Everything is a Gift from the Lord… Even That!

Today's Reading: Ecclesiastes 7:1-11:6


Our church recently brought on a young man as a pastoral intern who was in charge of the music ministry. I told him that this position was a lightning rod and to mentally prepare for people to be upset with choice he made. But I also said he should do what he can to learn something from every interaction. Good and bad. Sometimes people will encourage us. Sometimes people will offer constructive criticism. But sometimes people will offer destructive criticism and try to tear us down. Those times suck. However, even when that happens, we can still learn from it. What nugget of truth was wrapped in that scathing remark that can be taken and applied?

My wife recently returned from a women’s retreat and was challenged there about trials. The women there were told to “Not let this trial go to waste”. This is the same idea, wrapped up in a concise and repeatable phrase. We can’t suffer only for suffering’s sake! That is crazy. Instead we should think of it like building a muscle. Yeah, it hurts in the moment. But we will be all the stronger for it later.

Now, I’m not much of a write-in-your-Bible guy, but this verse is highlighted in my daily devo Bible.

Enjoy prosperity while you can,
    but when hard times strike, realize that both come from God.
    Remember that nothing is certain in this life.

Ecclesiastes 7:14

Remember that whatever situation you find yourself in, it is not by accident! God has done this on purpose. How does He want you to grow? What can you learn for future application? What purpose does the Lord have for this season of your life?