Tag: Genesis 30

God Could Never Use Me

How many of us have uttered this sentence, or held this thought?

If ever you feel like you’re too messed up to be used by God, read the Bible. See how He uses deeply flawed people to accomplish His purposes all the time.

Just in today’s passage; Jacob is cheated by Laban, so he rigs the system to get Laban back and Rachel steals from her father’s house and lies to his face about it.

This is the man who would become the namesake for Israel and the woman who gave birth to two of the 12 tribes of Israel. They are NOT insignificant contributors! God even appears to the unbeliever Laban to issue a warning.

The point is this: no amount of human sin or interference will stop God from achieving His plans.

So you should worry less about being perfect, and more about recognizing your sin and submitting yourself to God.

Remember David wasn’t a person patterned after God’s heart, but a deeply flawed person seeking after God’s heart.

So should we all be.

Genesis 30:25-31:55 | 011/365

What Does God Feel Like?

God appears to Jacob in a dream and confirms His covenant with Abraham. Gods words are positive and encouraging, yet Jacob was afraid. Understanding the awesome power of the one true God. And after this encounter with the Lord, he erects a monument to God, and to mark a place of worship.

There are times when God feels far and there are times when God feels near. We should make note of those times when God is near. When He shows Himself to us in powerful ways. Because those monuments, those markers, will remind us of God’s faithfulness in the times of trial, suffering, and reproof.

And remember that even when we don’t “feel” it, He is still Emmanuel, God with us.

Genesis 28:6-30:24 | 010/365