Tag: Transformation

Supernatural Instincts

Our natural instincts often feel like second nature—habits of thought, emotion, and action that seem to spring from within us effortlessly. But in Jude 1:19, we’re reminded of a sobering truth: living by these instincts alone is a hallmark of those who are “devoid of the Spirit.”

When we live solely by what feels natural, we’re living as though God’s Spirit has no say in our lives. We respond to insults with anger, hoard instead of give, and prioritize comfort over calling. These instincts come naturally because they’re the residue of a fallen world. Left unchecked, they lead to division, selfishness, and spiritual barrenness.

But for those of us who are in Christ, the Spirit is at work, transforming us from the inside out. This transformation is not instantaneous—it’s a lifelong process of replacing natural instincts with Spirit-led responses. Anger becomes patience. Fear gives way to trust. Selfishness shifts toward generosity, and pride dissolves into humility. This change isn’t about suppressing who we are but about becoming who we were created to be. When we listen to the Spirit and yield to His leading, He cultivates within us the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, and more. These virtues are not natural—they’re supernatural, evidence of God’s work in our lives.

Take a moment to reflect: Do your responses to life’s challenges align more with natural instincts or with the Spirit’s guidance? The goal is not perfection but progression. As you continue to walk with Jesus, the Spirit works to align your heart with God’s, enabling you to live beyond instinct. This week, ask the Spirit to highlight one natural instinct that needs to be surrendered to His work. Pay attention to situations that trigger that instinct and pray for His strength to respond differently. Over time, you’ll notice the Spirit’s work replacing what’s natural with what’s holy.

Building on Faith

“For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith excellence, to excellence, knowledge; to knowledge, self-control; to self-control, perseverance; to perseverance, godliness; to godliness, brotherly affection; to brotherly affection, unselfish love.” — 2 Peter 1:5-7 (NET)

Faith is the cornerstone of the Christian life. It’s where our journey begins—a trust in Jesus as Savior, the firm belief that He has done everything necessary to reconcile us to God. But Peter reminds us that faith is not the end; it’s the foundation. From faith, we’re called to grow, step by step, into the fullness of Christlike maturity.

Peter’s list is a roadmap for spiritual growth, each step flowing naturally into the next. We start with faith, but to it, we add excellence—a pursuit of virtue that reflects God’s holiness. Then comes knowledge, a deepening understanding of God and His ways. This leads to self-control, as we align our desires and actions with God’s will. Perseverance grows as we endure trials, holding fast to hope. Godliness emerges as our hearts become more devoted to Him. Brotherly affection teaches us to love others within the body of Christ, and finally, unselfish love—the highest mark of maturity—extends to all people, even those who oppose us.

This progression is not a ladder we climb in our own strength but an invitation to partner with God’s Spirit in the work of transformation. Faith is the foundation, but growth requires intentional effort—what Peter calls “making every effort” (v. 5). It’s a reminder that spiritual maturity doesn’t happen passively; it’s cultivated by choosing daily to walk with Christ.

Why does this matter? Because faith that doesn’t grow risks stagnating. Peter continues in verse 8, saying that possessing these qualities will keep us from being ineffective or unproductive in our knowledge of Christ. A growing faith shines brightly, drawing others to the source of our hope.

Today, take a moment to reflect: Where are you in this journey? Which area might God be calling you to grow in—excellence, knowledge, self-control, or perhaps love? Wherever you are, take heart. God is at work in you, shaping you into the image of His Son.

Let your faith be more than a starting point. Let it be the foundation for a life transformed by Christ, a life that points others to the One who makes all things new.

How Do You See?

“To the pure, all things are pure. But to those who are corrupt and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but both their minds and consciences are corrupted.” (Titus 1:15, NET)

We often think that the world around us determines how we see things. If life is good, we feel good. If life is bad, we feel bad. But Paul reminds Titus of a deeper truth—everything we experience is filtered through the lens of our own hearts and worldview. What we see and how we interpret it reflects who we are.

To the pure, Paul says, all things are pure. This isn’t naivety; it’s the result of a heart transformed by Christ. A pure heart views the world through the lens of grace, love, and trust in God. It seeks the good. It extends charity. It assumes the best intentions and sees opportunities for redemption, even in brokenness.

But to the corrupt, nothing is pure. Why? Because a corrupt heart projects its own intentions outward. Someone who lives in dishonesty assumes others are lying too. A bitter person sees only offense. A lustful heart objectifies. An unbelieving mind interprets everything as meaningless. In other words, our perception of the world becomes a mirror reflecting what’s already in us.

Jesus said something similar: “For the mouth speaks from what fills the heart” (Matthew 12:34). What’s in us comes out—not just in our words, but in how we see and interact with everything. If we’re holding onto sin, anger, or doubt, we’ll project that onto people, situations, and even God. But if we’re holding fast to Christ, we’ll see the world differently.

This truth calls us to examine our hearts. If cynicism, suspicion, or negativity seem to dominate your thoughts, ask: What am I filtering life through? Is my heart shaped by the purity of God’s truth, or am I projecting my brokenness onto the world?

The beauty of the Gospel is that Christ doesn’t leave us trapped in corruption. He transforms our hearts, renews our minds, and purifies our conscience. When we walk in that transformation, we begin to see life for what it really is: a place where God is working, redeeming, and calling us to reflect His goodness.

Today, consider your lens. Are you interpreting life through the purity of Christ, or through the corruption of your own brokenness? Surrender your heart to Him and let Him renew how you see—because the condition of your heart determines the clarity of your vision.

Paul’s Lost Letter: Sometimes We Need to Be Rebuked

Rebuke isn’t something we naturally seek out. It stings, wounds our pride, and can leave us feeling vulnerable. But in 2 Corinthians 7, Paul shows us that rebuke—when done with love and a heart for restoration—has the power to bring life-changing results.

Paul refers to a letter he had written to the Corinthians, now lost to us, in which he rebuked them sharply. He admits he regretted sending it at first, knowing it caused them sorrow. But he also acknowledges that their sorrow wasn’t pointless; it was a godly sorrow that brought repentance and spiritual renewal. Instead of wallowing in shame or rejecting his words, the Corinthians allowed the rebuke to change them. They responded with zeal, clearing themselves of wrongdoing and realigning their hearts with God.

This passage teaches us a profound truth: rebuke, though uncomfortable, can be an incredible gift. Sometimes we need others to speak truth into our lives, pointing out blind spots or sin we’ve grown too comfortable with. Receiving rebuke requires humility, the willingness to admit we’re not always right, and the courage to change.

On the other hand, giving rebuke isn’t easy either. Paul didn’t relish the thought of confronting the Corinthians. He wrote with tears, not anger, because his goal wasn’t to hurt but to heal. True rebuke comes from a place of love, not superiority, and seeks restoration, not condemnation. It’s not about pointing out flaws to tear someone down but about calling them back to the fullness of life in Christ.

Ultimately, rebuke is a means of grace. When we lean into it, whether as the giver or the receiver, we experience the transforming work of the Gospel. It reminds us that God’s desire isn’t to leave us in our brokenness but to restore and renew us. Rebuke, though painful, is often the first step toward deeper fellowship with Him.

So how do you handle rebuke? Do you resist it, or do you allow it to refine you? Are you willing to lovingly confront others when God calls you to, even if it’s uncomfortable? Let’s remember that the goal is always restoration and the joy that comes when we align ourselves fully with God’s will.

What Does It Mean to Worship “In the Spirit”?

In John 4, Jesus has an unexpected conversation with a Samaritan woman. As they talk, the topic of worship comes up. The woman points out that Jews worship in Jerusalem, while her people, the Samaritans, worship on Mount Gerizim. She’s focused on the location — the outward, physical expression of worship. But Jesus turns her understanding upside down when He says, “God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24).

At that time, worship was deeply tied to physical places and rituals. For the Jews, worship meant making sacrifices at the Temple in Jerusalem. For the Samaritans, it was about their sacred site on Mount Gerizim. Worship involved tangible, fleshly acts like offering animals, burning incense, and performing rituals. It was all very external, based on visible actions that could be seen and measured.

But Jesus reveals something revolutionary: true worship isn’t about the right location or the right ritual. Worship is about connecting with God on a deeper, spiritual level — “in spirit.” God is not confined to one place or bound by physical forms. He is spirit, and so our worship must be spiritual too.

What does it mean to worship in spirit?

Worshipping in spirit means engaging with God beyond external acts. It’s not about just attending a service, singing songs, or going through the motions. It’s about our hearts being fully involved — a connection that goes beyond what we do and reaches into who we are. It’s a worship that is alive, personal, and sincere.

Reflect for a moment: How often do we let worship become a routine? Do we sometimes show up physically but forget to show up spiritually? Worshipping in spirit challenges us to move past the surface. It calls us to dig deeper, to approach God with genuine reverence and openness.

This doesn’t mean we abandon the outward expressions of worship. Attending church, singing, and praying together are all important. But the key is what’s happening inside. When we worship, are we really connecting with God? Are we letting the Holy Spirit guide our hearts and minds, or are we just checking off a box?

What about worship in truth?

Jesus adds that we must worship in truth. This means that our worship is based on a real understanding of who God is. It’s rooted in the truth of Scripture and the reality of God’s character. Worship in spirit without truth can become emotionalism — a vague sense of connection without a firm foundation. But worship in truth without spirit can become dry and mechanical, just going through the motions without real engagement.

Think about your own worship: Do you feel deeply connected to God, and is that connection grounded in the truth of His Word?

Why does this matter today?

In our modern world, it’s easy to let worship become just another part of our schedule. We attend church, sing the songs, say the prayers, but it’s possible to go through the motions without engaging our spirit. Jesus calls us to something more — to a worship that’s alive, personal, and real.

God desires our hearts, not just our attendance. He wants us to connect with Him in a way that transforms us from the inside out. Worshipping in spirit and in truth allows us to move beyond ritual and enter into a real relationship with the living God. It’s not about getting everything right on the outside; it’s about letting God work deeply on the inside.

Next time you’re in a moment of worship — whether it’s at church, at home, or anywhere in between — pause and ask yourself: Am I worshipping in spirit and in truth? Am I fully engaged with God? Am I allowing the Holy Spirit to guide my heart and mind, while grounding my worship in the truth of who God is?

Accidental Righteousness? I Don’t Think So

In Haggai 2, the prophet speaks to the remnant of Israel after their return from exile, addressing their efforts to rebuild the temple. In verses 10–19, God uses a powerful illustration to make a point about purity and defilement. He asks the priests whether holiness can be transferred through mere contact, and the answer is no. But when He asks if defilement can spread through touch, the answer is yes. The message is clear: sin easily defiles, but righteousness doesn’t simply “rub off” on others.

This context is vital to understanding the heart of Haggai’s message. The people had returned from exile and were working on restoring the temple, but their hearts were still not fully aligned with God. Despite their physical efforts, their spiritual state mattered most. The external work they were doing wouldn’t make them righteous before God if their hearts remained impure. Sin, like a disease, contaminates easily, and their efforts—while good—couldn’t cleanse them of their sinful tendencies.

For us today, the application is profound. Sin spreads easily in our lives. It creeps in through the smallest cracks—our thoughts, attitudes, habits, and relationships. It doesn’t take much for our hearts to be tainted by pride, anger, jealousy, or selfishness. Righteousness, however, is not something that happens accidentally or passively. It requires intentional pursuit and devotion to God. Just as the Israelites couldn’t rely on the temple to make them holy, we can’t assume that simply attending church or reading the Bible without engagement will make us righteous.

We are fertile ground for sin, and it is our default state unless we actively seek God and allow His Spirit to transform us. The world around us often promotes values and behaviors that can easily defile our hearts and minds, and if we aren’t careful, those influences can take root. But righteousness requires effort. It demands that we choose, day by day, to walk in obedience to Christ, to reject sin, and to cultivate the fruits of the Spirit in our lives.

God’s grace is what enables us to pursue righteousness, but it doesn’t remove the need for effort. We must be intentional in our pursuit of holiness, knowing that it is by God’s power, not our own, that we grow in righteousness. Like the Israelites rebuilding the temple, we need to focus not only on the external aspects of our faith but also on the condition of our hearts. We must be vigilant, always seeking to uproot sin and replace it with the righteousness that comes through Christ.

From a Trickle to a Torrent: When God’s Life Flows Through You

In Ezekiel 47, we read about a river flowing from the temple, starting as a trickle but quickly becoming a mighty, life-giving stream. As the river moves, it transforms everything in its path, bringing life to barren lands and healing even the salty, lifeless Dead Sea. This vision is more than a geographical restoration; it’s a profound picture of what happens when God’s presence and power flow into our lives.

Like the river in Ezekiel’s vision, God’s work in our lives often starts small. It may begin as a single moment—a prayer, a conviction, an encounter with Him. At first, it’s ankle-deep. We feel the refreshing presence of God, but we’re still in control. But as we step deeper into the flow, we begin to experience something more profound. What starts as a trickle of God’s life begins to swell, transforming not only us but also the areas of our lives that feel barren or lifeless.

The deeper we go, the less control we have—and that’s a good thing. As the river gets stronger, it moves us, reshaping our priorities, our desires, and our hearts. Where there was once spiritual dryness, God brings healing. Where we once felt stagnant, He causes us to flourish. This river is a symbol of God’s uncontainable life, and He invites us to step into its flow, allowing His presence to transform us completely.

But here’s the challenge: many of us are content to stay in the shallow waters. We’re hesitant to surrender fully, fearing what might happen if we lose control. But God calls us to dive deeper, to let His Spirit carry us where we cannot go on our own. Just as the river brings life to everything it touches, when we allow God’s presence to fully immerse us, we become a powerful witness to the source of life and healing for others.

The question for us today is: are we willing to wade deeper? Are we ready to let God take us beyond the comfortable and into the transformative depths of His presence? When we do, the impact isn’t just personal. Like the river in Ezekiel’s vision, God’s work in us will overflow into the world around us, bringing healing, renewal, and life to others.

Perspective on Perspective

I’ve always said that a change in perspective changes everything else, and that really came to the fore for me today. When we read prophetic books like Jeremiah, it’s easy to imagine that the “wicked people” he rebukes are those far from God, outsiders to the faith. But the more I read them the more a chilling realization set in: these are not outsiders he’s addressing—they’re believers, people who are supposed to be part of the family of God.

This shift in perspective changes everything. The harsh words and dire warnings take on a new weight when we recognize that they’re directed inward, toward those who claim to know God but live as though He doesn’t exist. It’s a reminder that being a believer isn’t just about belonging to the right group or knowing the right things; it’s about living in alignment with God’s will.

God’s rebukes through Jeremiah are a call to self-examination. Are we merely believers in name, or are we actively pursuing a life that reflects God’s holiness and love? The people of Judah had allowed their faith to become hollow, a mere shell of what it was supposed to be. They had the outward appearance of God’s people but lacked the inward devotion and obedience that He desires.

This perspective forces us to ask hard questions about our own faith. Are there areas in our lives where we’re just going through the motions? Do we, like the people of Judah, take God’s grace for granted, assuming that our status as believers exempts us from true repentance and transformation?

Jeremiah’s message is a call to wake up. To see ourselves as God sees us and to let that perspective drive us toward deeper faithfulness. It’s not enough to be part of the family of God in name only; we must live as true children of God, fully committed to His ways.

The Whole Council of God

In 2 Kings 22:8-13 and 2 Chronicles 34:14-21, we read about a significant moment in Judah’s history. During the reign of King Josiah, the high priest Hilkiah discovered the Book of the Law in the temple. This discovery had a profound impact on Josiah and the nation. Upon hearing the words of the Book of the Law, Josiah tore his clothes in distress, recognizing the severity of Judah’s deviation from God’s commandments.

This narrative draws a powerful parallel to our contemporary experience. Just as the Book of the Law lay hidden and neglected in the temple, we often have Bibles in our homes that we rarely open. Even when we do engage with Scripture, we may limit ourselves to familiar and comfortable passages, such as the Gospels or certain New Testament epistles, neglecting the full breadth and depth of God’s Word.

Josiah’s reaction to the rediscovered Scriptures emphasizes the transformative power of engaging with the entirety of God’s Word. The Scriptures were not just historical documents for Josiah; they were alive and active, revealing God’s will and calling His people back to Him. This same dynamic is available to us today. When we restrict our reading to only certain parts of the Bible, we miss out on the comprehensive revelation of who God is and what He desires for us.

The rediscovery of the Book of the Law led to a national revival. Josiah read the words of the Law to all the people and renewed the covenant with the Lord, pledging to follow Him wholeheartedly. This act of seeking and valuing God’s Word brought about significant reform and renewal in Judah. Similarly, when we fully engage with Scripture, allowing all of its parts to speak into our lives, we experience personal and communal transformation.

A real-life example of this might include committing to read through the entire Bible, not just the parts we are most comfortable with. This could involve a structured reading plan that ensures we encounter the full scope of God’s Word. By doing so, we gain a more complete understanding of God’s character, His plans, and His purposes. We are reminded of His holiness and justice, His love and mercy, and His call for us to live in a way that honors Him.

Just as Josiah’s discovery of the Book of the Law led to a revival in Judah, our renewed commitment to seeking God’s Word in its entirety can bring about spiritual awakening and transformation in our lives and communities. Let us follow Josiah’s example, valuing the whole of Scripture and allowing it to shape our hearts and actions.

Reflection Questions:

  1. How can you commit to reading the entire Bible and not just the parts you are most comfortable with?
  2. In what ways has reading less familiar parts of the Bible transformed your understanding of God?
  3. How can you encourage others to seek and value the fullness of Scripture?