Zeal Gone Awry

Today's Reading: Mark 14:53-15:1; Matthew 26:57-27:10; Luke 22:54-62, 66-71; John 18:25-27


The trial of Jesus before the Sanhedrin is one of the most tragic displays of religious zeal gone wrong. Convinced of their duty to protect God’s honor, the religious leaders allowed their passions and mob mentality to override justice, mercy, and reason. What should have been a trial became a forum for slander, manipulation, and violence, with many of the leaders and bystanders becoming part of a vicious cycle. Jesus, the very person they were supposed to recognize as the Messiah, was instead labeled a blasphemer and beaten in their outrage.

We all have passions and causes we care deeply about. In fact, a righteous zeal can be powerful when we’re moved by a godly cause. But zeal without humility and discernment can lead us to the same dangers faced by the Sanhedrin. Their unwavering conviction left no room for compassion or introspection. How often do we see, even in ourselves, that good intentions and passionate defense of our beliefs can devolve into defensiveness, anger, or even cruelty when we feel challenged?

The actions of the Sanhedrin remind us to remain humble, recognizing that zeal for truth or righteousness must be tempered with God’s Spirit. Jesus taught us to turn the other cheek, to walk with humility, and to love even our enemies. When we lose sight of these teachings, our own zeal can go awry, blinding us to the heart of God’s message and turning us into people we would later be ashamed to recognize.

We’re called to balance conviction with compassion, courage with humility, and action with prayer. May we be passionate for God’s kingdom and its values, but may we also be vigilant, that we never sacrifice our character in the process. When our hearts are governed by the love of Christ, we can stand firm in the truth without losing our way to the passions that seek to rule us.