James doesn’t pull any punches. When he calls out his audience for their divided loyalties, he labels it plainly: “Adulterers!” (James 4:4). This isn’t a gentle nudge toward improvement; it’s a wake-up call. Why such strong language? Because spiritual adultery isn’t a minor slip. It’s a betrayal of covenant love, a heart chasing after other... Read More →
The phrase “Judge not, lest ye be judged” has become a cultural catchphrase, often used to discourage any form of moral discernment. Yet in 1 Corinthians 5, Paul offers a strikingly different perspective, reminding us that judging is not only appropriate in some contexts—it’s necessary. Paul tells the Corinthian church to cast out a brother... Read More →
Thomas, one of Jesus’ twelve disciples, is often remembered as “Doubting Thomas” — but this label fails to capture the depth of his character or the significance of his encounter with the risen Christ. Far from rebuking him, Jesus invites Thomas to bring his questions forward and see for himself. This moment shows us that... Read More →
The resurrection story holds an often-overlooked moment of redemption that goes all the way back to Eden. On that early morning, while the men hid in fear, a small group of women went to the tomb of Jesus, carrying spices and love for their crucified Teacher. What they found was earth-shattering: the stone was rolled... Read More →
During college, I first encountered The Wounded Healer by Henri Nouwen. My program director — Dr. Carl Strutt — put it on the reading list for one of his classes. At the time, I didn’t fully connect with it. Despite my relative poverty growing up in a broken family, I didn’t really understand “wounded-ness” per se. Other than the... Read More →
In the trials of Jesus, we witness a profound failure of justice. Jesus, innocent in every sense, is passed between leaders who recognize His innocence yet bow to the pressure of an angry mob. Human justice, whether in the hands of Pilate, Herod, or the Sanhedrin, fails Him utterly. Jesus stands silent before men who... Read More →
The trial of Jesus before the Sanhedrin is one of the most tragic displays of religious zeal gone wrong. Convinced of their duty to protect God’s honor, the religious leaders allowed their passions and mob mentality to override justice, mercy, and reason. What should have been a trial became a forum for slander, manipulation, and... Read More →
The account of Peter in Gethsemane is a stirring reminder of how human we are, even when we deeply desire to follow Jesus. Peter, who had walked with Christ, witnessed miracles, and even claimed he would follow Him to the death, shows us that the spirit is indeed willing, but the flesh is weak (Matthew... Read More →
In Luke 22, Peter boldly declares that he’s ready to go to prison and even die for Jesus. It’s a passionate commitment, one that shows his desire to be faithful no matter what. But Jesus, in His wisdom, responds with words that pierce through Peter’s confidence: “I tell you, Peter, before the rooster crows today,... Read More →
In John 13, Jesus took a basin and towel to wash the disciples’ feet, a humbling act of service that challenged their understanding of cleanliness and purity. When Peter hesitated, Jesus gently reminded him that, while he was already “clean,” his feet still needed washing. Jesus wasn’t just talking about physical cleanliness—He was highlighting a... Read More →
In the Olivet Discourse, Jesus presents a sweeping vision of future events, but His primary focus is not the “when” of His return. Instead, He emphasizes how we should live as we wait. With each reference to “wars and rumors of wars” and natural upheavals, Jesus reminds His followers that these are “birth pains”—a hint of what’s... Read More →
When Jesus watched the widow place two small coins in the temple treasury, He remarked that her offering was worth more than all the others. The wealthy were giving large sums, but it came from their abundance—they had enough left over that they wouldn’t miss what they gave. But this widow gave everything she had.... Read More →