During college, I first encountered The Wounded Healer by Henri Nouwen. My program director — Dr. Carl Strutt — put it on the reading list for one of his classes. At the time, I didn’t fully connect with it. Despite my relative poverty growing up in a broken family, I didn’t really understand “wounded-ness” per se. Other than the... Read More →
In John 12:37-50, we find Jesus quoting Isaiah 6:10, a passage where God says He will “blind their eyes and harden their hearts” so that they will not understand or turn to Him. On first glance, it sounds as though God is actively working to prevent people from believing. But as we dig deeper, a... Read More →
In Luke 7:36-50, we find the story of a sinful woman who interrupts a dinner at the house of a Pharisee named Simon. She falls at the feet of Jesus, weeping, and pours expensive perfume on His feet, wiping them with her hair. Simon is shocked that Jesus would allow this woman, known for her... Read More →
Today’s reading from Isaiah 63:15-66:24 unveils a profound narrative where God appeals to His people, calling them out of their rebellion and into a relationship with Him. This passage vividly illustrates how God reaches out, not just through spiritual means, but through a comprehensive appeal that encompasses historical, scientific, and logical evidence, all of which... Read More →
In Isaiah 58, the prophet addresses a people who are outwardly religious but whose hearts are far from God. They fast and engage in rituals, yet their actions are marred by injustice and a lack of compassion. The text reveals a profound disconnect between their religious observances and their daily behavior. Despite their fervent practices,... Read More →
As I read through Isaiah today, I was struck by the profound transformation in the relationship between God and His people. The manifestation of God’s anger is pivotal in this shift. Throughout the Old Testament, we see God’s anger depicted as wrath and judgement, yet still aiming to guide His people back to righteousness. However,... Read More →
The passage from Isaiah 48:12-52:12 spans God’s assurance of His unchanging nature, His promise of redemption, and the Servant’s role in bringing salvation. Throughout these chapters, the underlying message is clear: God’s power and judgment are eternal, while human opinions and actions are fleeting. Isaiah 48:12-13 emphasizes God’s eternal sovereignty: “Listen to me, Jacob, Israel,... Read More →
Isaiah 48:10 speaks of God’s refining process, a crucial aspect of His relationship with Israel and His people today. This verse is part of a larger section (Isaiah 44:6-48:11) where God emphasizes His sovereignty, the futility of idols, and His commitment to redeem and refine His people. In these chapters, God declares His uniqueness and... Read More →
In Isaiah 40:28-31, we are reminded of the vast difference between human strength and God’s inexhaustible power. The prophet Isaiah writes: Isaiah 40:28-31 (NIV): Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his... Read More →
In the narratives of 2 Kings, Isaiah, and 2 Chronicles, we read about a moment in King Hezekiah’s life that serves as a profound lesson for all of us. After recovering from a life-threatening illness through God’s miraculous intervention, Hezekiah proudly shows the envoys from Babylon all the treasures of his kingdom. This act of... Read More →
The satirical words of Lisa Simpson, “Prayer, the last refuge of a scoundrel,” reflect a common cultural perception: that prayer is a desperate act, a last-ditch effort when all else fails. While this may be true for some, it stands in stark contrast to the biblical understanding of prayer as the believer’s first and most... Read More →
During today’s reading I was struck by Micah’s unflinching indictment of the people of Israel: “Your inhabitants are liars and their tongues speak deceitfully.” This isn’t just a casual mention of dishonesty; it’s a profound commentary on the state of their hearts. They had become so accustomed to lying that it had woven itself into... Read More →