Tag: Luke 2

From Bloodline to Faith: Jesus’ Better Covenant

John’s powerful rebuke to the crowds gathered at the Jordan River reveals a profound shift in God’s plan for salvation. When John tells the crowd that their claim to Abraham as their forefather isn’t enough to save them (Matthew 3:9), he’s laying the groundwork for a new covenant that Jesus would usher in—a covenant that wasn’t based on bloodline but on faith. This is a critical moment in understanding the transition from the old way of thinking, where lineage determined your identity as part of God’s people, to the new way, where it’s faith in Christ that defines who belongs to God.

In the Old Testament, the promise to Abraham was deeply connected to his descendants—God chose Abraham and promised that through his offspring, all nations would be blessed (Genesis 12:3). The Jewish people took pride in being Abraham’s physical descendants, as this bloodline represented their covenant relationship with God. But John’s rebuke highlights a truth that had been foreshadowed throughout the Old Testament: salvation has always been about more than just physical descent.

Even before Jesus came, there were those who were saved not by their bloodline but by their faith. Rahab, a Canaanite prostitute, was not part of the family of Abraham by blood, yet she is included in the genealogy of Jesus because of her faith and her actions in protecting the Israelite spies (Joshua 2, Matthew 1:5). Similarly, Ruth, a Moabite widow, was not an Israelite by birth, but her faithfulness to God and her trust in His provision brought her into the fold of God’s people (Ruth 1:16, Ruth 4). These women—outsiders by all human standards—were saved by their faith, and they became part of the lineage through which Jesus, the Savior, came.

What John was doing in his rebuke was preparing the people for the truth that Jesus would soon reveal: that God’s plan had always been bigger than a single nation or bloodline. Jesus came to bring that plan to completion, fulfilling the promises made to Abraham while expanding them. No longer would salvation be confined to those who could trace their ancestry back to Abraham; now, anyone who has faith in Christ is considered a child of Abraham (Galatians 3:7). Jesus took the bloodline of Abraham, the promise made to one family, and fulfilled it so completely that it could be opened up to the whole world.

This is incredibly good news for us today because it means that salvation is not something we inherit or earn through who we are or what we do. It’s a gift of grace that comes through faith in Jesus. Just like Rahab and Ruth, we are invited into God’s family, not by our lineage or our efforts, but by trusting in Him. And just as they were counted righteous through their faith before Jesus’ death and resurrection, we are now made right with God through the finished work of Jesus on the cross.

This message is particularly significant in our time, where people often find their identity in their background, status, or achievements. Jesus’ invitation is open to all, regardless of their past, their family, or their mistakes. The promise that began with Abraham, was carried through his bloodline, and was fulfilled in Jesus is now extended to all who would believe.

In Jesus, the bloodline of Abraham is brought to completion, and a new, better promise is made available to us all: salvation through faith. Just as Rahab and Ruth were brought into God’s family by faith, so too can we become part of His family, united not by blood, but by the Spirit of God that draws us to faith in Christ. That is the true fulfillment of God’s plan and the good news we celebrate today.

Empowered to Speak: The Holy Spirit’s Work in Us

As we read through Luke 1:39-2:40 and Matthew 1:18-25, one pattern stands out: when the Holy Spirit filled people, they spoke prophetic words. Elizabeth, Zechariah, Simeon—all of them, when filled with the Spirit, declared truths about God’s promises and the Messiah. Even the angel’s words to Joseph can be seen as a Spirit-inspired message, guiding him to protect and nurture Jesus.

This pattern shows that when the Holy Spirit moves, He empowers His people to proclaim God’s truth boldly. What lessons can we draw from this today?

1. The Holy Spirit Still Moves

First, it’s clear that the Holy Spirit is active. Just as He filled these people at critical moments in salvation history, He continues to fill and empower believers today. We are called to recognize and welcome His presence in our lives. The Spirit is not just a distant force; He is personal and present, ready to guide, strengthen, and inspire us in our walk with Christ.

2. Prophetic Words are Spirit-Led

When the Spirit filled Elizabeth, Zechariah, and Simeon, they spoke truths about God’s promises. These were not random thoughts but divinely inspired words of prophecy. Today, while the specifics of prophecy may differ, the principle remains: the Holy Spirit empowers us to speak truth, often in ways that bring encouragement, correction, or guidance.

This doesn’t mean we all have the “gift of prophecy” in the same way, but it does mean that God’s Spirit can move through us to share His message with others, whether in words of wisdom, comfort, or exhortation.

3. Proclaiming God’s Faithfulness

Another lesson from these passages is how often the prophetic words pointed to God’s faithfulness to His promises. Simeon, for example, praised God for allowing him to see the fulfillment of the promise he had waited for: the Messiah. When the Spirit fills us today, He often leads us to declare God’s faithfulness, reminding ourselves and others that God’s promises still hold true.

Sometimes we face seasons where it’s hard to believe in God’s promises. Yet, just as Simeon waited with expectation, we can trust that God’s Spirit will sustain us in hope and prompt us to speak words of life when the time is right.

4. We Are Empowered to Speak Boldly

Elizabeth’s response when Mary came to visit was immediate and bold. She didn’t hold back; she declared Mary blessed among women and praised God for the child she carried. The Holy Spirit gives us courage to speak out in truth and love. Sometimes we hesitate to speak up, whether due to fear of rejection or doubt, but the Spirit empowers us to share what needs to be said, especially when it comes to pointing people to Jesus.

5. The Spirit’s Work is Always Christ-Centered

In each instance of prophecy in these passages, the message pointed to Jesus. The Holy Spirit’s primary mission is to reveal and glorify Christ (John 16:14), and this is true for us today. When we are filled with the Spirit, we should expect that our words and actions will reflect Jesus and His Kingdom. Whether in a conversation, a moment of prayer, or even through our lifestyle, the Spirit will move us to point others to Christ.

The Takeaway

What we see in Luke 1 and Matthew 1 is the Holy Spirit filling people not just for their benefit but for the sake of proclaiming God’s truth. Today, the same Spirit that moved in the lives of Elizabeth, Zechariah, and Simeon is available to us, empowering us to speak boldly, proclaim God’s faithfulness, and point others to Jesus.

As we allow the Holy Spirit to fill us, we should be ready to speak words of encouragement, truth, and hope to those around us. May we be open to His leading, and like these figures in the Gospels, may we have the courage to declare God’s greatness in every opportunity we are given.