your mouth, but only what is beneficial for the building up of the one in need, that it may give grace to those who hear” (NET). The command here isn’t just about avoiding foul language or gossip but speaks to a... Read More →
At the beginning of Acts, Jesus’ disciples ask Him, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” (Acts 1:6). In their minds, this was the right question. After all, they had walked with Jesus through His ministry, His death, and His resurrection, and the natural next step seemed to be... Read More →
Thomas, one of Jesus’ twelve disciples, is often remembered as “Doubting Thomas” — but this label fails to capture the depth of his character or the significance of his encounter with the risen Christ. Far from rebuking him, Jesus invites Thomas to bring his questions forward and see for himself. This moment shows us that... Read More →
There is a picture in the minds of people about the so-called “Proverbs 31 Woman”. She is quiet, reserved, raises the children, and keeps the home. And maintains a Godly disposition throughout. Frankly, I think this is based on some twisted, idealized Stepford Wife male fantasy… because it is certainly NOT what I read in... Read More →
In the time of King Hezekiah’s rule all the big cities were walled. This helped with protection during a very command-and-conquest period in human civilization. Obviously these walls served a role that is difficult to overstate. This was THE primary method of defence. Just look at what happened to Jericho! How were the Israelites able... Read More →
I was a pretty bright kid. This meant that academically stuff came pretty easy to me. It was even suggested to my parents that I skip ahead a grade. My mother declined that offer, however. And the downside to being a bright kid and having academics come pretty easily to me is that I never... Read More →
Today I decided to write down the overarching theme that I perceived in each Proverb. With each additional Proverb, I would consult my list, if it fit with one of the existing themes, I would add a tick mark beside it, otherwise I would write down a new theme. At the end I counted them... Read More →
Another day in the Proverbs, another day of hearing things that directly challenge and encourage me. I know people refer to the Psalms and Soul Salve, but for me Proverbs fits that bill much better. And today the theme that jumped out and struck me was about listening. About gathering information in order to make... Read More →
It’s fun to look for emerging themes as we read through the Proverbs and today’s theme struck me as the very theme highlighted by a proverb appears TWICE near the beginning and ending of today’s reading. Here it is: There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.... Read More →
We’ve hit the point in Proverbs where there is a steady theme of widsom vs folly, but there isn’t necessarily any connective tissue from one verse to the next as this section is essentially putting forward various scenarios that contrast a wise and foolish approach. As you read through today’s passage you will undoubtedly find... Read More →
Today’s reading has this sort of smackdown between these two personified attributes of wisdom and folly. Both sit on the rooftops, calling out to passers by. So then, while God does not withhold His wisdom, but offers it freely to those who will take it (seemingly as a part of common grace), Satan offers folly... Read More →
As I’ve written about before, we tend to believe that people think about things and will react to think in the same manner that we do — this is the false consensus effect. And it’s funny to me when we watch Solomon warn so effusively about the “immoral woman” (ignoring for a moment that if... Read More →