Can God Still Work Through Me If I Suck?

Today's Reading: Psalm 83; 1 Chronicles 29:23-35; 2 Chronicles 1:2-13; 1 Kings 2:13-3:15


I’ll just say it, I find David’s orders to his son to kill Joab and Shimei to be deeply troubling. If Joab had done something worthy of death, then David should have killed him. But David did not, likely because Joab provided an incredible amount of utility to him. Then There’s Shimei, who had cursed David, but then changed his tune and came around to serve David. Combine that with the fact that David promised Shimei that he would not kill him, and the command to Solomon to do so comes off even worse! And these are part of the keys to the kingdom that David gives to his son! It’s no wonder then that Solomon also kills his own brother for a presumed coup (that is, asking to marry a girl who had “helped keep David warm”) and then dismisses the high priest — Abiathar — who had supported Adonaijah’s presumed ascent to the throne. This all seems much more like revenge and consolidation of power than it does one Godly king passing the throne to another.

It’s not until AFTER this that Solomon asks God for wisdom to lead well. Solomon’s actions in his personal life would lead him away from God, and his son would ultimately divide the kingdom of Israel. Solomon is a case study in the utter folly of human wisdom. And while David gets a lot of credit for being super awesome, that’s not what I see. I see a man who was deeply flawed, a poor father, a poor husband, a middling king, and a great military leader. The only thing David really had going for him was that — despite is glaring flaws — his heart was genuine and earnest in it’s longing for God.

What made David great in history? That God used him. What made Solomon great in history? That God used him. And if God can use these two exceptionally flawed men, He can use you! No matter how bad you THINK you are, God can use you! Do you really believe that God is so weak that He can only use perfect vessels?! His power is made perfect in weakness!

Think about this: God worked through Pharaoh! God worked through Balaam. God worked through Balaam’s donkey! The Bible is rife with examples of even people who HATED God being used by Him to accomplish His purposes. Now, salvation is a separate issue. I think we would all rather be a flawed-but-saved David than a used-but-damned Pharaoh. But the point remains…

You’re never too flawed to be used by God!