Tag: Suffering

Christian Shrewdness

The events of Acts 22-23 provide a compelling example of Paul’s remarkable shrewdness. After being arrested in Jerusalem, Paul navigates a labyrinth of danger and intrigue with wisdom and calculated action. Despite his willingness to suffer for Christ, Paul does not recklessly throw himself into harm’s way. Instead, he uses every legal, social, and strategic means available to him to preserve his life and further the Gospel.

When Paul speaks to the crowd in Acts 22, he opens with his personal testimony, appealing to their shared heritage as a Jew and his credibility as a Pharisee. Yet when his words provoke anger, Paul doesn’t stubbornly insist on continuing but leverages his Roman citizenship to avoid a brutal flogging. His claim to citizenship forces the Roman commander to reconsider his actions, effectively granting Paul a layer of protection. Later, in Acts 23, Paul cleverly divides the Sanhedrin by declaring his belief in the resurrection—a doctrine embraced by the Pharisees but rejected by the Sadducees. This causes internal conflict among his accusers, buying him time and shifting the focus away from himself.

This narrative challenges the idea that seeking suffering is somehow more virtuous than avoiding it. Paul’s actions demonstrate that suffering for the Gospel is a willingness to endure hardship when necessary—not an active pursuit of pain or martyrdom. Paul’s ultimate goal remains the spread of the Gospel, and he uses his intellect, legal rights, and social awareness as tools to protect his mission.

As Christians, we are called to emulate Paul’s shrewdness. Jesus Himself instructed His disciples to be “wise as serpents and innocent as doves” (Matthew 10:16). This balance calls us to integrity but also to strategic thinking. We honor God not by walking into unnecessary danger but by stewarding the opportunities and resources He has given us.

Are there situations in your life where you are called to defend your faith or navigate a difficult circumstance? Do you rely on wisdom and prayer to guide your steps, or do you charge ahead without seeking discernment? Paul’s example reminds us that faith and wisdom are not at odds. Both are gifts from God, designed to work together to accomplish His purposes.

Christian shrewdness is not manipulation or dishonesty. It is the faithful use of God-given wisdom to navigate life’s complexities while remaining anchored in truth. Like Paul, we should seek to advance the Gospel with boldness and intelligence, trusting that God equips us for the journey.

Your Best Life Now

The title may give you pause, especially if you’ve heard it used in ways that promise a prosperity-focused, trouble-free existence. Yet as we turn to 2 Corinthians 6:4-13, Paul offers us a very different vision of what “your best life now” truly looks like. It’s not about ease or worldly success but about enduring with integrity and grace through every circumstance life throws at you.

Paul writes, “Rather, as servants of God, we have commended ourselves in every way: in great endurance; in troubles, hardships, and distresses” (v. 4, NET). The list that follows is sobering: beatings, imprisonments, sleepless nights, hunger. It’s a far cry from the kind of life we might associate with the phrase “best life.” Yet Paul calls us to redefine success in light of the Gospel. To live your best life now is to live a life of faithfulness—no matter what.

This passage is not a call to seek suffering for its own sake but to rise above circumstances with integrity and steadfastness. Paul describes a life lived “in purity, in knowledge, in patience, in kindness, in the Holy Spirit, in genuine love” (v. 6). Even when surrounded by opposition, betrayal, or hardship, the call remains the same: to conduct ourselves in a way that reflects God’s character.

Why? Because how we live in the present carries eternal significance. The world may misunderstand, ridicule, or even persecute us, but our worth is not defined by worldly measures. Paul experienced being “sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing everything” (v. 10). This paradox highlights a life deeply anchored in Christ, untouchable by external circumstances.

Here’s the challenge: How do we respond when life feels anything but “best”? When trials come, do we reflect the peace and power of the Spirit, or do we falter in fear and frustration? This isn’t about perfection but about growth—leaning into God’s grace to sustain us when our strength fails.

In verse 13, Paul exhorts the Corinthians, “open wide your hearts also.” The best life is one lived open to God and to others, vulnerable yet strong, humble yet bold. It’s not marked by worldly wealth or comfort but by the richness of a life lived in fellowship with Christ and His people.

So, yes, in Christ, you can live your best life now—but not in the way the world might expect. It’s a life of faithfulness, endurance, and hope, one that glorifies God in all circumstances and points others to Him. And as we endure in this life, we hold to the promise of eternal joy in the life to come.

Are You Worthy of Suffering?

In Acts 5, we see an astonishing response from the apostles. After being arrested and ordered not to speak in the name of Jesus, they remain steadfast, and the authorities have them flogged to intimidate and discourage them. But instead of leaving in pain and discouragement, they leave rejoicing, “because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name” (Acts 5:41). The apostles’ attitude is counterintuitive and deeply inspiring, revealing how they embraced suffering as a sign of faithfulness to Jesus. This response invites us to consider the transformative power of viewing hardship through a Kingdom lens.

When we see suffering for the sake of Christ as a privilege, it shifts our focus. First, it strengthens our resolve. The apostles understood that suffering was part of following Jesus — who Himself was mocked, beaten, and crucified. By identifying with Him in their hardship, they were bolstered rather than broken. This outlook not only encouraged them but reinforced the very core of their message: that Jesus is worth everything, even suffering.

Second, their response affected their persecutors. Joy in suffering defies human logic, especially for those expecting fear and submission. The apostles’ reaction must have confounded the authorities, showing that their faith could not be crushed by physical threats. This boldness makes the Gospel even more compelling, illustrating that God’s love gives a strength that can’t be explained away or easily suppressed.

Finally, this courage impacts those who are watching. Others in the early church would have witnessed the apostles’ joy amid suffering, likely feeling both inspired and emboldened to live with similar dedication. Today, our response to trials can serve as a powerful testimony, inviting others to see that Christ’s worth far surpasses any hardship.

Embracing suffering for Christ reveals the strength of our commitment and provides a powerful witness to others. When we respond with joy, we join the apostles in demonstrating that true life is found in following Jesus, whatever the cost.

The Wounded Healer

During college, I first encountered The Wounded Healer by Henri Nouwen. My program director — Dr. Carl Strutt — put it on the reading list for one of his classes. At the time, I didn’t fully connect with it. Despite my relative poverty growing up in a broken family, I didn’t really understand “wounded-ness” per se. Other than the death of my grandfather when I was in Grade 3, I had never experienced anything that “grieved” me. But as the years went by, I found myself returning to the ideas in Nouwen’s book, especially as I experienced struggles of my own and walked alongside others in theirs. I began to understand the power in acknowledging our own pain and the way it allows us to empathize deeply with those who are hurting. Now, I have come to appreciate The Wounded Healer as a valuable perspective on how God’s love works through us, especially in our weaknesses.

In his account of Jesus’ suffering, John shows us how Christ embodied this idea of the wounded healer in its fullest form. Jesus wasn’t only a wounded healer; He became the very suffering that would ultimately redeem. On the cross, bearing the agony of the physical, emotional, and spiritual wounds inflicted on Him, He extended Himself entirely to meet our deepest needs for healing. The wounds of Christ were no minor affliction; they were wounds that reached to the depths of His being, and by them, we are healed (Isaiah 53:5). Jesus took on the ultimate brokenness to bring us wholeness.

In Nouwen’s language, we might say that Jesus embraced the full weight of human suffering, making His brokenness a bridge of healing for us. Just as Jesus bore the punishment we deserved, we can follow Him by recognizing that our own wounds, while painful, can also be avenues of compassion. Instead of masking our brokenness, we can choose to allow God to work through it to reach others.

So if today finds you carrying wounds — whether from past hurts, recent disappointments, or anything in between — consider how God might be inviting you to use those places of pain to bring comfort to others. Christ took on wounds for us, and He invites us to participate in His ministry by reaching out to others, not in spite of our wounds, but through them.

The Rock and the Stumbling Block: Lessons from Peter’s Journey

In Matthew 16:13-23, we see one of the most remarkable shifts in a disciple’s relationship with Jesus. It begins with Simon Peter’s stunning confession that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the living God. Jesus blesses Peter and renames him: “You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it” (v.18). But just moments later, Peter rebukes Jesus for predicting His suffering and death, and Jesus responds with one of the harshest rebukes in Scripture: “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns” (v.23).

How do we reconcile these two events? How can Peter, in one moment, be called the foundation of the future church, and in the next, be likened to Satan? These contrasting scenes reveal deep truths about Peter’s journey and the tension in our own Christian lives.

When Peter declares that Jesus is the Messiah, he is making a profound statement that demonstrates divine revelation. Jesus emphasizes this by saying, “flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but my Father who is in heaven” (v.17). The name change from Simon to Peter (meaning “rock”) symbolizes stability and strength, qualities that will eventually characterize Peter’s leadership in the early church. Jesus’ promise to build His church on Peter is not simply about the man, but about the confession of faith that Peter makes—that Jesus is the Christ.

This moment is a picture of how God often works in our lives: He reveals truths to us and calls us to things we cannot fully grasp in the moment. Peter’s new name is a sign of the leadership role he will grow into, but it doesn’t mean he is fully formed or without weakness. This is crucial for understanding what follows.

Right after Jesus tells the disciples that He must suffer and die, Peter—likely filled with fear and confusion—takes Him aside and rebukes Him: “Never, Lord! This shall never happen to you!” (v.22). Peter’s reaction, while emotionally understandable, is a rejection of Jesus’ mission. He cannot reconcile the idea of a suffering Messiah with his expectations of a victorious one. But by opposing Jesus’ path to the cross, Peter is unknowingly aligning himself with the same temptation Jesus faced in the wilderness—one that would have Him avoid suffering and take a shortcut to glory.

Jesus’ rebuke of Peter, “Get behind me, Satan!” is not a dismissal of Peter as His disciple but a sharp reminder of the danger of thinking from a purely human perspective. Jesus had just called Peter a “rock,” but in this moment, Peter becomes a “stumbling block.” The Greek word here, skandalon, refers to something that causes someone to trip. Peter, in his attempt to protect Jesus from suffering, becomes an obstacle to God’s plan of salvation.

Peter’s journey in this passage reflects the Christian experience in many ways. First, like Peter, we often receive divine revelation about who Jesus is and what He calls us to, but we may not fully understand the cost or the process. Peter wanted the glory of the Kingdom without the suffering of the cross. How often do we desire the benefits of following Jesus without embracing the hardships or sacrifices?

Second, Peter’s misstep shows us that it’s possible to be both called by God and still get things wrong. Jesus didn’t retract His promise to build the church on Peter after the rebuke. This is an important reminder: even when we fail, God’s calling on our lives remains. Jesus didn’t discard Peter for his misunderstanding; instead, He corrected him and continued to disciple him.

Finally, this passage teaches us that following Jesus means having “in mind the concerns of God, not human concerns” (v.23). It’s easy to be like Peter, to try to fit God’s plans into our limited perspective. But discipleship requires us to trust Jesus’ wisdom, even when it doesn’t align with our expectations. Peter thought he was helping Jesus by telling Him to avoid suffering, but in reality, he was working against God’s redemptive plan. Similarly, we might resist hardship in our own lives, not realizing that God often uses trials to shape us and accomplish His purposes.

Just as Peter had to learn that God’s ways are not his ways, we, too, must submit to Jesus’ lead, even when it takes us to uncomfortable or difficult places. The “rock” Peter would become was formed through a process of refinement, a journey of stumbling and restoration that mirrors the Christian walk.

Grief, Glory, and God’s Eternal Purposes

Grief is a complex and deeply personal experience that manifests in various ways. Some people express it openly, with tears and lament, while others may internalize their sorrow, showing little outward signs of their inner turmoil. The Christian response to grief is multifaceted. We are called to mourn with those who mourn, showing compassion and empathy. Yet, as Christians, our response is also shaped by our hope in Christ and the knowledge that God is sovereign over all circumstances, even the painful ones.

Ezekiel’s experience in chapter 24, where he was commanded not to outwardly mourn the loss of his wife, reminds us that sometimes, grief is not just about expressing sorrow but about trusting in God’s greater plan. Outward expressions of grief can be important, but they are not the ultimate measure of our response to loss. True comfort comes from knowing that, despite the pain and suffering we experience, God is working all things together for His eternal purposes.

This doesn’t always lessen the immediate sting of grief, but it provides a framework for understanding our suffering within the larger context of God’s redemptive plan. We may not always understand the “why” behind our pain, but we can take small comfort in the reality that God is weaving even our grief into His glory-filled purposes.