Tag: Surrender

Supernatural Instincts

Our natural instincts often feel like second nature—habits of thought, emotion, and action that seem to spring from within us effortlessly. But in Jude 1:19, we’re reminded of a sobering truth: living by these instincts alone is a hallmark of those who are “devoid of the Spirit.”

When we live solely by what feels natural, we’re living as though God’s Spirit has no say in our lives. We respond to insults with anger, hoard instead of give, and prioritize comfort over calling. These instincts come naturally because they’re the residue of a fallen world. Left unchecked, they lead to division, selfishness, and spiritual barrenness.

But for those of us who are in Christ, the Spirit is at work, transforming us from the inside out. This transformation is not instantaneous—it’s a lifelong process of replacing natural instincts with Spirit-led responses. Anger becomes patience. Fear gives way to trust. Selfishness shifts toward generosity, and pride dissolves into humility. This change isn’t about suppressing who we are but about becoming who we were created to be. When we listen to the Spirit and yield to His leading, He cultivates within us the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, and more. These virtues are not natural—they’re supernatural, evidence of God’s work in our lives.

Take a moment to reflect: Do your responses to life’s challenges align more with natural instincts or with the Spirit’s guidance? The goal is not perfection but progression. As you continue to walk with Jesus, the Spirit works to align your heart with God’s, enabling you to live beyond instinct. This week, ask the Spirit to highlight one natural instinct that needs to be surrendered to His work. Pay attention to situations that trigger that instinct and pray for His strength to respond differently. Over time, you’ll notice the Spirit’s work replacing what’s natural with what’s holy.

Embracing Contentment: When God Says No

Paul’s thorn in the flesh, as described in 2 Corinthians 12:7-10, is a powerful reminder that God’s answers to prayer aren’t always what we want, but they are always what we need. Paul begged God three times to remove his thorn, but instead of removing it, God offered a profound assurance: “My grace is enough for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” This wasn’t the answer Paul sought, but it was the one he needed to embrace contentment despite his circumstances.

How often do we find ourselves pleading for God to change our situation? Whether it’s a physical ailment, a relational wound, or a persistent obstacle, we want relief, solutions, and comfort. Yet, like Paul, we might hear “no” from God—not because He doesn’t care, but because His grace is shaping us into something greater. It’s in those moments of denial that we discover the richness of His presence and the depth of His sustaining power.

Contentment doesn’t come from having an easy life but from trusting a sovereign God. Paul could say, “I am content with weaknesses, with insults, with troubles, with persecutions and difficulties for the sake of Christ” because he understood that every “no” carried a greater purpose: “For whenever I am weak, then I am strong.” God’s power shines through our limitations, showing that our worth isn’t tied to self-sufficiency but to His all-sufficient grace.

When we embrace contentment, we’re choosing to rest in God’s plan rather than wrestle with it. We may not understand why the thorn remains, but we can trust that He is using it for His glory and our ultimate good. True peace comes not from the absence of struggle but from the presence of Christ in the struggle. His grace sustains us, and His power transforms our weakness into a testimony of His faithfulness.

What are you facing today that feels insurmountable? Have you brought it to God in prayer? If His answer is “no,” can you trust Him to provide the strength you need to endure? Contentment isn’t passive resignation; it’s active faith in the One who knows what’s best for us.

In a world that tells us to fight for comfort and control, Paul’s example invites us to a different way: to boast in our weaknesses and to find joy in God’s strength. When God says no, it’s not a rejection but an invitation—to trust deeper, to lean harder, and to experience His grace more fully than we ever thought possible.

Not All the Answers

At the beginning of Acts, Jesus’ disciples ask Him, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” (Acts 1:6). In their minds, this was the right question. After all, they had walked with Jesus through His ministry, His death, and His resurrection, and the natural next step seemed to be the re-establishment of God’s kingdom. But Jesus, instead of providing a direct answer, redirects their focus. “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority,” He replies, “but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses…” (Acts 1:7-8).

The disciples’ question highlights our common desire for clarity and control. Like them, we often want answers about God’s timeline or specifics of His plan. But Jesus reminds us that some things simply aren’t for us to know. Instead of giving a detailed roadmap, He offers us something better: the Holy Spirit’s guidance and empowerment.

In our own lives, the Holy Spirit continues to guide us through uncertainties. God knows that we, like the disciples, will not always have all the answers, and He encourages us to lean into His presence rather than our understanding. The Spirit’s role is not just to give us information but to transform us into people of faith and trust. As we surrender our need for control, we can grow in faith that God, who holds all knowledge and power, is directing our path.

God asks us to trust Him even when we don’t have all the answers. As Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Our focus is not meant to be on securing every answer, but on becoming more responsive to the Spirit, following Him as He leads us forward with wisdom, patience, and courage.

Humble, Not Hero

In Luke 22, Peter boldly declares that he’s ready to go to prison and even die for Jesus. It’s a passionate commitment, one that shows his desire to be faithful no matter what. But Jesus, in His wisdom, responds with words that pierce through Peter’s confidence: “I tell you, Peter, before the rooster crows today, you will deny three times that you know me.” Peter is certain of his loyalty, yet Jesus knows what’s coming.

How often do we, in a burst of conviction, declare all we will do for God? Like Peter, we can find ourselves wrapped up in a fervor that makes us feel invincible. Yet, there’s a powerful truth here: God doesn’t need our grand statements of loyalty; He wants our surrendered hearts. Instead of telling Him how much we’re willing to do, maybe we should be asking where He wants us to go, allowing Him to direct our steps.

In those moments when we’re tempted to make big promises to God, perhaps it’s more humble and honoring to pause, listen, and ask Him to use us however He sees fit. This doesn’t mean avoiding bold steps of faith. It simply means approaching our relationship with God from a posture of humility, acknowledging that He knows our limits and, just as He did for Peter, offers grace when we fall short.

Jesus intercedes for us, even now, knowing our frailties and loving us through them. He calls us not to be heroes in our own strength but to be faithful followers, trusting that He will work through our willing hearts. When we let go of the need to prove our devotion and embrace a quiet openness to God’s leading, we’re finally in a position to let His strength shine in our weakness.

What Is Jesus Worth To You?

When Jesus told the rich man to sell all he had and give it to the poor, He wasn’t just making a statement about wealth; He was getting to the heart of what really matters to us. Jesus, in His unique way, challenged the rich man—and all of us—to think deeply about what we value most. Is there anything that, if Jesus asked, we would hesitate to give up? For the rich man, his wealth was more than just possessions; it was his security, identity, and comfort. When asked to let it go, he walked away saddened, revealing just how attached he was to something that would eventually fade.

This story doesn’t necessarily mean that every Christian must give away all they own, but it does reveal that we’re each called to hold everything we have with open hands. The point isn’t that Jesus is set on taking everything from us; it’s that He wants us to be willing to place everything in His hands. That includes our wealth, but it extends to our ambitions, our relationships, and even our plans for the future. It’s about who or what sits on the throne of our hearts.

Jesus’ question to the rich man is a question He extends to each of us: What is Jesus worth to you? Is He worth more than your possessions, dreams, or even comfort? True discipleship isn’t about poverty or self-denial for its own sake, but about aligning our hearts with what will truly last. When we recognize that Jesus is our highest treasure, we find that nothing else compares.

Evidence & Excuses

Ever notice how, for some people, there’s never “enough” evidence for God? You could show them miracles, point to transformed lives, or share fulfilled prophecies—but they still hesitate. In Luke 16, Jesus confronts this mindset in the story of the rich man and Lazarus. We meet a man who waited too long. From his place of torment, he begs for someone to warn his brothers, hoping to give them “enough” evidence to believe. But Jesus’ response is stark: “They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them” (Luke 16:29). In other words, the truth is already in front of them if they’re willing to see it.

Jesus’ words reveal something crucial about faith: it isn’t a scavenger hunt for irrefutable proof but a journey of seeking, trusting, and responding to the evidence already present. Often, what we’re really looking for isn’t more evidence but the courage to act on what we know. Like in Matthew 13, Jesus explained that His parables were meant to be understood by those willing to seek—those with open hearts and searching minds.

Our desire for “more proof” can sometimes be a guise for something deeper: a desire to stay in control. A demand for unending evidence often masks our reluctance to submit our lives to a holy God. We may say we want to believe, but often we’re more comfortable holding onto the illusion of self-determination. Admitting that God’s way is true means surrendering to His authority—a step that can feel like losing our grip on our own destiny.

The rich man’s plea for “more” shows us that delaying faith can lead to missing out on the real opportunity to believe—right here, right now. Romans 1 reminds us that God’s nature is evident in creation, and Hebrews 11:6 tells us that “without faith, it is impossible to please God.” Faith begins where control ends, and sometimes our quest for “more proof” only keeps us from seeing the truth that’s already evident.

In our hearts, the question isn’t whether there’s enough evidence. It’s whether we’re willing to act on it—and willing to yield. Today, ask yourself: am I holding back because I truly need more proof, or am I reluctant to give up my own way? God has shown us enough to trust Him. Now, we must decide whether we will.

Prayer 101 with Professor Jesus

Prayer was one of the most profound gifts that Jesus left to His followers, and He didn’t leave us without guidance. In fact, He taught us exactly how to pray in both Matthew and Luke’s Gospels, offering us a template that goes beyond mere words. It shows the heart and posture we should have in our communication with God. But is this prayer meant to be a formula we repeat, or does it highlight the essential attributes our own prayers should reflect?

When Jesus teaches us to pray with the words “Our Father,” He sets the foundation: prayer begins with relationship. God is not some distant deity, but our loving Father. This familial term invites us into a close, intimate space with the Creator of the universe. But it’s not all about us, is it? The phrase continues, “hallowed be Your name.” We are reminded to approach God with reverence, seeking His glory above all else. This balance of intimacy and reverence is crucial—prayer isn’t just casual conversation; it’s communion with the Almighty.

As we move through the Lord’s Prayer, we see a pattern emerge: acknowledge God’s holiness, align ourselves with His kingdom purposes, ask for daily sustenance, and seek forgiveness while extending it to others. This pattern shapes the priorities of prayer. Jesus is showing us that prayer isn’t simply about rattling off requests. It’s about inviting God’s kingdom into our hearts and lives, shaping our desires to match His.

What’s more, Jesus’ teaching on prayer doesn’t stop with the Lord’s Prayer. He goes on to compare God to a neighbor who is initially reluctant to help but finally gives in to persistent knocking (Luke 11:5-8). At first glance, this comparison can seem strange, even irreverent. Why liken God to a reluctant neighbor? Jesus is not saying that God is annoyed by our prayers, but rather highlighting the power of persistence. The point is clear: even a grumpy neighbor eventually responds to persistence. How much more will our loving Father hear us when we come to Him in prayer?

Persistence, reverence, alignment with God’s will, and trust in His provision—these are the marks of prayer that Jesus teaches us. It’s not about mindless repetition, nor is it about manipulating outcomes. Instead, it’s about being deeply rooted in relationship with God, seeking His will, and trusting Him to provide.

When we look at Jesus’ other prayers in the Gospels, such as His prayer in Gethsemane, the same elements are present. Even in His darkest hour, Jesus submits to the Father’s will, trusting in the goodness of God’s plan even when it meant His own suffering. This pattern of trust, surrender, and persistence permeates all of Jesus’ prayers, giving us a clear model for our own.

Ultimately, prayer isn’t about getting what we want. It’s about becoming the kind of people God can use to bring about His kingdom. We pray not to change God’s mind, but to align ourselves with His heart.

From a Trickle to a Torrent: When God’s Life Flows Through You

In Ezekiel 47, we read about a river flowing from the temple, starting as a trickle but quickly becoming a mighty, life-giving stream. As the river moves, it transforms everything in its path, bringing life to barren lands and healing even the salty, lifeless Dead Sea. This vision is more than a geographical restoration; it’s a profound picture of what happens when God’s presence and power flow into our lives.

Like the river in Ezekiel’s vision, God’s work in our lives often starts small. It may begin as a single moment—a prayer, a conviction, an encounter with Him. At first, it’s ankle-deep. We feel the refreshing presence of God, but we’re still in control. But as we step deeper into the flow, we begin to experience something more profound. What starts as a trickle of God’s life begins to swell, transforming not only us but also the areas of our lives that feel barren or lifeless.

The deeper we go, the less control we have—and that’s a good thing. As the river gets stronger, it moves us, reshaping our priorities, our desires, and our hearts. Where there was once spiritual dryness, God brings healing. Where we once felt stagnant, He causes us to flourish. This river is a symbol of God’s uncontainable life, and He invites us to step into its flow, allowing His presence to transform us completely.

But here’s the challenge: many of us are content to stay in the shallow waters. We’re hesitant to surrender fully, fearing what might happen if we lose control. But God calls us to dive deeper, to let His Spirit carry us where we cannot go on our own. Just as the river brings life to everything it touches, when we allow God’s presence to fully immerse us, we become a powerful witness to the source of life and healing for others.

The question for us today is: are we willing to wade deeper? Are we ready to let God take us beyond the comfortable and into the transformative depths of His presence? When we do, the impact isn’t just personal. Like the river in Ezekiel’s vision, God’s work in us will overflow into the world around us, bringing healing, renewal, and life to others.

Exercising Control In Order To Yield It

All to Jesus I surrender,
All to Him I freely give;
I will ever love and trust Him,
In His presence daily live.

I surrender all, I surrender all;
All to Thee, my blessed Savior,
I surrender all.

All To Jesus I Surrender // Judson W. Van DeVenter (1896)

This old hymn exemplifies what I want to focus on in today’s passage. The story of Achan. Israel is given the city of Jericho and Achan decides to keep for himself some of the things to be set aside for consecration to the Lord. Dude literally steals from God.


From God.

But what is interesting is that this one guy — out of a nation of more than 1 million members — decides to go rogue and cuts off the blessing of the Lord for everyone! The Apostle Paul gives this analogy in his first letter to the Corinthians:

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.

1 Corinthians 9:24-27

One rogue member of our body NOT under submission can jeopardize everything. Your hands, eyes, mouth, heart, mind? Is everything ‘disciplined’? Satan only needs a foothold, he is patient and willing to play the long game. He’s not likely to jump out and challenge you to abandon God, but rather take our uncontrolled mouth and use it as a vector for attack that will rob us of the blessing of God. And slowly, insidiously, he will rob us of our imperishable reward. And just like Achar, that one area that went unchecked will disqualify us from receiving the prize that had been waiting for us.

Don’t let any part of you be an Achar, bring every part of you under control. So that you can indeed surrender all to our blessed Saviour.

Joshua 7-9; 1 Chronicles 2:7 | 083/365